
The Curse of Self-Righteousness

May 6, 2009

Syncretic Insanity…

Self-Righteousness“He who rules over men righteously, who rules in the fear of God, is as the light of the morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds, when the tender grass springs out of the earth through sunshine after rain.” 2 Samuel 23:3-4 From the last words of King David.

Modern warfare is supported by massive propaganda campaigns that are designed to deceive citizens. They are well orchestrated and few understand the manipulation.

I was a teen during World War II and in those formative years my country maintained a righteous and benevolent image. As Hitler’s troops invaded European nations the willingness of the United States to fight and win without attempting to occupy the defeated nations appeared to be noble. Since Hitler occupied the defeated nations he was evil and the United States was righteous.

Many Americans are still convinced that their nation is without blemish and worthy of world plaudits.

The Pilgrims and the Puritans brought the will to create a Christian nation to the shores of North America but that determination was quickly lost to humanism. There were religious revivals and multitudes were saved but the fear of God failed to materialize and the evil one continued to advance his dominion.

Several decades after World War II, I learned that United States maintained troops in all of the defeated nations and exerted extensive control over their governments. Control is cheaper, less complicated, and more effective than occupation.

King Josiah was the son of an evil man. His father, Amon, and his grandfather, Manasseh, were wicked kings. Manasseh reigned in Jerusalem for 55 years. Amon reigned for two years and was murdered by his servants. At eight years of age Josiah became king.

Josiah inherited a kingdom with some similarities to the United States. God had promised that He would “not make the feet of Israel wander anymore from the land which I gave their fathers, if only they will observe to do according to all that I commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them”. But Manasseh believed in freedom of religion. He built altars to Baal and to all the “host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord”. He also practiced witchcraft, used divination, and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He made a carved image of Asherah and set it in the Temple. Manasseh was more-wicked than the Amorites and his son, Amon, continued the practices of his father.

Smug individuals are eager to defend the indefensible; Americans do. President Barak Obama is a tool of unscrupulous power centers but when he apologized for United States arrogance he had a fleeting moment of righteousness. Several emails – the product of canting, naïve, propagandized citizens – soon arrived taking umbrage at his statement by pointing to our goodness.

Most Americans have forgotten that the United States was created over the dead bodies of hundreds of thousands of American Indians and that during the Twentieth Century their taxes financed wars that were responsible for the willful murder of millions of innocent people*. They don’t acknowledge that Hollywood is spewing out degradation throughout the world. As our selfish failure to produce children threatens the very existence of the White race, close to half of our citizens and many of our political leaders stupidly support abortion which has been responsible for the deaths of over 50 million of our children. Homosexuality is accepted and encoded in our legal system. Satan worshipers are everywhere. Justice has vanished. Our jails are overflowing. Our laws are derived from the opinions of the powerful without reference to the Will of God. The legal structure for grinding tyranny is already in place and our Christian churches have nothing better to do than support the man-made, Christ hating nation of Israel while passively waiting for the Second Coming. God has rewarded our arrogant stupidity with national insanity.

The United States of America has its own version of the Asherah statue!

Josiah had reigned for eight years and was sixteen years of age when he began to seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “He began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the Ashermin, the carved images, and the molten images.” He tore down the altars of the Baals and the incense altars, and all that was connected to evil worship was ground to a powder and scattered on the graves of the offenders. He did this throughout the land of Israel before returning to Jerusalem. It took ten years.

In the eighteenth year of his reign he began to repair the house of God. Throughout Israel money was collected and skilled workers were hired. During the work on God’s house, Hilkiah the priest found the book of the law of the Lord given by Moses. All the work Josiah had accomplished up to this point had been done without knowing the law. God had touched Josiah’s heart and given him understanding. He knew the God of King David was One God and that the Israelites were His people but to this point he did not know the extent of God’s Commands.

When Josiah realized there was a price that must be paid for the infractions of past and present generations, he sent messengers to Huldah, the prophetess. Huldah confirmed that the wrath of God would be poured out on Israel but she gave this message for Josiah, “Because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God, when you heard His words against this place and against it inhabitants, and because you humbled yourself before Me, tore your clothes and wept before Me, I truly have heard you. Behold, I will gather you to your fathers and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace, so your eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring on this place and on its inhabitants.”

