
Institutionalized Tyranny

March 28, 2014

What happens when an institution becomes more important than the cause for which the institution was formed? How long should people who believe in the cause remain loyal to such an institution? And at what point does loyalty to such an institution comprise an abandonment of the cause itself? I’m afraid the majority of Americans have been institutionalized in a manner not unlike the way prisoners are institutionalized after a long period of confinement. After a point, a prisoner is so conditioned to accepting the circumstances... Read article

Follow-Up On Our Corrupt U.S. Congress

March 28, 2014

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.” Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions... Read article

The Economic Scam of the Century

March 27, 2014

The leaders of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee,  Sen. Tim Johnson (D., S.D.) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R., Idaho),  released a draft bill on Sunday that would provide explicit government guarantees on mortgage-backed securities (MBS) generated by privately-owned banks and financial institutions. The gigantic giveaway to Wall Street would put US taxpayers on the hook for 90 percent of the losses on toxic MBS the likes of which crashed the financial system in 2008 plunging the economy into the deepest slump since the Great... Read article

First Anniversary – ‘Levels of Concern’ In Mayflower, Arkansas

March 27, 2014

A year ago Ann Jarrell was living in a house she loved. She had saved for years to buy it. Her daughter, Jennifer, and new grandson, Logan, were living with her temporarily. Logan had been born December 11th. Watching Logan’s world grow, along with his reach, became a fascination for Ann she had missed while raising her own child. Then, on March 29th, Ann, Jennifer, and Logan’s lives changed forever. Ann learned about the spill, which took place less than 1,000 yards from her home, when her daughter called... Read article

IMF and EU Capture of Ukraine

March 27, 2014

It should be obvious that the recent putsch and regime change in the Ukraine inspired and backed by the U.S. shadow government, benefits the international banksters. For the average EU resident, only further economic displacement and diminished prospects can be expected from any inclusion of Ukraine into the EU dictatorial structure. Not so, for the corporatists who expects expanded opportunities as Consortium News analyzes agricultural and energy companies recent involvement within the Ukraine.While corporatists want... Read article

Ukraine: The Corporate Annexation

March 26, 2014

As the US and EU apply sanctions on Russia over its annexation’ of Crimea, JP Sottile reveals the corporate annexation of Ukraine. For Cargill, Chevron, Monsanto, there’s a gold mine of profits to be made from agri-business and energy exploitation. On 12th January 2014, a reported 50,000 “pro-Western” Ukrainiansdescended upon Kiev’s Independence Square to protest against the government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Stoked in part by an attack on opposition leader Yuriy Lutsenko, the protest marked the beginning... Read article

The Plan For Police Nullification

March 26, 2014

“I [sic] give my left n** to bang down your door and come for your gun,” said the cop. This statement, made by Branford, Ct., police officer Joseph Peterson in a Facebook conversation earlier this month, created quite a blogosphere firestorm. Internet commenters from Sacramento to Saratoga struck a note of defiance and e-shouted the ancient words of Spartan King Leonidas, “Molon labe!” On the other side there’s Ct. governor Dannel Malloy (D), who said to a gun owner at a March 13 town-hall meeting that the anti-Second... Read article

The ADL’s Deceit Helps Sink A Judgeship

March 26, 2014

After two fair and lengthy hearings, the eight elected members of the Massachusetts Governor’s Council, in a 4-4 tie vote on March 5, refused to confirm attorney Joseph Berman to be a Superior Court judge.  It was a defeat for Governor Deval Patrick, who had nominated Mr. Berman.  But the Council took its responsibilities seriously and rendered a well-considered judgment. Councilors voiced many concerns about the nominee.  Foremost was a lack of truthfulness. Berman, under oath, was asked three times whether he had... Read article

Race Baiting For Media Ratings

March 25, 2014

For the last half century, the American population, subjected to the greatest dumbing down experiment of psychological manipulation in all of history, has resulted in the adoption of a cultural separation from realty and true self-interest. With all the glorious aspirations, that celebrate a diverse society, the fact that humankind shares the same planet usually is not enough to resolve disparities. While DNA similarities are the basis of the specie, the genetic differences among races, put aside and banished from polite... Read article

Economic Suicide

March 25, 2014

Abenomics has been great for stock speculators and corporate bigwigs, but for everyone else, not so much. The fact is–despite all the media hype and monetary fireworks–Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s three-pronged strategy to end 20 years of deflation has been a total bust. But don’t take my word for it, check out this clip from Reuters and see for yourself: “In the fourth quarter of last year, Japan’s economy grew at an annual rate of just 0.7 percent, revised figures show, slower than the initial estimate of... Read article

1914 And 2014: Insanity Then And Now

March 24, 2014

We are almost 3 months away from the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. If we are lucky, Wall Street’s puppet government in Washington will not blow up the world by June 28, 2014. I have always despised President Woodrow Wilson for getting America into World War I. I want to cure the world of reoccurring Depressions through Worldwide Debt Cancellation and Monetary Reform. As I have explained before, Depressions in the West are caused by the accumulation of Unpayable Debts. These occur because... Read article

Update: The Syrian Disposal of Chemical Weapons

March 24, 2014

President Assad and Ayatollah Khomeini are keeping their word. Will President Obama keep his? Recent reports from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the accuracy of which have been conceded by the White House, but denied in Tel Aviv, have it that slightly less than half of Syria’s chemical weapons have already left the country and 100% of the country’s stockpiles are believed to have been neutralized. Well along the path to meet the June 30 agreed discard date. Both Iran and Russia have... Read article


March 24, 2014

Christians React… It is possible that like ancient Judah, the United States is destined to come under despotic rule.  Though we do not have Jeremiah to keep us informed (Jeremiah 27) it appears that the wheels of destiny are carrying us in that direction.  It could be that world tyranny is God’s plan for the ultimate advance of His Kingdom.  Our time is temporal while God’s time is eternal. Jeremiah warned the people of Judah not to resist the Babylonians that it was God’s judgment that caused their captivity... Read article

Putin’s Triumph

March 22, 2014

Nobody expected events to move on with such a breath-taking speed. The Russians took their time; they sat on the fence and watched while the Brown storm-troopers conquered Kiev, and they watched while Mrs Victoria Nuland of the State Department and her pal Yatsenyuk (“Yats”) slapped each other’s backs and congratulated themselves on their quick victory. They watched when President Yanukovych escaped to Russia to save his skin. They watched when the Brown bands moved eastwards to threaten the Russian-speaking South... Read article

Housing: One Chart Says It All

March 22, 2014

Get a load of this chart from DataQuick’s National Home Sales Snapshot. It’ll tell you everything need to know about housing. (Note: MSA=metropolitan statistical area) As you can see, prices are flatlining or drifting lower while sales are sinking like a stone. That’s the whole ball of wax, isn’t it? Sure, sales will increase in the spring (as they always do), but judging by the sharp dropoff in last year’s hottest markets, this could be the crappiest spring selling season since the crash. Why? Because prices... Read article

Elitism, Not Liberalism, Is The Real Problem

March 21, 2014

You have to hand it to the game-makers in the two major parties: they have done an outstanding job of putting the problems of the world into a convenient left-right paradigm. To the average conservative out there, Republican equals conservative, which equals good–while Democrat equals liberal, which equals bad. And to the average liberal out there, Democrat equals liberal, which equals good–while Republican equals conservative, which equals bad. So, all the party game-makers have to do is paint the other guys... Read article

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