
Video: Communique 5: Iraq Resistance Releases Documents Exposing The “Sale” Of Iraq’s Military Equipment

April 22, 2005

Iraq Resistance Releases Documents Exposing The “Sale” Of Iraq’s Military Equipment

The following video and information is purported to be from the Iraqi Resistance.

Rafidan (The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command)

Communique No. 5

In the name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful.

We salute our people & our great army

Today we release an astounding scene

The traitors have accepted the Zionists as their principles & fathers…. (Poetry)

Let us see the crime of all centuries and be patient if your blood boils in your veins!

After Stoffel, Bush’s envoy wrote to Shalan on the 25th of June 2004, and estimated part of the equipment
To a value of One Billion Dollars, and then Shalan wrote to General Patreaus on the 4th of July asking permission and an aircraft to visit one of the collection points in Tadji, & after Shalan informed Stoffel on the 4th of August 2004 that the ministry of defense has approved him to be the sole and exclusive broker to sell Iraq’s weapons with the assistance of the U. S. Army. Shalan gave this exclusivity after receiving a written approval from his Son of Crimes prime minister Ayad Allawi on the 4th of August 2004, we translate to you (our People) the text:

“ Date: 04.08.2004

Minister Hazim Al Shalan – Baghdad

We order you and authorize you to implement and back the Iraqi Military Equipment Recovery Program
As clarified in the exclusive contract between Wye Oak Technology and the ministry of defense on an estimated date of 16th of august 2004.

This letter has been issued in Arabic and English.

Prime Minister Ayad Allawi

On the 16th of August 2004, the Contract of the crime of all centuries was signed in a black festival between the master and his slave. It is an eight page contract that binds Iraq.

We will translate to you the most important sections of this contract as it is long and will release the contract in full which is in English. The contract is marked Confidential on the top and the bottom of each page.


Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document 5
Document 6 Document 7 Document 8 Document 9

“Exclusive Brokerage Service Contract


A contract has been recognized on the 16th of August 2004 between Wye Oak Technology and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Iraq.

The value of the contract means the gross value of any Sales contract between the customer and the ministry.

The customers means the buyers of these military equipment and the scrap, without specifying only the ministry’s equipment alone and extending to other government establishments all the military equipment which include all vehicles, aircraft, guns, missiles, armored personnel carriers, heavy armor/tanks, military radar equipment, ballistic missiles, rocket launchers, artillery, artillery scrap, small arms, small arms scrap, or any parts or components thereof.

The Ministry means the ministry of defense and includes all it’s entities and establishments in Iraq.

The repair of military equipment, means and equipment that was repaired by the agent or under his supervision.

Sale contract means any contract between the customer and the ministry for refurbished equipment or work,
And scrap sales to the one or more customers or a third party.

The sale of scrap means the sale to a third party the military equipment and others that are represented in the contract such as brass, barrels of artillery, and others and are defined as scrap by the broker or the ministry.

The ministry appoints the broker to be a sole and exclusive broker for:
– Assessment and evaluation of military equipment.
– Arranging the sale of any equipment deemed unsuitable.
– Preparation to cover all military bases and offices and properties of the ministry or the
Republic of Iraq where ever the location and is the property of the Ministry or Iraq.
– Arranging for the sale of the equipment to prospected customers after assessing the value

Broker (Stoffel) agrees to:
– Pursue the agreement.
– Represents the ministry for the sale in Iraq and around the world.
– The ministry agrees not to refurbish, sell, rent or use any of it’s equipment without the consent of the broker.
– The broker begins work in Tadji, Camp Cooke, Camp Normandy, Camp Ashraf, Camp Anaconda,
Camp Hilla, and according to his program.

The Ministry pays the broker amounts of money in order to assist the broker in the expenses.

The ministry must provide:

– follow the conditions of the contract and provide all the necessary information.
– Work only with the appointed broker.
– If the broker appoints another subcontractor, he must follow the conditions of the contract, or agree on conditions with the approval of the ministry and according to a separate sub-contract.

Payment (Compensation)

– The ministry pays 10% to the Broker from the value of every transaction.
– The ministry pays the broker 10% of the cost of refurbishing of the equipment.
– The ministry pays the broker in the United States of America.
– If the ministry cancels any sale contract, the broker is entitled to a 10% compensation of it’s value.
– The period of the contract is one year renewable.
– The ministry is not allowed to deduct any amount from the value of the sale contract.
– All the information and sections of this contract, as well as related correspondence are considered


Signature area of Broker
Wye Oak tech.
President Dale Stoffel

Signature area of the Ministry of Defense
Minister Hazim Al Shalan

Oh God protect us from traitors, as for the enemy, we are content in how to deal with them! (Quote by Imam Ali)

Rafidan says to it’s sons, to prevent the further exit of our army’s honor and equipment to Jordan, Kuwait, and Iran. And preserve whatever possible to remain in the bases.

The True Iraqis will never kneel, nor will it’s army members, and the demise of Bush’s Empire will be in no other place but Iraq!

For Iraq is the land of knowledge, Poetry, and Glory!

Rafidan- The political Committee

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