Devide and Conquer
February 14, 2009
The Winning Strategy…
Multi-culturalism and multi-religionism are identical twins. Christianity and society are under the same pressure from the globalist cabal – embrace all religions, embrace all cultures. At the end of this Satanic tunnel a humanist religion replaces the Creator and miscegenation destroys the diversity of His creation. It is ironic, but typical, that the culmination of the promotion destroys it!
The Bible seeks unity but the Christian religion was divided from the beginning and time has accelerated the problem. In the First Chapter of Galatians the Apostle Paul adjured his followers to adhere to the true gospel of Christ condemning those who produce division. However, some of the division Paul sought to prevent resulted from the different churches he and his fellow Apostles planted. The Armenian Church claims succession from the Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus, the Russia Church traces it lineage to the Apostle Andrew, the Roman Church claims Apostles Peter and Paul, the Egyptian Church to New Testament author Mark and the Indian Orthodox Church to Jesus’ Disciple, the Apostle Thomas. Apostolic succession is claimed by many Christian denominations.
Early on, councils were successful in creating doctrine and providing a degree of unity. Between 325 and 787 AD there were seven significant councils: Nicaea convened by the Emperor Constantine in 325 AD produced the widely accepted Nicene Creed; Constantinople convened in 381; Ephesus in 431; Chalcedon in 451; 2nd Constantinople in 553; 3rd Constantinople in 680; and 2nd Nicaea in 787. Central themes of these councils were the Divine characteristics of our Savior and His relationship to His Father and Mother. The Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church were often in conflict. Read more about these Councils here and here.
Though the councils produced some agreement total accord was never reached and doctrinal differences continued into the Twenty First Century. From 787 through 1965 fourteen additional councils were convened. The Roman Catholic Church dominated these meetings.
Rebellious theologians have a significant history in the Christian Church. The Reformation itself divided Catholicism. Jacob Arminius, a Sixteenth Century scholar was the leader of a group who created a serious division in the Reformation. His theology was condemned at the Synod of Dort.
There were other church meetings but the Synod of Dort and the Westminster Assembly were major councils of the Reformed Christian Church. The former condemned Arminianism and the latter delineated an extensive Reformed Christian Calvinistic doctrine by using a catechistic format (question and answer) in Short and Large catechisms.
Doctrines determined by both of these Reformed meetings have been sliced and diced by Protestant Churches that agree with almost all, certain parts, and no parts. Most Christians in the United States, including leaders, pay little or no heed to the theological grounding of the Church. When North America was colonized it provided a vessel for a host of European Protestant sects. Since the Constitution of the United States did not specify a particular religion and instead encoded freedom of religion, Protestant Christianity is so badly divided that there has never been an attempt to bring unity.
By the time the Dispensational heresy came along in the mid-Nineteenth Century Arminianism had eroded God’s sovereignty setting the stage for the heresy of antinomianism. Now, Dispensationalism has deposed most of the Christian Church resulting in a heretical, lawless, effete religion that is easily defeated by humanists.
As we begin our journey into the Twenty First Century an evil doctrine of world domination has become prominent in the United States. Formally set forth in the late Twentieth Century by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) it put our nation on the track to world domination.
PNAC was formulated by a powerful Zionist cadre and is aided and abetted by the pervasive Dispensational doctrine that fanatically and erroneously supports neo-Israel. Far afield from sound theology, most Christian Evangelicals support the Illegal acquisition of land by neo-Israel and the involvement of United States in a murderous, anti-Biblical war in the Middle East.
Martin Selbrede, Vice-President of Chalcedon, has written an essay entitled “National Defense and the Bible”. Read the essay here.
Teaching on this subject is studiously avoided in our churches and few Christians have any knowledge of God’s Will concerning war.
Selbrede quotes (Isa. 2:2-4). “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore,” securing “an abundance of peace that shall endure until the moon be no more”. Peace is a product of obedience to God’s Commandments and as this present world catastrophe unfolds it may bring a new regard for God’s Will and for His Commandments.
Those who assent to murder are guilty of murder and those who fail to provide a proper defense are guilty of suicide. Civil government is enjoined to defend the nation Selbrede cites the stoning of Steven and the guilt of the Apostle Paul for standing by and assenting to a murder. He establishes the principle of being our brother’s keeper by citing from Leviticus 19:16 “Thou shalt not stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor” and the guilt of affirming the evil deeds of our ancestors citing Luke 11:48 “you consent to the deeds of your fathers, for they killed the prophets and you build their tombs”.
Biblical magistrates have authority to wield the sword but use of the sword is confined to punishing evil doers and defending the nation. Pre-emptive wars are forbidden by denying the king the right to “multiply horses to himself” (Deut. 17:6). Prelates without horses did not have the instruments necessary for aggressive warfare. Selbrede continues, “we must remember that all of Israel’s military campaigns that she initiated independent of God failed and that all of Israel’s legitimate wars were either defensive or involved the unique one-time disinheritance of Canaan (where God destroyed societies that had become exceedingly wicked after having rejected Him completely over many generations; God warned Israel: “Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: . and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants,” Lev. 18:24-25).”
God takes the disobedience of pre-emptive war very seriously. Israel’s Godly King Josiah lost his life by launching an evil pre-emptive war. Selbrede maintains that the sword wielded by the magistrate does not have international jurisdiction and writes that nations that obey God’s Law will be blessed with peace. Without a standing army but with every healthy and willing male citizen armed, trained and militia-ready, Switzerland provides an excellent example of a proper defensive stance. Standing armies are only necessary for nations that defy God’s Law and the United States is guilty on several counts.
Christians value their opinions more highly than Biblical Truth and any attempt to bring sound doctrine into the Church is met with silence or severe derision.
I am regularly chided by Christian women who are experts on the entire Bible with the exception of the passages that describe women as the weaker vessels and forbid them to teach or have authority over men. Many respond to my writings by demanding that I read large amounts of their favorite written material and I regularly receive teachings that include minor points of disagreement. Some readers are delighted with several essays but disgusted with one in particular. Contemporary Christians have little or no reverence for the scholarly endeavors of our forefathers and seldom is truth and factual information effective in convincing anyone of error.
Some readers view me as a hardhearted cynic with no sense of humor and no compassion while others think I am allied with Liberals and support the ACLU. Because I contend that neo-Israel is an illegitimate nation Jews consider me anti-Semitic and Evangelicals believe I am apostate. My writings are generally of a serious nature and some readers send me cartoons or humorous pieces designed to create allaying laughter.
I have former friends who ignore my emails, treating them as meaningless, but still send opposing documents. Since I am convinced that nations are guilty of murder when they fight wars not sanctioned by the God’s Word and citizens who support such wars are accessories, my strident reprimands are taken as insults.
There are always the evil and gullible that will fight to divide righteousness and truth to promote their emotional opinions. Atheists fight Christianity, selfish woman fight for abortion, deviates fight for homosexuality and lesbianism, immigrants fight for unearned rights, Blacks fight to overcome Whites, warmongers fight peace seekers, Republicans fight Democrats, Evangelicals fight Calvinists, children fight parents, and world government fights autonomy. With all this fighting going on Christians should be fighting sin but many cannot define it.
God seeks righteous agreement but His chosen people live in anarchy of their own making.
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for
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