
There Are None So Blind

March 18, 2006

The “elite” and all those that serve the new world order are breaking the Universal Laws of Creation. They are chasing after an imagined “heaven” for themselves out of fear. When they get there it will not satisfy the bottomless pit within them. Like a sex addict they will seek more perversion to “satisfy” themselves opening the holes within them deeper and wider, until it becomes a consuming fire that they will not be able to withstand. From the center outward of their control grid, their deluded fantasy will implode on them , the sickness within them becoming so acute that it will arrest them in their satanic immorality.

The elite are so blind they do not even consider what they will reap in all of their sowing. Their mastery of deception will eventually not be able to cover for their well crafted lies. All lies will die in the reaping they initiated through their unscrupulous agenda towards world power.

They are lost in a grand illusion, both the deceivers and the deceived, lost in the web of deception spun by the propaganda masters, the masters themselves slaves to the illusion of the enslaved. They all fear freedom, because to be free is to be free within, free of fear and the desire to control because of their lack thereof over themselves, “great” and “small”. To be free is to know thyself and cowards do not have the “ability” to face themselves or others honestly, not to say that the ability is not lying dormant within them.

Many live under the illusion that to gain one must take it to gain it from another, that is not the case in reality. To drag others into your own self-serving illusions is akin to how drug addicts enable and give support to each others destructive addictions. It is really the blind leading the blind.

When you live honestly and rightly with one another, then their is abundance for all. To truly gain one must give honestly of themselves, in the upliftment of others is to be found your own upliftment, for as you came into this world with nothing, you are sure to leave this world with nothing. All that you have “gained” in your deceiving of others has been lost, but the karma that your wrong doings have caused will follow you.

Materialism and control will not fill the void within people, but only spiritual maturity to stand on the solid rock of truth and proclaim it in how one lives to the best of their ability. It is time for the human race to grow up and most certainly time for the pampered, spoiled amerikan. Amerikans claim to be all these things, but they do not exemplify it, they claim to be free but you are the deluded pawns in a “game” that you barely understand and it is their fears and immaturity that keep them from understanding themselves, each other and the wider world in which they live in.

If you do not grow up and face the environment in this world you are helping to create in your ignorance, you will remain slaves to the delusions of the “elite” while heading headlong into your own designed destruction and suffering that you are lending your hand to on a daily basis; and in that suffering if it does not kill you, it will refine you to learn the error of your ways in hindsight of what transpired, that is if you cease to remain willfully ignorant of the matter after the fact.

“There are none so blind than those who choose not to see”.

A.J. Bruno is a guest columnist for
A.J. Bruno is the owner of One Heart where Knowledge is Medicine in Healing the Planet of the new world order dis-ease. You can reach him at:

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