
The Seeker And The Sought: Finding The Blessing

May 17, 2014

“Gaping holes exist in the scientific understanding of existence, which the sciences answer chiefly be ignoring them. They do not mention purpose (there is none), the possibility of an afterlife (there is none), free will or determinism (we have freely determined that there is no free will), or Good and Evil (evolutionary traits evolved to further cohesion within the pack). Minor omissions, these.” Fred Reed, “Pond Scum” Alas, my favorite contemporary writer is an atheist – grudgingly, maybe even seeking, but... Read article

Do You Remember Monica Lewinsky?

May 17, 2014

Vanity Fair will publish an article by Monica Lewinsky in it’s June issue. Ripples of commentary have already begun on the now 40 year old woman who earned a Master of Science degree in December of 2006. For the last eight years Monica has tried to keep her name out of the news. Today, she is again useful to the Clintons and their corporate sponsors. While the source of her notoriety titillated, consider why her emergence matters one way or another. It doesn’t, you know. This is hype, orchestrated to impact... Read article

Hate Laws Intended To Silence Truth

May 17, 2014

“The grimmest dictatorship is the dictatorship of the prevailing orthodoxy” - George Galloway In a relativism culture of social permissiveness, the non-judgmental attitude, held out as the suitable standard for conduct, has become the politically correct behavior. One might think that anything goes under this mindset. However, the exact opposite practice and enforcement, under the most rigid conditions, is championed as necessary for enlighten and tolerant liberalists. The proliferation of demands that hate... Read article

The Liberal Media’s Donald Sterling Race-Baiting

May 17, 2014

Never let a racial crisis go to waste is, I suppose, the credo of the Machiavellian mainstream media. Since the release of the Don Sterling audio, liberals haven’t missed a chance to play the race card for all its worth. One of the worst offenders is a New York Daily News columnist named Harry Siegel, who — in a piece of pablum bearing a picture of NBA owners portrayed as Klansmen — bemoans the lack of Diversity™ in league ownership and management. Unfortunately for Siegy, his points, which start with the Klan... Read article

Genetically Modified Organisms: Cross Contamination of Other Crops

May 17, 2014

“An ecosystem, you can always intervene and change something in it, but there’s no way of knowing what all the downstream effects will be or how it might affect the environment. We have such a miserably poor understanding of how the organism develops from its DNA that I would be surprised if we don’t get one rude shock after another.” Professor Richard Lewontin, Professor of Genetics, Harvard University Specific plants evolve with DNA to withstand drought, rainforest conditions, severe temperatures... Read article

Technology And The Future of Jobs

May 17, 2014

Quite a stir occurred with the academic presentation, How Technology Is Destroying Jobs, by Brynjolfsson, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and his collaborator and coauthor Andrew McAfee. Both “have been arguing for the last year and a half that impressive advances in computer technology—from improved industrial robotics to automated translation services—are largely behind the sluggish employment growth of the last 10 to 15 years. Even more ominous for workers, the MIT academics foresee dismal... Read article

Federal Government Seldom Able To Police Itself

May 13, 2014

America’s founders, largely distrustful of centralized power, created several checks and balances into the U.S. Constitution to help insure that one person, or one group of people, would not be able to unilaterally exert his or their will over the American citizenry. First, the federal government itself was divided into three separate and distinct branches–each holding the capability (and responsibility) to check the power of the other. Second, the Bill of Rights was made part of the Constitution for the protection... Read article

“Engineering Chaos”: Mother Agnes-Mariam Lectures Elites On Their Bad Behavior

May 13, 2014

I just went to hear Mother Agnes-Mariam, a Syrian nun dressed in a serious nun outfit, give a talk on the horrible situation that her country finds itself in today — and I ended up with ten pages of notes on the shocking details of what she said. However, the main gist of her talk can be summed up in just a few words. “[Western neo-colonial] powers have been engineering chaos in Syria — and they need to stop this disruptive behavior right now so that peace and reconciliation can safely proceed.” ... Read article

So What If Cliven Bundy Is A “Racist”?

May 13, 2014

For the record, I don’t believe Cliven Bundy is a “racist.” For the record, I don’t even care. Such indifference to that damnable failing, that thing we all know is the worst thing one can be, must make me a damnable man. But I am flexible. I just want equality. I’m perfectly willing to demonize “racists,” provided we give other sinners equal time. I just want to hear, for example, “Forget the facts of the matter! The man is lustful!” or “Don’t listen to that miscreant. He’s guilty of sloth!”... Read article

U.S. Media Ignores Putin’s Peace Plan

May 12, 2014

“Let me repeat again, that in Russia’s view, the blame for the crisis in Ukraine lies with those who organized the coup d’etat in Kiev on February 22-23… But whatever the case, we must look for a way to solve the situation as it is today….And, as I said, what is needed is direct, full-fledged and equal dialogue between the Kiev authorities and the representatives of people in southeast Ukraine….I don’t know whether a Geneva-2 round of talks.. is realistic. (But) I believe that if we want to find a long-term... Read article

Does The Bible Really Say We’re Not To Judge?

May 12, 2014

Some professing Christians become infuriated when a “watchblogger” has the chutzpah to report on a false teacher by name, as if naming names is unbiblical.  High-profile leaders and bloggers who mention heretics by name are often accused of demonizing or judging them. For example, when I expose Rick Warren’s latest effort to unite with globalists, Catholics, Muslims, New Age/New Thought occultists, and when I examine his health plan and his penchant fortwisting Scripture (he often uses it as a tool to... Read article

Sociopath Officials And Establishment Idiots

May 12, 2014

Few will dispute that careerist politicians often demonstrate psychopathic behavior. In the article, Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null attempt to answer several fundamental questions: “Is the problem, therefore, we the people? Are we at fault for having been seduced by those in power to sell us blank bill of goods, drugs, products and policies that are more harmful than beneficial? Are we at fault for having deceived our selves by being convinced... Read article

The New York Times Discovers The Rule of Law

May 11, 2014

Leave it to The Gay Lady to be a day late and a few brain cells short. The New York Times recently published an article by some journalism-school retread about the Cliven Bundy situation, a piece containing all the usual talking points about how the “racist” rancher’s reasoning is really risible. Rinse, wash and repeat. What interests me right now are not the facts of the case, however, but one particular line in the Times commentary. The sentence is a quotation from ex-superintendent of the Lake Mead National... Read article

Repeal of Glass-Steagall And The Too Big To Fail Culture

May 11, 2014

During the 1990’s the conventional economic wisdom supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall. However, “10 years later, the end of Glass-Steagall has been blamed by some for many of the problems that led to last fall’s (2008) financial crisis. While the majority of problems that occurred centered mostly on the pure-play investment banks like Lehman Brothers, the huge banks born out of the revocation of Glass-Steagall, especially Citigroup, and the insurance companies that were allowed to deal in securities, like... Read article

Genetically Modified Organisms: Killing The Natural World

May 11, 2014

“The introduction of genetically modified foods (GMO) tampers with the essence of life in an experiment with an unknown outcome and no real way to undue the damage. The FDA purposely does not require labeling of GMO food, since no one who understands the issue would ever purchase it. This makes it all the more difficult to locate healthful food.”  Byron J. Richards, The Leptin Diet: How Fit Is Your Fat? This series exposes the outright fraud against peoples’ lives and the contempt for American citizens (and citizens... Read article

The Russians Are Coming … Again … And They’re Still Ten Feet Tall!

May 9, 2014

So, what do we have here? In Libya, in Syria, and elsewhere the United States has been on the same side as the al-Qaeda types. But not in Ukraine. That’s the good news. The bad news is that in Ukraine the United States is on the same side as the neo-Nazi types, who – taking time off from parading around with their swastika-like symbols and calling for the death of Jews, Russians and Communists – on May 2 burned down a trade-union building in Odessa, killing scores of people and sending hundreds to hospital; many... Read article

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