Collapse of Justice
February 3, 2009
Rise of Tyranny…
We ran into one of my wife’s friends at the store. Her husband, who retired from the Navy Military Police, had been out of work but was exuberant over a new job. He is working for the local police department where they are increasing their number of officers by close to ten percent. Offhandedly, I remarked, “I hope you don’t arrest too many people. United States has a larger percent of its citizens in jail than any other nation in the world except Russia”. At well over six feet in height and over 200 pounds he reared back and responded that it is because our citizens “do not obey the law”. I said, “Does that mean our citizens are more unruly than citizens of other countries?” He did not answer but said that police officers are expected to arrest anyone who breaks the law and would be fired if they failed to do so. I responded that such a policy “does not leave the officer much discretion”. He agreed. I dropped the subject.
Not too many years ago there was a lively discussion about whether United States soldiers would be willing to confiscate guns from their fellow citizens or arrest them on trumped up charges. The hurricane disaster in New Orleans provided a positive answer and as the recession tightens its grip and jobs become even more valuable legal cannibalism will be a given.
Will Grigg, an excellent Christian writer and researcher, does a brilliant job of exposing law enforcement travesties. Read articles here and here.
I was particularly interested in his research on Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Several of my relatives and friends have sent me articles praising the hardships Arpaio imposes on his prisoners. Arpaio’s brutish attitude is common in United States belligerents; many consider themselves Christians. Forcing male inmates to live in tents, eat green bologna, and wear pink underwear; working female inmates on chain gangs and showing netcams of female inmates using the toilet (shut down by authorities) are some of the “petty belittlements” Arpaio favors.
Grigg believes Arpaio policies may become national now that former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, an Arpaio supporter, is heading up Homeland Security (Don’t you just love the Nazi flavor of that term?).
Our courts are convicting innocent people far too frequently. Estimates of convictions of the innocents for some crimes may run higher than 25 percent. One writer says “the FBI found that 25% of the suspects in 12,000 rape cases were excluded by DNA testing. That finding is particularly significant because exclusionary DNA evidence is only available in a small percentage of all criminal cases.”
Justice is no longer the prime considered by any of the constituents of law enforcement. The laws policemen enforce are often outrageously imprudent and unjust, the courts then convict using these same laws with both lawyers and judges viewing the system as a competition between the prosecutor and the defender. The accused is a mere pawn in the proceeding often being victimized by both the law and those that enforce it.
There are over 600,000 convicted sex offenders living in the United States. Sexual perversion is a scourge on the social order and should be treated accordingly but the hysteria that has surrounded these crimes has created an atmosphere similar to the child care mania that swept scores of innocent people into jails in the 1980s and early 90s. On the assertion of a minor that an older person has sexually molested them the accused is thrown into jail on high bond and may face a sentence of life in prison. Witnesses are seldom available and the courts tend to take the word of the minor over any protestations from the accused. It is a flawed system in which the potential margin of error is huge. We now have sex offenders who face a lifetime of harassment by police, whose living quarters are restricted, who must register every time they move, whose pictures on the internet are viewed by frantic parents, and whose reputations are maligned for life; some of them have been assigned to this category over teen age sex play that was not appropriate but trivial compared to the punishment.
Secularists do not revere God and often fastened their devotion on substitutes. Animals seem to fill that role for lonely humans and the laws encoded to protect their messianic pets are grotesque. When I was a teenager I had a friend who chased down stray cats and dissected them; he became a famous children’s surgeon. Today, he would be a criminal.
We kill and eat hundreds of thousands of cattle, pigs, chickens, and sheep but when a citizen does away with a single cat he becomes a criminal.
There is a short item in today’s paper about two boys ages 15 and 17 who are being charged with a felony for throwing oranges at a sheriff deputy’s patrol car. They are charged with “throwing deadly missiles”. When the deputy’s patrol car was hit with the oranges he called for back up, several policemen were required to apprehend these two teenage criminals.
Another recent article involved the Federal prison in Coleman, Florida where a female guard is being charged with deliberately plotting the death of a prisoner she didn’t like by putting him in a cell with a known killer. He was beaten to death.
I do not fall under the Libertarian label but I agree with their position on the Drug War. Banning drugs is the same as banning alcohol, both create a scarcity that drives up the price and creates an illegal supply chain that is impossible to eradicate. Sixty percent of the prisoners in our jails were convicted on drug charges.
As policemen have transitioned from being peace officers to law enforcement officers their image has changed from strong, just, and friendly to strong, dangerous, and capricious. Their own safety is more important than that of the people they are hired to serve. Goon squads dressed entirely in black with high leather boots, helmets, face shields, and bullet proof vests march with military precision. Sometimes they invade residences occupied by innocent people and too often they kill them. They are never held accountable. Read about victims of this violence here.
