
The Bilderberg Plan of Human Deconstruction

February 10, 2014 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

I recently interviewed Daniel Estulin the author of what will be the newest best seller,.

Estulin wrote the book based largely on a Bilderberg white paper which was smuggled to him by a Bilderberg insider. The document was filled with information which spelled the end of the human race as we know it.

Hollywood Prepares the American Public for the Inevitable

Hollywood has made millions on movies like The Terminator, Blade Runner, and RoboCob, just to name a few. In fact, Robocop is being re-released in the next several weeks. Estulin states that cyborgs or man-machines are the future in a post-human world. Yes, you read that correctly, we could soon find ourselves living in a post-human world.

You may be familiar with the new TV series on FOX called Almost Human where one of the main characters is a cyborg cop. We could see such an interaction between nonhuman and morphed humans in the near future (i.e. Robocop).

Rules for Thee but Not for Me

In the future of transevolution we will be witnessing a literal fountain of youth, which will result from becoming a cyborg as it will soon be possible to purchase immortality in the future. However, everyone except the super elite will be banned from purchasing this literal fountain of youth.

Your existence, my common brethren, will be similar to what movie goers saw in the Summer of 2013 in the movie, Man of Steel. In the opening 30 minutes of the movie, it was revealed that every resident of Krypton had certain genes “turned on” and certain genes “turned off”. And everyone from Krypton, except for Superman, had been artificially bred for specific purposes. This is what humanity is quickly moving towards and unless you are the elite, you will be bred, dumbed down if needed, to serve a purpose for the global elite.

The Purpose for the Destruction of the Global Economy

Estulin mentioned that the wholesale destruction of the world’s economy is not an accident, nor is it a miscalculation or the result of political shenanigans. This destruction is being done on purpose, absolutely on purpose. Estulin revealed that his Bilderberg insider told him that the slave masters on this planet want to collapse the economy, force people into the stack and pack cities of mega millions and then exterminate most of humanity.

Estulin and I explored the methods that the super elite may use to exterminate 90% of all people on this planet. We both agreed that starvation is the most likely candidate. Starvation is a clean method of killing, it is quick and it would leave the planet in good shape for the global elite to establish their paradise on Earth.

Some of my readers and listeners have asked me about why I am so opposed to Agenda 21 and devote so much time fighting against it? To these and all others, I answer that forcing humanity to forsake rural and suburban living and move into the soon-to-be death traps of these mega cities, is very consistent with the tenets of Agenda 21 (i.e. Earth First).

Monsanto: The Great Satan of Food Production

I recently interviewed my good friend, Barbara Peterson, who presented evidence which demonstrated that the super elite are in the process of attacking not just humans with GMO’s which will eventually kill you, the GMO’s are also sterilizing our food supply. And then, as if by magic, Peterson and I took calls on my show from farmers all across the country, who confirmed the sterilization of both crops and farm animals was well under way.

Let’s give credit where credit is due. Monsanto is not alone in this conspiracy against humanity. In Chapter two of his book, Estulin, details how huge corporations like Monsanto, Cargill, and Archer Daniels are plotting to set up mass starvation on the planet. These corporate names became household names and they have become an “interlocked self perpetuating syndicate that will decide who eats and who doesn’t, who lives and who dies.”

Why are mega corporations, such as these and a small socio-political elite, allowed to own our food and control the very basis of humanity? The simple answer is, because they can.

Studies have shown that rats that are fed with genetically modified organisms (GMO), like potatoes, showed structural changes in their white blood cells making them more vulnerable to infection and disease, which could indicate a greater future risk of developing cancer, when compared to other rats fed non-GMO potatoes. Estulin’s research indicates that GMO food was the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation, who are members of the Bilderberg Group. This all part of the plan for total control of mankind. As an aside, Barbara Peterson noted in my interview with her that McDonalds fries will soon all be made of GMO’s.

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is about taking control of nature, redesigning it and rebuilding it. The phrase “playing God” comes up in almost every conversation about genetic engineering. This is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Nothing good comes from genetic engineering as this generation of children will be the last generation which will be human in the sense that we define humanity today.

