Acumen on Empty
November 11, 2008
Electing an Aberration…
I abhor the results of two party politics and avoided writing or conversing about it while the marathon mendacity was in progress. However, now that the intended result has been accomplished it deserves comment.
United States voters have elected an articulate, well educated, ambitious, resourceful half-breed with little affinity to the majority white citizenry. Half of our new president’s family resides in a relatively backward African nation and most of his allegiance rests with a semi-militant national minority. He is to be admired for the success he has achieved but that success does not change the fact that he is a strange individual to have become the leader of a nation that is predominately White and of European extraction.
His success can be partially attributed to the dynamics of the two party political system that has betrayed the United States by excluding candidates that are not pre-selected by hidden powers. The only choice offered in this election was between a candidate supporting a regime with a 25 percent approval rating and a fast talking empty suit with an ambiguous offer to provide change. Ironically, the only candidate that offered real change was Ron Paul who ran on a promise to obey the Constitution, shrink government, and stop aggression. His righteous standard was rejected by the media, by his own party, and by Christian leaders throughout the nation – a sad commentary on the discernment of our citizens and their leaders.
The tragic policies of the Bush Administration also contributed to the Obama victory. Tom Englehardt writes decisively: “A wrecked economy, deflated global stock markets, collapsing banks and financial institutions, soaring unemployment, a smashed Republican Party, a bloated Pentagon overseeing a strained, overstretched military, enmired in an incoherent set of still-expanding wars gone sour, a network of secret prisons, as well as Guantanamo, that “jewel in the crown” of Bush’s Bermuda Triangle of injustice, and all the grim practices that went with those offshore prisons, including widespread torture and abuse, kidnapping, assassination, and the disappearing of prisoners (once associated only with South America dictatorships and military juntas). Read the entire article here.
The incumbent two party system is supported and manipulated by the media. The stage was set for the election of a Black President by subtly injecting an increasing Black presence into advertising and programming over that past several years. Wealthy Zionists who own and control our news and entertainment seem pleased to create strife and discord in our society by pitting one group against another, deteriorating our moral standards, denigrating our religion, abolishing our identity through multicultural integration, and failing to report on significant happenings that are inimical to our welfare.
Though Obama promises to bring unity, reality is quite different. His election will further embolden an already Black population making life more difficult and frustrating for the White American majority.
There is more evidence that he was groomed and set up for the presidency several years ago. Jack Cashill contends he could not have written “Dreams From My Father”, a book that was lauded by Time Magazine and which contributed to his intellectual image. Cashill believes it might have been ghost written by his Marxist mentor, Bill Ayers. He contrasts the writing similarities between one of Ayer’s books and the Dreams book for which Obama received accolades. Read about it here and here.
Unites States presidents have not been independent executives for many years – perhaps from the Wilson Administration at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. Powerful forces in Finance and Industry have exerted heavy influence on policy. The Obama election is no different. Working in the background of the Obama camp is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a consummate insider closely connected to Rockefeller interests. Alan Stang provides the details here.
President Obama will wield power that is unprecedented in world history.
If you have teenagers who drive you can purchase hardware and software from AllTrack USA that will monitor their driving and stopping. When removed and plugged into a computer an under the dash unit that sells for slightly more than $200.00 will record on a printable map the exact route and speeds of the vehicle and the addresses and durations of all the stops. A more expensive unit will relay the same information to your computer in real time. Some cell phones also allow parents to track their children and block certain phone numbers.
Political parties can now access databases that monitor political activities of most Americans. “Catalist “recently completed the acquisition and integration of registered voters and voting age persons (VAPs) into the Q tool for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Catalist now has the capacity to upload membership, fundraising, donor and other proprietary customer data and match these lists against a full national database. This expanded capacity means Catalist subscribers now have 51-state-coverage on matching projects that provide updated and enhanced information in support of programs and operations.”
