
Cold as Ice

November 22, 2007

National Tragedy of Ramos, Compean and Voorhis

On a dark night over a year ago on the U.S./Mexican border, drug smuggler, Osbaldo Aldrette-Davila, a Mexican national, attempted to cross into the United States with his load of contraband. That load included corruption, deadly drugs, addictions for our children, crime and ruined lives.

Aldrette-Davila, crossing the international border, brought his portion of the $75 billion in drugs over the border annually that create a fiendish network of misery across this nation. For 35 years, U.S. taxpayers forked-over a $1 trillion for the War on Drugs that amounted to zero results. Drugs remain available today in higher quality, greater quantities and cheaper prices than in 1970.

However, that night, decorated U.S. Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean interdicted the smuggler. As he raced back over the border, leaving his drug load behind, Ramos shot him in the butt.

A short time later, Aldrette-Davila became a witness against the two Border Patrol agents. Johnny Sutton, a U.S. Attorney in Texas, awarded Aldrette-Davila immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony. Result? Sutton sent Ramos and Compean to prison 12 years on bogus charges.

A single bullet in the butt of a known drug dealer – resulted in 24 years in prison for our Border Patrol agents–trying to defend America from drugs.

How to de-motivate Border Patrol Officers, by Johnny Sutton

Our Border Patrol agents feel risking their lives in defense of this country means nothing to the Bush administration. In fact, Bush commuted convicted felon Scooter Libby breaking laws against our country while he sent two good men, leaving wives and children, off to prison— for defending our country.

Fast forward to Denver, Colorado – November 20, 2007:

Highly decorated Border Patrol agent turned Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Cory Voorhis, served 15-years protecting America from the advancing invasion flooding across our borders. What is his reward?

Federal district court officers charged him in Denver on October 25, 2007 with three misdemeanor counts of “unauthorized access”‘ of a federal criminal database (NCIC). Cory now faces the possibility of three years in prison, heavy fines, loss of pay, loss of his job, and ominous legal bills.

Rather than stand up for a decorated American hero, his bosses placed him on leave-without-pay, which proves an unprecedented action against a law enforcement officer who has only been accused, not convicted. Voorhis, his wife and two children now face Christmas and the New Year with mounting legal bills and no paycheck.

Please refer to for information:

“Cory Voorhis has a distinguished record as a Special Investigator for ICE. He was the lead investigator and team leader for the interagency task force that broke up the largest document fraud ring in United States history, a Guadalajara, MX based operation working in Colorado and 14 other states – producing millions of drivers’ licenses, green cards, and Social Security cards for illegal aliens. Voorhis is a responsible citizen – a kids baseball coach – a stand-up guy.

“In September of 2006, Voorhis noticed Denver newspaper accounts of statements by Bill Ritter, then a candidate for Governor of Colorado and now the incumbent in that office, claiming to have been a strong prosecutor of illegal alien criminals when he was Denver’s District Attorney from 1994 to 2004. Voorhis knew, from his personal experience with the Denver police and courts, that this was not the case – that hundreds of illegal alien criminals had been released and avoided punishment and deportation through dangerous plea bargaining agreements. Such practices are consistent with Denver’s “sanctuary city” status, inaugurated by Mayor Wellington Webb in the mid-1990s, and continued by Mayor John Hickenlooper today.

Ritter lied when he bragged about his actions against criminal aliens

“Seeking to have the truth of the matter discussed in the public domain, Voorhis offered information to Congressman Bob Beauprez, who was also a candidate for governor, regarding the plea bargaining practices of the Denver D.A. office and the subsequent criminal activity by some of the persons who were released unpunished, and not deported. Voorhis told the Beauprez staff where to look in public records for additional information and cases.” The concept here is to increase vigilance and reduce crime in that process.

“ICE agent Voorhis had legitimate professional reasons for accessing the federal and state crime databases on Denver criminal alien cases, and all of his actions in accessing the ICE database and the federal NCIC database were fully consistent with written ICE policies and guidelines. It was part of his job. Voorhis shared only such information with the staff of Congressman Beauprez that he could release to any public official, employer or citizen. The criminal “rap sheets” and identities of illegal aliens are NOT protected by the Federal Privacy Act.

CBI jumped into action; Ritter’s campaign staff exploited insider friendships

“Nevertheless, when information became public about a specific illegal alien who had committed additional crimes after being released through a plea bargain his office had engineered, gubernatorial candidate Bill Ritter asked the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to open an investigation into ICE agent Voorhis – a most unusual request – using a Colorado State Police Investigative Agency to go after a fed!

“Ritter charged that Voorhis had committed a crime by accessing the NCIC database, even though his own staff had done the exact same thing. Ritter made this charge within a few hours after someone in the Denver District Attorney’s office accessed the same federal database to identify agent Voorhis.

Ritter played “Wag-the Dog,” and it worked

“Criminals must be punished. We’re talking about a dangerous criminal alien here. No one disputed the accuracy of the information revealed about the criminal alien in question, but the allegation of wrongdoing by Voorhis was successful in shifting the public focus away from Ritter’s record when he worked as a Denver D.A.