Estulin documented how insects are being weaponized for combat through chipping as a result of recent DARPA projects. Humans will soon be chipped, not necessarily for warfare, but for the purpose of transformation into something hideous which will serve the whims of the global elite.

The National Security State

Presently, all the communication happening on the planet right now can be monitored in real time and it is being done to control us, to dumb us down, to brainwash, to influence, and to predict our future behavior. The super elite is doing this so that we don’t get in the way of important people by doing too much thinking on our own. A simple example of this fact is in evidence in an ever-increasing number of airports as facial scanning techniques are designed to reveal to security individuals who are angry, malevolent, etc. This technology is right here, right now!

Estulin mentions Nazi Germany, in his book, numerous times throughout the book, Estulin drew a similarity between the mass control the Nazis had in comparison to the control the super elite has over the human race right now. Presently, America is the 21st century fulfillment of what Hitler, Stalin and Mao as they attempted to initiate their genocidal regimes.

Off World Escape Plan If Things Get Ugly

According to USA Today,

“NASA recently revealed that their Mars robotic rover has found signs that a vast and hospitable lake once spread over the now-desolate surface, a potential home to past life for centuries or more.”

With this new discovery that life may be possible on Mars, the elite could easily, through nanotechnology subsequently build a homestead there! There are many private corporations on the planet who are ready to go to Mars within five years. Some speculate that billionaire, Robert Bigelow, is ready now.

Apparently, if the elite cannot exterminate humanity in the clean and neat ways that they have designed, it may be necessary to temporarily move off world while the job is completed in more “messy” ways. According to some, this is their “Plan B”.

A Cowardly New World

Unlike Huxley, I have seen nothing brave about this new world. Nanotechnology is a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic level. Scientists are acting like God to manipulate life through the use of this technology. I can only imagine all the horrible things nanotechnology can do to the human race.

Nothing good with regard to nanotechnology can or will come from this blatant insanity. The plans of the global elite constitute an abomination before God.

Right now, the elite are employing their “Promethean plans” which will change the world and will transform the very essence of humanity. Again, this is happening Now!!!

Let’s make no mistake about it, the super elite are attempting to become more powerful than God. The super elite controls the human race in every imaginable possible way. Just the term, “conspiracy theorist”, was invented by the global elite as a marginalizing tool to keep the public from believing in conspiracy theories that will enslave humanity.

Absolutely nothing that happens in our world is an accident; it’s all part of this grand plan. Because of this, there is no hope for humanity if we do not rise up and defeat Agenda 21 and force a change in the leadership of the world, and it must be done RIGHT NOW, before the personal control mechanisms of this new system are locked into place.

My fellow human beings, we do not have five years. You sit idly by on the sidelines at the risk of not only your life but the lives of your children and grandchildren, born or not yet born. Soon, we will be saying “Welcome to Krypton”, as humanity becomes the weak puppets in the theatre of life created by the super elite.

Source: Dave Hodges  |  The Common Sense Show

The Evil That Is Democratic Thought

December 5, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

The mantra that democratic rule exists in the realm of governmental affairs has proven false. The fact that deficit spending is commonplace and acceptable to their populace links the social democracies in a feudal structure that most are unwilling to acknowledge. The practice of debt created bank money underlies every social policy and expenditure. The notion that paying for public projects, based upon popular support and taxes, is extinct. Destroying domestic currencies and obligating future generations to the debt slavery of past failed projects, has replaced the work ethic. Democracies pledge subsidies without labor and security absent of personal freedom.

Is this the promise for a society based upon individual dignity, or is this the formula for subsistence survival of servile serfs?