In Europe it is reported that Europe Media Monitor is developing a system to monitor world wide news sites seeking an “early warning of conflict and state failure” by assessing the words of world leaders.
A recent article by Kevin Kelly in “Wired” predicts “We are headed toward a single destiny: one vast computer composed of billions of chips and billions of brains, enveloping the planet in a single sphere of intelligence”.
As our government stealthily encroaches on our freedoms advanced technology will allow them to create a virtual world-wide prison. Particular groups can be culled from massive databases and individually tracked. There is no place to hide! The potential for total personal control is now available and despots will surely begin to use it!
My last essay concerned the Second Coming of Christ, the blissful nature of that thought and the tragic history of the soothsayers. It is time for the Christian Church to reject this heresy and understand that the obedient work of God’s Chosen people have been tragically neglected from the foundation of our nation and this disobedience has resulted in a Godly judgment that has us on the cusp of a tyrannical police state.
Christians have wasted their time by welcoming the Devil as a precursor to the Epiphany, by seeking seats at an evil political table; by creating humanistic, Arminian revivals; heretical theologies; Holy Spirit manifestations; physical miracles; marriage counseling; anti-abortion efforts; and anti-homosexuality endeavors. Some of these quests are unwittingly evil, others are righteous but none of them produces a concerted fight against encroaching evil. None of them seeks the full armor of God or brings His people together under His Generalship with a clear mission.
Alas, we have failed to obey God. We have failed to conform our behavior to the norms He has set forth for His people. Just as Judah failed to heed the admonitions of Jeremiah the Prophet, the people of the Western World have failed to heed the warnings God has sent in our time.
Todd King has written an excellent detailed analysis of 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and heal their land.” The verse is often quoted but our current state of affairs is proof that it has never been properly executed.
Following is a short quote from his writing: “forgiveness comes after humility and repentance. This is a central theme of scripture. If we repent then God will forgive. There are terms. Salvation is a free gift that cannot be achieved through works, but we still do have some minimal requirements. Be humble, pray, turn from your wicked ways. Failing these things, God will not listen to us, will not forgiver our sins…Besides the judgment of tyranny upon God’s people who are unrepentant and proud, other judgments which are common themes throughout scripture include: drought, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, plague, etc….”
There is huge doubt about the voices of the end-times prognosticators but no doubt that the United States is under judgment.
With the complicity of Christian leaders who blindly support an evil two party system our people have elected a man to the office of President of the United States who refused to confirm his Constitutional conformity, whose lineage is alien, whose political inclinations are Marxist, and who has surrounded himself with the same gang of CFR members that are pursuing world government and destroying the United States. He is a puppet that will do the bidding of the hidden powers.
This downward slide of the Western World can be stopped immediately and we can begin to redeem our wealth and freedom! Yes, we have the ability to stop this dive into a dark age. Todd King outlined the formula and the key word is “repent”.
What does repent mean? The Biblical meaning of the word repent is different from the dictionary definition. The dictionary definition involves feeling sorry or conscience stricken over our behavior but God would take us a step farther. To Him repentance requires a change in behavior – a turning from our wicked ways. We know our ways have been wicked because we are living in a moral cesspool and losing our wealth and freedom. What does it mean to turn from our wicked ways? Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. I John 3:4. The Bible teaches that sin is disobedience to God’s Law. We must turn from our wicked obedience to human law and obey God’s Law; that is God’s formula for repentance.
If on the coming Sabbath Christian leaders would begin to teach their followers The Law so that every Christian would come to love and obey it, as King David did, God would begin to redeem the United States and our wealth and freedom would return. We worship a merciful God but as long as we attempt to make Him our servant instead of serving Him through obedience, we will be under judgment and our situation will continue to deteriorate. Read here.
Some of the information in this essay was taken from an article entitled “The Twilight of Freedom” by Lee Penn, published in the current issue of Tal Brooks’ “SPC JOURNAL”.
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
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