We have a very troublesome mentality in the United States. Elected legislators at both the Federal and State level believe they can solve every problem in our society by passing laws and our police departments perceive their duty as enforcing these laws. If a policeman stops your car and asks if you have drugs in the car and you say no and if a search reveals the remains of a marijuana cigarette left by your son or daughter, though you are entirely innocent, the officer has an array of charges he can place against you. He can confiscate your car and arrest you on a drug charge. It then becomes your expensive and difficult legal problem to get out of jail and retrieve your automobile. He can also charge you with lying to an officer. Even though we assume we have a right against self-incrimination, that right along with being innocent until proven guilty can be ignored by the arresting officer. Next time you are stopped by a police officer (I hope you aren’t.) remember you are under the control of an absolute tyrant, you have no rights, and the courts will side with the officer.
Only a tiny minority of Christians understand what is happening in our nation and the reasons behind it. Pastors do not inform their people on the relationship between our religion and what is actually happening in our society. Instead they evade reality; preach idolatrous, seeker friendly sermons; and fail to prepare their people for future victory. The primary consideration in most churches is the effect the sermon will have on membership and the collection plate. Hard truth is carefully evaded and healing, sensationalism, and expository preaching are substituted.
Famous African missionary Peter Hammond has produced a video entitled ‘What Islam is not”. The video contains some excellent information on the danger Islam poses to Christians but fails to properly fasten responsibility for a Christian defense. Hating and fearing Muslims is a nonproductive Christian evil that must be replaced with a righteous Christian offense. View Hammond’s video here.
Muslim cultures are saturated with Islam. Islam pervades every aspect of society; religion, the family, the government, the arts, the law, economics, the social order, and the military. It has succeeded in doing what Christianity has failed to do – it has brought Muslim nations under the authority of an exclusive Muslim god and marshaled an army of over a billion Muslims to battle for a Muslim victory.
While the flawed theology of the Christian religion has allowed the moral standards of our nation to wallow in the gutter, the theology of Islam enforces a high moral code that produces a clean, strong body of believers, sets up the platform for describing us as Satanic, and in spite of all the denigration is far superior to our declining Western culture.
Our armies are invading the Middle East because the Islamic nations have resisted the evil goodies pressed upon them by our propaganda machine. If they had stumbled into the moral pits of Western civilization invasion would not have been necessary. Western Christians, like rotten fruit, are falling into the arms of the new world order but Islamic nations continue to resist.
Christians will be unable to combat Islam until they stop allowing Christian propaganda to distort their understanding of the enemy. Hammond’s video was designed to frighten Christians and was distributed for that reason. Creating a fearful retaliatory Christian Body is counter productive. Recalcitrant Americans support killing millions of Muslims because their distorted minds perceive Arab nations as a military threat. The Bush Administration exacerbated that notion and it was received by the evil receptive ears of Christians. Christians who support unnecessary wars that kill millions of innocent civilians are as guilty of war crimes as the administration that perpetrates them.
Religious wars cannot be won without a proper understanding of the enemy and a realistic strategy for victory. Hammond’s video will create fear in our effete Christian army and fear will do more harm than good.
The battle for Christianity in the United States is essentially over. I wrote about that battle last week and defined the reason why we lost the war.
If Muslim nations are defeated and come under the control of the minions of the new world order the battle for the entire world will be lost. The exclusivity of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will be replaced with the worlds most evil and powerful religion, HUMANISM. Man will be enthroned as god, an oligarchy will ensue, and eventually a murderous dictator will rule the world. Islam is the last viable exclusive-religion in the world, (Christianity and Judaism are controlled by humanistic governments.) if it is defeated exclusivity will go with it. Humanism is the real enemy; fighting Islam is a distraction!
When justice breaks down a nation cannot long endure. Lack of absolute legal standards has resulted in injustice and cruelty, mass legal and illegal immigration, and a Balkanized culture. Immorality has removed God’s blessing, and the failure of God’s people to successfully confront these evils has resulted in our present situation.
God punished the sins of Ancient Israel with captivity and the same loss of freedom may be a result of our failure to enthrone Him as King and obey His ordnances. We are quickly progressing in that direction.
There is, however, still a remedy. If Western Christians along with our leaders humble ourselves, kneel before God, repent from our arrogance, selfishness, sinfulness, and disobedience, vow to serve Him and Him only, open our Bibles, read the Law from Deuteronomy, and en masse agree to obey His ordnances, God will forgive us and restore our freedom.
Will it happen? I pray it does, but I doubt it will.
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for
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