
Tracking ISIS’s Supply Line: Even The Devil Has To Eat

July 19, 2014

Anyone watching the nightly news in America these days has surely seen some of those in-your-worst-nightmare videos showing hair-raising images of the fire-breathing minions of ISIS as they invade Syria and Iraq — blazing across bone-dry deserts in brand new Toyota trucks, brandishing AK-47s and looking like something out of a Hounds of Hell horror movie.  And we all shudder involuntarily, imagining the chaos and terror being spread by these horrible men-in-black, waving pirate flags and screaming for blood.

And we can also probably imagine, far back in the most primitive lobes of our brains, what it would be like to see these very same nightmarish denizens screaming down Route 66, heading toward us too, driving straight for our own town, positively drooling over the thought of beheading us in our sleep and raping our sons and daughters.

But then we come to our senses and realize that this sort of thing can never happen here in America.  This sort of nightmare only plays out in the Middle East (hopefully).

But forget about all that.  Instead, let’s just focus in on the ISIS terrorists and pirates themselves, now safely out there in the Iraqi desert, aka “those terrible rough beasts, their hour come round at last, slouching toward Baghdad to be born, their gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,” to paraphrase William Butler Yeats.

And then let’s ask ourselves next, “While happily out there terrorizing and raping the countryside, just what the freak do these guys eat and drink?  And where in the freak do they find a 7-11 or a Raley’s way out there in the desert?  And when the freak do they even have time to cook and do dishes or pee?”  And don’t even tell me that they are the Devil’s minions and thus live only on air.  And where are their burn barrels and port-a-potties?  And where are their grab-and-go bins full of “Meal, Ready-to-Eat,” menu number 15, beef enchilada, made by the Ameriqual Packaging Company, Evansville, Indiana 47710?

Surely even these devilish super-fiends must have an occasional craving for toilet paper?  Or even perhaps the occasional shower?

So exactly who is providing ISIS with its supply line?

Don’t even dare tell me that ISIS doesn’t have one.

These aren’t ghosts or krakens or the mythological First Beasts referred to in the Book of Revelations.  These are just ordinary human schmucks like the rest of us, who still put on their terrorist Halloween costumes one leg at a time.  The Devil’s minions still have to eat.  And pee.  And they still have to get their shiny new Toyota trucks from an automobile showroom somewhere — one obviously not located in Hell.  And they still have to use earthly rocket-launchers, not ones supplied by Lucifer himself.

Plus sacking and looting can only get these pirates so far before they run out of booty.  And even if they now have billions of $$$ in plundered oil, they still have to sell it to someone.  OPEC they are not.

So where do all these tons and tons of food and weapons and terrorist-chic outfits and port-a-potties all come from?   Your guess is as good as mine.  And I am guessing, based on all that I have read and seen lately, that all these goodies are being supplied by American, Israeli and Saudi oligarchs and neo-cons.  And probably at us taxpayers’ expense too. 

These terrible terrorist ISIS operations appear to be all a part of the American, Israeli and Saudi neo-con oligarchs’ continuing (and very successful) “Land for Blood” program — wherein neo-cons get all the land and the men, women and children of the Middle East get to bleed.  

Of course I can’t prove most of this without breaking and entering NASDAQ and CIA vaults.  Hoping for transparency is like flogging a dead horse.  Just ask Edward Snowden about that one.  But there still is a pattern here, one that started in Vietnam, worked its way through East Timor, Kuwait, Iraq and Guatemala, and is now surfacing again in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Gaza.  Leopards don’t change their spots.

“What the devil…” you might say at this point.  And you would be right.

PS:  And speaking of tracking supply lines, what about all those other supply lines — all those abundant supply lines that should have been pouring out goodies all this time, streaming them out to the average American, Israeli/Palestinian and Saudi citizen like you and me?  What happened to those?

Those supply lines are all pretty much toast.

Just think of all the trillions of dollars that have been spent on all these damned, useless, murderous and unnecessary “wars” that the oligarchs ruling our countries in the past 15-odd years have indulged themselves in — enough dollars to fix all of our infrastructures, pave all of our roads, create jobs for all of us like there was no tomorrow, educate all of our children for free up to a doctoral degree, make sure we all have top-notch healthcare, and dress every single man, woman and child in America, Arabia and Israel/Palestine with at least one pair of Jimmy Choo shoes!

Just because we don’t dress up like Freddy Kruger, don’t play at being the Devil’s disciples and don’t eat live human hearts on national TV doesn’t mean that we don’t need supply lines too.

All these amazing opportunities for you and me have been wasted.  All that money is now gone with the wind, lost, wasted, never to return.  That ship has sailed.

“But Jane,” you might ask next, “does this mean that America, Israel/Palestine and Saudi Arabia are currently being ruled by selfish, immoral and blood-thirsty idiots?”  Well, yeah.

And here’s another hard truth:  American, Israeli and Saudi neo-con supply lines are also limited too.  They just can’t keep goosing us for our life-blood forever.  Eventually the oligarchs will run out of MREs, cruise missiles and port-a-potties too.  Theirs is not an endless supply line either.

Sooner or later, we average Americans, Israelis and Saudi Arabians are going to be empty and broken like the victims of so many vampires.  What then?  How will the neo-cons keep their war machines supplied once We the People are drained of our life’s blood?

How much money can these three countries spend on weapons and Iron Domes that don’t work and drones and bullets and missiles that cost a half-million dollars each (Israeli neo-cons just fired off 1,500 of them at the poor trapped citizens of Gaza) before the economies of these three countries are broken like rag dolls?  Oops, too late.  We are almost already there.

PPS:  And here’s another supply line to track:  Whoever is supplying the United Nations has also clearly purchased its soul as well — lock, stock and barrel.  For instance, this whole devastation of the civilian population of Gaza?  Women and children being slaughtered for their land — and not a peep from the UN in their defense.  Not even one word.  That’s just shameful.

According to journalist Robert Fisk, “The people who lived in Sederot in early 1948 were not Israelis, but Palestinian Arabs.  Their village was called Huj.  Nor were they enemies of Israel.  Two years earlier, these same Arabs had actually hidden Jewish Haganah fighters from the British Army.  But when the Israeli army turned up at Huj on 31 May 1948, they expelled all the Arab villagers – to the Gaza Strip!  Refugees, they became.  David Ben Gurion (Israel’s first Prime Minister) called it an ‘unjust and unjustified action’.  Too bad.  The  Palestinians of Huj were never allowed back.  And today, well over 6,000 descendants of the Palestinians from Huj – now Sederot – live in the squalor of Gaza….” 

The UN is currently as incapable of stopping wars now as the old League of Nations had been back in the day — because the UN’s very reason for being has been bought off by American and Israeli oligarchs.  It is now as dead as the old League of Nations.  The only real difference is that the UN has yet to lie down.

Jane Stillwater is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice
She can be reached at:

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