Why Bishop Tutu would be an excellent resource to help Israeli neocons get out of a tight corner
October 5, 2007
Bishop Desmond Tutu is one of the most revered human beings alive. He even won the freaking Nobel Prize! You don’t get much more revered than that. Bishop Tutu showed the world that war is NOT the best way to deal with a conflict. Both Americans and Isrealis should be taking notes on everything this man says instead of fawning all over the likes of “phony soldiers” like Cheney, Bush and Ehud Olmert. But, sadly, such is not the case.
According to Jewish Voice for Peace, “A peace and justice group at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, Minnesota has been forced by the university president to cancel an appearance by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The cancellation was accompanied by the removal of the chair of the Justice and Peace Studies program, Prof. Cris Toffolo from her position as chair. She has tenure, but no longer heads the department.”
Well. The Israel neocons who organized this cancellation made a BIG mistake. They thought they were supporting Israel by dissing this man? That’s totally wrong! Olmert and them could use all the help they can get — and Bishop Tutu is just the man for the job. The neocon leadership of Israel today appears to be following George Bush’s “Disaster Capitalism” plan of purposely creating chaos and then raking in the profits when the Average Joe (Yehud?) becomes dazed and confused as a result. This is good for the Bushes and good for the Israeli neocons but VERY bad for the average citizen of Israel and America — because according to Disaster Capitalism’s fundamental rules of engagement, if you don’t own stock in a major weapons manufacturing company, you’re screwed.
Bishop Tutu can teach us all a lot. Bishop, you are welcome to speak in my community any time. Just let me know your schedule. I’ll be honored and delighted to pencil you in!!!
Jane Stillwater is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
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