In Josiah’s day Israel had forgotten God’s commandments. We in the United States have also forgotten God’s commandments. Manasseh was poly-theistic and Josiah was faced with multiple religions; some of them were grossly evil. The United States is home to religions from around the world; some of them are grossly evil. God spoke to Manasseh and the people of Israel but they paid no attention. God has spoken to the United States but neither the leaders nor the people have paid attention. Huldah said the wrath of God would be poured out on Israel and God’s servants have warned the United States that God’s wrath is being poured out on them. King Josiah humbled himself before God but our citizens and our leaders remain smug.

God cannot bless self-righteousness. All have sinned and fallen short of the mark – nations and individuals! He sees both our covert and overt sins and knows the only remedy is prostration with tears and pleas for forgiveness. We live in a national cesspool and participate in a government that has been responsible for copious death and destruction. We support leaders who are in the process of usurping dominion over people and nations that do not belong to them, leaders whose intention is to control what God created to be free. President Obama was incorrect in his apology. He was too lenient! We are an evil, deluded, arrogant, self-righteous nation that is beginning to feel the full force of God’s terrible judgment. The New World Order looms as our Babylon.

Does anyone actually believe that the Great God of All Creation is pleased that we in the United States revere our history, our founders, and the Constitution without ever mentioning Him, His Word, His Law, or His design for His creation? There is no fear of God. We regard the Creator of the Universe as a balm that sooths the sores we acquired by sinning against Him. We treat him like a servant. There is no fear of retaliation. God has not struck anyone dead in our churches and Jesus has not yet come in the flesh. We fear men more than God and spend more time defending against evil men than attempting to gain God’s favor. This is our overweening sin; we do not fear God and because we do not fear Him we do not obey His Commandments.

Massive centralization marks the progress of the New World Order. It is difficult to find a business that caters to the individual customer. Giant international corporations provide one size for all with little or no regard for individual satisfaction. World government is the ultimate centralization. Collaborating with international corporations and academia, elite bankers use the media to control the people. Lurking in the background to quell civil unrest is the legal structure for a police state.

Responsibility and authority are decentralized in God’s government. The family is the basic governmental unit with the father as the head. The duties of a federal government are limited to defending the nation and enforcing the Law. All of God’s government is service oriented. Fathers serve their wives and their families; the Church serves God and His people; and the federal government serves the family and the church. God is the center of all power. Human authority is decentralized providing a damper on humanity’s wicked lust for power.

Secular government constantly searches for better ways to control people. Seeking human control over people and nations is evil. Governments should serve their constituents.

What, pray tell, do Americans believe is causing the degradation that has overtaken us? Why are we living in a cesspool and on the brink of losing our freedom? Is it because of our righteousness and benevolence? Is it because of our Constitution and our Republican form of government? Is it because of our freedom? Is God punishing us for our goodness? No, gentle reader, it is because we are guilty of grievous sin against the Creator of the Universe; sin that festers and accumulates because we fail to acknowledge it. When we fail to acknowledge it we are unable to repent from it and we continue to anger the Only Power that can save us.

When we allow patriotism to trump messianic government, false gods, murder, torture, dishonesty, injustice, and immorality, we insult the Creator by treating His Word as a book of lies.

Josiah humbled himself, tore his clothes, and wept over his nation’s disobedience. As individuals, as a nation, and as members of the Church of Jesus Christ in spite of our egregious sins no tears are in our eyes and our heads are not bowed. We remain a proud people.

Self-righteousness is a curse!

Joseph Stalin said a single death is a tragedy but a million deaths a statistic. Deborah Nelson in her book “The War Behind Me” puts a face on a million deaths, “Henry peered over a short hedge, where women and children huddled as Carter and others took aim. Soldiers dragged a naked teenager from a hooch. ‘She was brought out by two guys, and she was thrown into the pile . There were babies in there too . She was just thrown on the pile and they started shooting.'”

“A farmer shot on the way home from market, a man on his bicycle, three farmers in a field, teenage brothers fishing peacefully on a lake, (all killed by American soldiers) – there are hundreds of such reports in the war-crime archive, each one dutifully recorded, sometimes with no more than a passing sentence or two, as if the killing were as routine as the activity it interrupted.”

Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

Al Cronkrite is a regular columnist for

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