
I.O.U.S.A. is Authentic REALITY

August 14, 2008

I.O.U.S.A.Many Americans watch what the entertainment industry likes to call “reality shows.” These orchestrated “pretend” reality programs perpetuate the mind-numbing imaginings which contribute solely to viewer escapism.

“We the people” have an opportunity to view a Reality Film which is about unadulterated reality. The documentary will be presented in a one-night exclusive premiere on August 21 in 400 theaters nationwide. Most people think back to school days when they hear the word documentary which meant a boring history or science film.

Unlike the fad “TV reality shows,” I.O.U.S.A. is the Real Thing. It’s about you and me — “we the people.” It’s a slow roller coaster ride through an historic-to-present look at our up-to-now prosperous American way of life; the economy, government; money, the Federal Reserve; spending and debt. DEBT is a small, four-letter word, but big enough to pull America down into the abyss and possibly destroy our strength and sovereignty as a nation.

The ride might make you cry or make you angry — or both. And grasping the “big numbers” in the trillions appearing on the big screen may be difficult for our brains to wrap themselves around. But we ignore them to our peril.

The knight in shining armor is David Walker. Remember him? He recently bowed out of his position as U.S. Comptroller of the Government Accountability Office. He saw the handwriting on the wall after alerting officials to the financial perils ahead if they didn’t change.

Up against a wall of blindness, denial and complacency in Washington, Walker decided to bring his message to “we the people.”

Walker is now Chief Executive of the newly formed Peter G. Peterson Foundation, established by Peterson, co-founder of the Blackstone Group. Their goal: To educate us and hope that we might act by electing state and federal officials who will adhere to conservative, financial principles and propose the solutions.

The message could not be clearer — America is in a heap of Debt Trouble.

Addison Wiggin, Executive Publisher of Agora financial is the executive producer of the documentary. “I.O.U.S.A.” made its debut at the January Sundance Film Festival. Wiggin is the co-author along with Bill Bonner of the 2006 book, “Empire of Debt.”

Along with this film, a live video meeting will be broadcast from Omaha. Walker, Peterson and longtime investor Warren Buffett will be featured along with William Niskanen, chairman of the CATO Institute and Bob Novelli, CEO of AARP. CNBC’s Becky Quick will act as moderator.

There are solutions offered but unless the people change and elected officials change, America may go the way of Rome.

A North Carolina 4th district candidate thinks the voters should see it — he has bought out the whole showing in Raleigh, North Carolina. Another in New Hampshire is also planning to do the same.

My Observation: I believe this documentary is important. We need education about our nation’s financial future. This affects all of us. The continuous ignorance about economics, money and debt displayed by our elected officials has not changed in 60-plus years.

The government’s failure to address the financial consequences of overspending and the Federal Reserve’s continuance of printing worthless paper money, necessitates preparation for the coming fall from prosperity.

The fact is that both major parties, Republican and Democrat, have promoted spending with no thought to national consequences. “We the People” share that responsibility by believing that credit is good, debt even better.

We are at fault for clinging to our respective political parties, while they have progressed beyond what they once upheld as their principles. Neither one is even close to the Republic’s original U.S. Constitutional principles — particularly on taxing and spending.

As the November election nears, I can only hope that we will finally grasp the significance of continuing this “business as usual” farce in Washington and make some informed decisions. Ask yourselves, does this candidate fit a description of “Tighten your belts, cut the spending” model or is it going to be more of the same “spend and add to the national debt.”?

The decision may include dropping your life-long political party and voting for another party.

I digress. If you want to catch up with reality, then see “I.O.U.S.A.” Debt does not make the world safe and sound financially. Debt can only take us so far, but the price tag steadily increases the payback by our children and future generations. If nothing changes, they will be living in a bankrupt country.

Reserve tickets at a theater near you:

Bonnie Alba is a regular columnist for
Bonnie Alba is an ‘Un’ Politically Correct writer and researcher. She has a regular column at and publishes on other online publications.

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