America – Propagate or Die
April 4, 2008
According to the Vatican, Islam is now the largest single religion in the world. Statistics, partly from the United Nations, show Muslims comprise 19.2 percent of the world’s population and Catholics only 17.4. Yet, when all Christian groups are counted, Christians make up at least 33 percent of the world’s population, about 2 billion people.
What is increasingly coming to light is the reality that, due to immigration, Muslims are moving into large and small communities in developed, civilized countries across the globe. As in European Union and Great Britain, America is experiencing an increased Muslim population unmatched in our history.
Mark Steyn makes major points in following the world’s demographic trends in his 2006 book “America Alone: The End of the World as we know it.” He doesn’t enter into the depths of history and our broken moral and foundational traditions. But he leads us to the same conclusions while saying that America is the last hope for avoiding future Islamic inroads and the destruction of Western Civilization.
Is America following Europe’s soft road?
The statistics on birth rates are particularly revealing. Though the United States still has a propagation rate of 2.11 babies per 1000, the European Union average is now 1.38. The United Kingdom sits at 1.6. The Muslim birthrate is the highest is the world at 3.4 per 1000.
Officially there are an estimated 20 million Muslims in Europe. It’s difficult to gauge the population of Muslims in the United States. But the number of mosques being built has exploded with an estimated 2000 established mosques with 100-200 more being built each year. Even our military are building mosques on American bases.
The tools of the Muslim immigrants, as well as others, is America’s preoccupation with “political correctness” and liberal tolerance for the intolerant. Instead of assimilating into American communities, they now push for accommodation to their religious practices in public whether it’s in our schools or airports (foot baths). Despite the underlying Christian foundation of America, we have turned away from that legacy to accept an uncertain future.
We will probably see more incidents in America like the following in Great Britain this past week: It was reported that a white, Muslim bus driver forced his passengers to vacate the (city) bus just so he could observe one of the Koran-required five daily prayers.
Much like the European Continent, Great Britain, Canada and others once considered the epiphany of Western Civilization, America appears to be following in their footsteps.
We stand at a crossroads with multiple and major problems facing America’s status as a Great Nation. Any road we take, the trip will be arduous. There is one issue which could greatly affect America’s survival as a great Christian nation. It’s called propagation.
It’s not just about numbers but the numbers show what civilized Christian nations are doing to themselves. Steyn barely touches on how much the influences of birth control, abortion and affluence have contributed to the demographics and populations of Western nations.
The world is now 6.5 billion strong. In his 1968 book “Population Bomb,” Paul Ehrlich predicted a population exploding and outgrowing the planet. What he didn’t foresee was that five years after his book’s release, the U.S. Supreme Court would fulfill the desires of a few radical women and legalize killing future generations.
America has effectively decreased the reproduction of themselves. We are short around 35-40 million citizens over the last 35 years. Does this speak to our betterment?
When women accepted the idea that control of their reproductive systems was a cornerstone of our nation, and men believed them, we became worse than barbarians. America has settled for self-destruction in the name of women’s rights and convenience.
Unfortunately the decadent decade of the 1960s created a horror of life itself and the natural responsibility to bear children. Add the Darwinian belief that the more affluent a people, the more children they would have. The opposite occurred. With the availability of birth control and abortion in most western cultures, both the affluent and less affluent have availed themselves of less children.
As a whole, our nation which once depended on God’s Providence, morality, and law has all but abandoned such for feminizing and softening us up for the future — complete control under a Islamic State practicing Sharia (law system). No liberty–no freedom.
Save America — Make babies! … Raise them up in the way they should go.
God said to Adam and Eve and repeated to Noah, “Be Fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth….” (Genesis 1.28; 9:1)
Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at and publishes on other online publications.
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