“The only illegal alien case discussed in the press was the one revealed by the Beauprez campaign, the case of Walter Noel Ramo, who had originally been charged with the distribution and sale of heroin, a felony, but allowed to plead guilty to “agricultural trespass,” a low level misdemeanor that does not generally result in notification to DHS-ICE or deportation. The concept proved simple; help the criminal immigrants – even though we provide sufficient federal laws against aiding-and-abetting aliens.”

One Illegal Alien with three aliases, or more; “Walter Ramo” and “Eugene Estrada” and “Carlos Roberto Estrada-Medina”

Police charged Ramo, while living in California under an alias, with a sex-related crime against a minor. Think about it; had Ritter’s ADA done her job, the perp would have been in prison – and the woman in California would not have been raped. After Ritter asked for a CBI investigation of Voorhis, the Denver media stopped investigating Ritter’s record in this area and instead focused on Voorhis.

“Voorhis had nothing to gain personally or financially by revealing information about the problem of non-prosecution of criminal aliens in the Denver District Attorney’s office, past and present. He had not been active in the Beauprez campaign and had never made a financial contribution to that campaign. His actions were motivated solely by the desire to raise the level of the public discussion of this important issue, an issue that was being swept under the rug by both the Ritter campaign and the office of the incumbent Denver District Attorney, Mitch Morrissey.

“We-the-People” have an innate right to know about official malfeasance

“One of Denver D.A. Morrissey’s staff attorneys was in fact working in the Ritter campaign, on a leave of absence, and that person, Stephanie Villafuerte, whose grandparents were Mexican immigrants, now serves as a senior aide to Governor Ritter. A Morrissey spokesman denies any wrongdoing on the part of the Morrissey staff, yet it is remarkable that the individuals involved in accessing the NCIC database in October of 2006 were never questioned by the CBI or FBI as part of the investigation – until local talk-show host Peter Boyles turned up the heat this week.

Political retaliation against decorated Special Investigator Voorhis

“Any reasonable person will conclude that there can be only one reason for the prosecution of this courageous law enforcement officer: political retaliation. The prosecution of Cory Voorhis is a case of selective prosecution for political purposes, while similar actions by other public employees are neither investigated nor prosecuted. At least two other individuals accessed the same NCIC file on Walter Noel Ramo in the same few hour period – one in Harris County, Texas (Houston) and one in the Denver District Attorney (Morrissey’s) office. Neither one has been investigated or charged with a crime. Only Cory Voorhis has been charged. Why is that?

“The only conclusion to be reached is that it was not the “unauthorized access” to the information on this criminal alien that upset candidate Ritter – it was making it public, and that is why Cory Voorhis was targeted for prosecution. The success of the Ritter campaign was more important to Bill Ritter than the public’s right to know the facts about the crimes of a man he had enabled to escape a serious felony prosecution – and likely deportation. Ritter’s staff was under the mistaken impression that deportation is punishment – which is NOT true. It seems that Ritter’s staff, and the majority of folks in his political party, fervently believe that open borders and more illegal aliens are good things.

“ICE agent Cory Voorhis is being prosecuted for actions that were NOT criminal in nature, and were a public service to the people of Colorado. Voorhis’ actions not only did no harm to any public entity or contemporary criminal case or defendant, they contributed to an elevated public debate on the treatment of aliens charged with criminal activity. “No harm, no foul.”

“Like Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean, who are now serving prison terms for attempting to interdict a repeat drug smuggler, Cory Voorhis is being prosecuted for doing his job. The charges are trumped up. He was helping to educate a sitting U.S. Congressman and his staff about the huge but ‘invisible’ horde of criminal aliens released from jail by the Denver District Attorney under laughable “agricultural trespass” plea deals. Such practices in Denver and other Colorado counties have encouraged and allowed hundreds – and probably thousands – of illegal aliens to avoid serious felony convictions that can lead to punishment and deportation.”

Think about it; a criminal alien proves a flight-risk, by definition – and should never be given the privilege of bail-bond. Do you suppose that there is a distinct class-favoritism policy in the Denver D.A. staff? Is it also possible that the D.A.s wiggle and squirm to get out of the effort required to prosecute criminals? When the average illegal alien features three aliases, with wallet cards to prove it – why does the Denver D.A. play tag with these dangerous criminals?

Remember the phrase, “Something is rotten in Denmark!”

Former Colorado District Attorney Bill Ritter encouraged and allowed uncounted sex offenders, child molesters and drug smugglers to plea bargain down to ‘agricultural trespass’ – instead of submit to appropriate punishment in Colorado for their actual crimes. This allowed them to remain free in Colorado, without deportation orders – to commit more crimes, so they did and still do! Recidivism amongst criminal aliens continues. Why? Because they know “the system” will treat them with kid gloves.

Does Governor Ritter exhibit any shame for his actions?

If Voorhis, like Compean and Ramos, swings in the solitary confinement gallows at the hands of Ritter as he suppresses the truth, you must wonder, “For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee!”

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website

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