One of the consistent symptoms of self-delusion in the postmodern global society is the denial that evil is not real. The very term evil offends sophisticates that revel in God is Dead mindset. Friedrich Nietzsche’s proposition that the idea of God is dead now rules much of the planet. The end result is that eternal standards of ethics and morality are rejected and situational whims that foster unsavory appetites are adopted. Under the inevitable void in ethical principles, the discipline of epistemology and the search for truth becomes impossible. Knowledge is never relative; it is everlasting and founded upon permanent reality. Contrary to the Transhumanist vision for mankind, human nature is undeviating in its common and shared traits and foibles. The most pronounced shortcoming in all of us is the tendency to accept or even commit evil, in the normal course of our behavior.The philosophy of history has long struggled with ethics in politics. Yet, the champions of the modern state cling to the suspect claim that legitimacy of a political regime stems from the public authority of citizens reflected by their democratic will of consent. The essential question posed, that few will address, rests upon the ultimate nature of any political structure. Can a democracy be moral, when selfish sycophants shout and pose as the voice of the people?

Tyler S. Moselle in a paper, Natural Evil in Politics, concludes.A Theory of Natural Evil in Politics

“We have seen various moderns approach the question of natural evil in politics with direct reference to eternal essence. The general modern trend refers to attempts to turn back to eternal essence as naturally evil due to inadequacies in human reason, conceptions of justice, or physical necessity (self-interest and survival). Yet, none of the moderns destroy a natural link to justice or evil in politics – they merely shift the grounds of the debate. Conceptions of radical freedom with no essence preceding existence still affirm notions of responsibility and ethics.

The liberal conception of injustice often attempts to defend itself with teleological justifications (via Kant and Hegel) that can be linked to the classical conception of the eternal ideas. Machiavelli and Nietzsche turn against eternal essence and being in unique ways in an effort to affirm the physical over the intangible. Most importantly, we have seen that Hume’s attack on essence preceding existence is not so devastating. We addressed an alternative through Noam Chomsky’s work synthesizing a conception of natural evil in politics through anarchism and activism. We offered a sustained argument for progress which turns against the conservative arguments of eternal being and unchanging essence from the classical conception. Now it is time to sketch a brief theory of natural evil in politics.

Natural evil in politics is the following: the extreme periphery against the middle ground. Plato establishes the difficulty and problems in nature when seeking to reconcile eternal being with becoming. Aristotle puts forth a practical vision of the political regime based on moderation.

Confucius establishes a natural right teaching that focuses on the middle way. The moderns push for the physical over the metaphysical and make an argument for harmonizing the extremes or at least reveal that both the extreme periphery and the stable middle are the solid core. Hume makes the eternal essence of classical metaphysics applicable but does not destroy it.

Chomsky provides an applicable model of testing the theory of natural evil against reality while retaining conceptions of natural justice and eternal ideas as a basic standard. The arguments for historical progress reveal compromises that underscore the harmony of the radical few who push for progress in the name of the eternal essence of ideas while being stabilized by the unradical many and the becoming of reality. This is not determinism but the basic realization that the extreme periphery and the solid core fuse into a symbiotic whole as prefaced in the introduction”.

Mr. Moselle uses the term progress as a theme if not a goal. Can such an objective be applied to a nanotechnology state that seeks to remake human nature into a transhumanist cyborg robot? There is no escape from asking and seeking an answer to the philosophical inquiry of the evil nature in each of us. When maniacal scientists dream of their benign Frankenstein creatures free of original sin, they verify that human progress is attainable only in their own demented minds.

Verbalizing the concept of original sin with its implied cosmological implications must seem like heresy to those who reject that evil exists. Yet, you do not have to advocate the tyrannical disposition of Plato’s Philosopher King to recognize that the record of historic achievements are few, when stacked up against the pattern of barbaric pillage, that extends from the use of the sword to the speculation in derivatives, swaps and naked shorts.

Western Civilization has produced the greatest degree of individual human freedom because it is founded upon universal principles and the sanctity of all life. The exploration of intellectual thought during the Enlightenment pressed the boundaries of traditional political systems. With the emergence of a tradesman and guild economy, the principles of democratic participation became a trend. The focal levers of power never transferred to the ordinary layman, but with the rise of literacy, the input of former serfs became the sentiment of the mass public.

As with any rise in understanding and knowledge, a little insight does not make a mastermind. However, the average appreciation of historic lessons and immutable values, of the 18th and 19th century, far outpaced the social relativism of the last few generations of whiz kids. Those who argue that the educational achievement of government schools is a proud record for human development are proof positive of their lack of perspective and wisdom.

The government dependency clones that matriculate through the socialized indoctrination of society are a very dangerous wounded animal that believe they have an equal entitlement on democratic thought. This assessment does not exclude their natural rights or civil protections under an equal application of the law. Nonetheless, the idea that the popular will of addictive subsidy government recipients, trumps the voice and influence of independent and self-employed wealth creators is absurd. Yet, logic and common sense has never been an important element within the political process.

When will people address the metaphysical macrocosm of political power? Machiavelli and Nietzsche seem to be the operative sages for the insane world that is imploding more each day. The internationalist interdependency of foreign policy and corporatist commerce benefits from the demise of God, because the beneficiaries are the same elites that have ruled the planet for the ages. The democratic movements that seek to purge the cabals, diminish the economic cartels and break up the banksters institutions understand the evil character of this concentration of power. However, many misguided activists use sophistry when directing their outrage into attempts to be part of a corrupt body politic.

The 99% vs. the 1% misses the mark because the philosophy that underpins the redistribution of the riches cry violates the principles of actual wealth creation. Mob rule is transient; oligarchy governance is the norm, while representative government is rare. The reason that government fails to represent the democratic will of the people is that it is inherently an evil institution. Democratic thought fails because it so many people believe that government is tamable and is able to achieve good outcomes.

As long as the human race populates the planet, clashes with competing factions and conflicts will be the net result. Utopian dreams always grind down to practical circumstance, because our mutual nature is usually the only factor that we all share. Universal voting to achieve political consciousness might be achievable in local jurisdictions, but is ridiculous when implemented on national levels.

Ending ineffective and inept spending financed by debt is the proper conclusion of rational thought. Woefully, we live in a democratic ethos of idiots. The existential advocacy that existence precedes essence may apply to the human context of possibilities and achievements, but the Hume viewpoint that essence precedes existence pertains to governments. While being human institutions, the state and more to the point, the iniquitous banking syndicates are systemic evil. The righteous outrage of the people needs to be directed at the abolishment of the debt created money. People will never be equal in means or talent, but a new financial system can rid the world of the curse of central banking interest extortion.

Sartre is the publisher, editor, and writer for Breaking All The Rules. He can be reached at:

Sartre is a regular columnist for Veracity Voice

Petman – The Two-Legged Humanoid War Droid (We’re Doomed)

November 3, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

It swings its arms and moves its legs just like the soldiers it is meant to mimic.
The PetMan robot created by Boston Dynamics is designed for military use – but don’t expect to see its human-like gait treading across a war zone any time soon.

For now the robot has been designed to act as a walking mannequin to ensure soldiers’ chemical warfare suits don’t rip.

His energetic ’power walk’ and fitness routines are designed to test new uniforms so they don’t tear when in the presence of chemical warfare agents.

The company claims Petman is the first human-shaped, human-sized robot that walks like a man. It can hit speeds of 4.4 miles per hour.
PetMan can also do jumping jacks, squat thrusts and press-ups, all without losing his balance.

Previous mechanical systems for this testing just stressed the fabric in an unrealistic fashion, rather than moving like a human being does.

So It Begins: Petman can do squat thrusts, star jumps and even press-ups – and can even ’sweat’ by releasing heat and fluid into garments.

He also has a good enough sense of balance that the robot can be shoved hard while running on a treadmill, and won’t topple over.

’Places like the Fukushima reactors could be accessed by PETMAN-like robots, without requiring any human exposure to hazardous materials. Perhaps firefighting inside of buildings or facilities designed for human access, like on board ships designed for human crews,’ said Robert Playter, an engineer at Boston Dynamics.

The robot is part-funded by DARPA – the US military’s ’mad scientist’ division.

’Petman will balance itself and move freely; walking, crawling and doing a variety of suit-stressing calisthenics during exposure to chemical warfare agents,’ says his creator, Boston Dynamics.

’Petman will also simulate human physiology within the protective suit by controlling temperature, humidity and sweating when necessary, all to provide realistic test conditions,’ says the robot company.

Looks familiar? The robot’s gait is similar to that of the T-1000 cyborg in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Source: Rob Waugh |
