
Spinning in a Quagmire

September 28, 2005

Hurricane KatrinaA quick scan of Google News shows another day a-spin with self-refuting irony from deeply unconscious people. Last week Katrina killed 10,000 poor people and Bush didn’t care; this week it killed only 742 poor people but he wants to spend $200 billion of borrowed money to bring the city back to life. Enter Rita, not a 4 but a 5, make that a 3, spinning toward Houston. Bush, meanwhile, is spinning at 6. What happens when America pierces its credit limit? Do we pawn the Mesopotamian antiquities?

Bush April 11thFollowing the money trail back to Baghdad is easy, but it disperses after that. Some US dollars have been used to feed, clothe and bury the 1,900 American men and women who were killed in the line of duty since the president declared an end to the major war effort in Iraq. If only there’d been enough money left over to armor the humvees, they might still be alive. The fact that more Americans died after the war than during it is a demonstration of the power of linguistics. Bush now says we’ll be there as long as the violence continues, which is another way of saying permanently. Meanwhile, the Iraqis draft their overdue constitution in the middle of a civil war that the Bush administration won’t recognize let alone dignify with such an inflammatory descriptor as ‘civil war.’ Or is it flammatory? And also, don’t we need to get a new army now? You know, for home and stuff? Since this one is occupied?

CW Fisher is a regular columnist for
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