Is The Bible True or Are Christians Arbiters?
November 18, 2008
When poured into a sea of lies truth is dangerous and upsetting. The bearer can expect personal vilification – how dare he write such things! I have never known nor had contact with a White Supremacist but one Agnostic accused me of being one and more than one “Christian” took me to task. “Acumen on Empty” was a controversial essay.
Most Christians are not Bible-wise and leaders who are Bible-wise often evade difficult doctrines.
In my last article I called our newly elected president a half-breed. I was unable to find a better word to describe the offspring of a White woman from America and a Black man from Africa. The dictionary provides the following synonyms for half-breed — “Syn. half-blooded, crossed, half-caste, mestizo, crossbreed, creole; see also hybrid, outcast”. None is flattering.
For most of United States history, in about half of the states, miscegenation was illegal and as recently as 1967 these states enforced their laws against interracial marriage and interracial sex. In a 1967 case, Loving v. Commonwealth of Virginia, a Virginia judge wrote this opinion, “Almighty God created the races, white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix”. The ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court with this statement by Chief Justice Earl Warren ““Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry or not marry a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed upon by the State.” State governments have consistently acquiesced to federal mandates contributing to a dangerous consolidation of power.
In our manipulated, schizophrenic world we are sentencing human beings, God’s highest order of creation, to jail for killing government protected animal species while at the same time working toward the destruction of diverse human races with miscegenation and multiculturalism.
There is ample Biblical evidence for supporting different races and different nations. God covenanted with Abraham to create a great nation from his progeny. That promise was fulfilled and the nation of Israel was born. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land God took great pains to ensure the integrity of His people by ordering the complete cleansing of all wicked inhabitants. The Israelites disobeyed this order and the miscegenation that followed created serious and lasting problems.
The Bible describes the creation of diversity at Babel and God’s use of separate nations to control evil actions in His creation. Egypt and Babylon are of particular significance. His support of His chosen people by creating fear and courage in them and their enemies confirms His total hegemony and His intent on using and maintaining the diversity He has created.
Humanistic support for mixing different races will not only destroy the diversity God created but will also wipe out the diversity the evil forces claim to support. It is a rebellion against God and has nothing to do with being a White Supremacist. God created different races and attempting to amalgamate what God has separated is clearly sinful.
In a previous essay I wrote about the stigma that in former times followed children of unmarried couples. I received numerous responses that the children had nothing to do with their birth and should not be disdained for the sins of their parents. The same sort of responses followed my description of our newly elected president.
The Bible does not support the contentions of my critics. I would cite Ishmael as an example. Ishmael, like every human baby, had nothing to do with his birth. He was the product of miscegenation. Isaac received God’s blessing and Ishmael, though blest, was never an equal in the eyes of God or the opinion of God’s people. The sins of the parents are passed on to children. This fact should give us pause when sin rears its often comely head.
I sometimes wonder if most of our Christian leaders have actually read the entire Bible. In a recent email a respected Reformed leader disparaged Islamic nations for excluding other religions inferring that freedom of religion in the United States is superior. The Bible does not support religious freedom. The God of the Bible is a jealous God; the One and Only God. In order to receive God’s blessing a nation must be exclusively Christian.
Naivety and lack of proper theological grounding could not be more evident than in a recent video by John Whitehead. Whitehead is an attorney who is the founder and director of the Rutherford Institute. His rejection of Dominionism and fear of Fascism is a humanistic rebellion against God’s legitimate authority. Dominionists patiently wait for God to change the hearts of His people so they learn to love His Law and are willing to submit to it. Dominionists would not attempt to impose God’s legal system on a rebellious citizenry.
Like President Thomas Jefferson, one of history’s most famous Deists, Whitehead seems to prefer a New Testament based religion. Jefferson opened his Bible and cut out the New Testament passages that in his opinion were most valuable and constructed his own bible. He did not believe in miracles or mandates but the loving submission of our Savior attracted him. Whitehead seems to be of the same mindset. There is a dangerous tendency to distort the character of God by confining our theology to the New Covenant.
Journalist Chris Hedges opinions expressed in his book “American Fascists” seem to have exacerbated Whitehead’s bile against Dominionism. Hedges acquired his distorted theological opinions from Harvard. His brainwashed references to the United States as a Democracy should send up red flags. The United States was formed as a Republic governed by the legal standards contained in the Constitution. Dominionism seeks a government controlled by God’s Law. Without immutable law both nations and religions will quickly falter and fail. Read Whitehead’s interview of Chris Hedges here.
Law seems to frighten Christian heretics. Hedges and Whitehead seem to concur that any attempt to allow God control over His creation by abiding by His legal standards is a Fascist endeavor. They seem to prefer an injurious personal freedom that would allow the anarchy of human opinion to bring about a tyranny a thousand times worse.
The key issue in the writings of Dr. Rousas Rushdoony has nothing to do with Fascism. Fascism is a pernicious form of human tyranny that results from failure to allow God’s legal standards to prevail. Hedges and Whitehead seem to assume that men are basically good and left to their own devices can live in peace and freedom. They are wrong and a cursory review of history will confirm the error. The overarching legal standards provided by God to Moses are the only formula for real, lasting freedom.
It is an interesting fact that all anti-Dominionists seem to cite James Dobson and Pat Robertson as primary offenders. Both of these men pragmatically seek seats at the political table but when they are seated they flail away at niche issues and fail to exert a workable world view. Dominionists seek a social order willing to submit to God’s legal standards and a contemporary Josiah to lead them. (2 Kings 22) It is obedience to the Law that constitutes a Christian nation and Dobson, Robertson, and the late D. James Kennedy all failed to properly support the pristine nature of God’s Law.
It is impossible to produce a workable world-view without law. Law forms the religious base of a nation. A nation living under secular law cannot be a Christian nation. Many Christians who claim to believe the Bible do not teach the Law and yet the Law is pervasive throughout the Bible.
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at: