
Case for reducing all Immigration into America to 100,000 Annually

February 14, 2010

ImmigrationA recent Seattle Times op-ed said that Washington State’s (illegal) immigrants are “indispensable.” In other words, “We need our 21st century slave labor in order to ensure that our corporations make obscene profits to the detriment of our own citizens.”

Ironically, the Seattle Times did not mention that hundreds of thousands of Washington State citizens languish in food kitchens, food stamp and unemployment lines.

Back in Colorado, I wrote my U.S. Congressman Mike Coffman urging him to introduce a bill to reduce all legal immigration into the United States to 100,000 a year. I supplied facts, figures and graphs to support my stance. For example: we import 1.2 million legal immigrants annually while we suffer 20 million unemployed Americans. Not only can we NOT employ 20 million of our own citizens, how do we create jobs for 1.2 million more immigrants annually with credentials only to drive a taxi or clean hotel rooms?

A sixth grader could ingest the facts and figures to see that continued mass immigration into the United States cannot be sustained from a simple jobs standpoint.

However, Coffman wrote back, “In regards to your recommendations, I do not believe it is in the best interest of the United States to limit legal immigration to 100,000 individuals annually. It will also place America at a competitive disadvantage moving forward. For that reason, I do not support eliminating the H-1B and H-2B Visas. I believe that these visas have the ability to benefit American companies and the economy as a whole.”

Point in fact, those visas displaced 1.1 million American IT workers with foreign workers in our own country! Thanks to you, Congressman Coffman and your colleagues in Congress!

In other words, to Coffman, a college graduate and a U.S. Marine colonel, with 20 million unemployed Americans, it’s ‘competitive’ to add another 1.2 million legal immigrants annually. Even former Governor Lamm of Colorado said, “Are we in dreamland? The United States has had zero net job growth since 2000, yet we imported 10 million permanent immigrants in the same period. Our real U.S. unemployment rate is 17.3 percent when we consider the discouraged workers, more than 20 million, and yet some in Congress along with Udall and Bennet, propose increasing legal immigration and giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, who themselves will be allowed to bring in their spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters and spouses and children of brothers and sisters. America has its plate full putting our own workers back to work.”


In a brilliant essay, Richard Pelto, “Is immigration indispensible?”, Vol. 1, fall 2009, , he writes, “At a time when it is imperative to understand what is cracking the foundations of our economic and social system, Jayapal and Sinclair blindly pursue an immigration policy that demands that the now top-heavy and wobbly economic structure — already straining to remain balanced under the weight of unsustainability — be built even higher while blindly being rooted in the premise that we can never exhaust this Earth’s resources. That is especially absurd because it ignores the welfare of future generations because those resources enabled the industrialization and population explosion that came only because of their cheaply-available abundance.”

What astounds me as I research for my weekly columns, stems from the fact that our leaders from Congressman Coffman on up to U.S. Senators like Colorado’s Mark Udall—fail to understand basic arithmetic.

How can they think it’s ‘competitive’ to inject over 200,000 immigrants every 30 days into this country, when we suffer 20 million unemployed Americans? Another 35 million Americans subsist on food stamps! Millions more suffer foreclosed homes because they cannot pay the mortgages because they don’t have jobs. How about 13 million of our children living in poverty? How about 1.5 million homeless Americans? Where is the logic? Where is the common sense? What planet do they live on?

Am I crazy to ask these questions? Or, are they totally out of touch with reality as they import 1.2 million more people into this country annually? I am a former math/science teacher. Numbers either add up or they do not add up. At our current immigration rates, we can expect 70 million more immigrants injected into this country within 25 years. It’s the most ignored and avoided issue in immigration debate.


Would you write your senators and congressmen? Ask him or her to introduce a bill to reduce legal immigration to 100,000 annually. Why that number? That’s how many people egress this country annually. Thus, we would move our civilization toward a balanced and sustainable future. Let’s make sure the math adds up for our children for a sustainable future.

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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  • Anonymous

    Its imperative that–YOU–don’t let your state fall into the same financial quagmire, as the illegal alien SANCTUARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA. E-Verify, the foreign labor removal system has been ignored by the Sacramento assembly, because they have been overwhelmed by corporate lobbyists. The payoff is large campaign contributions and likely undisclosed cash gifts. This is why California has been in political turmoil for years, unable to pass any worthwhile legislations. California is America’s largest population of illegal immigrants, and likely illegal voters as there is no true ID oversight to who votes? California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. NumbersUSA website indicates 43 percent of all illegal aliens live in California as of 2006. According to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS), an estimated 2,209,000 illegal immigrants resided in California in 2000, up from 1,476,000 in 1990. More than 66% of all births in California are to illegal aliens from South of the border on Medi-Cal and CalWorks. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes.

    This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, visa over-stayers border jumpers are working without papers or with fraudulent documents, drivers licenses or Social Security Numbers. E-Verify should be mandated by Homeland Security and ICE in California, no longer as a preference to parasite business.Every business within thew state should be forced to use E-Verify, with appropriate severe punishments. E-Verify must be a countrywide law, not at the whim of company owners. GOT A PROBLEM WITH YOUR STATUS, GO TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE FOR JOB CLEARANCE. Instead of underfunding National Security as Obama has done, this should be of the highest priority. Eventually terrorists will slip across the perforated border, if they are not already planning deadly attacks inside cities now. We cannot as a country be dictated to by corrupt politicians, because of the exaggerated need for cheap labor. Before ICE raids were compromised by Janet Napolitano and the open border fanatics, hundreds of real Americans lined-up for jobs, we have been indoctrinated in the old, tired statement, “Jobs that Americans wont do..? ” Its been a conspiracy from the start by open border extremists, through three presidents that we have secured our borders, when laws have been derailed. Including the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act that to this day has never been enforced.

    Well after watching American Indians recruited by the US Border Agency, to patrol their own land. That the border is still wide open, to drug traffickers, gun runners, heinous criminals and large groups of illegal aliens crossing each day. American Patrol, a resilient pro-sovereignty group has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that–THE BORDER IS FAR FROM SECURE. Amazed that Napolitano would lie to Congress, because what I have seen along the international border is neglected stretches of simple rusty barbed wire. I am amazed with such a few BP officers, covering massive areas of open land manage to capture the amount of elicit drugs and illegal aliens that they do. Nothing could be far from the truth, that even the millions of dollars spent on border, does not represent the original conception of Rep. Duncan Hunter’s two layered fencing. You will–NEVER–find the truth in the Liberal Press, such as Los Angeles Times or the New York Times. We have been lied to? Unless we are willing to drive to the border and observe the fencing, the American Public will remain completely ignorant.

    Key findings in a report by Judicial Watch, that the state’s already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers’ money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals. Stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. “California’s addiction to ‘cheap’ illegal alien laborers and their extended families has near bankrupted the state and posing enormous burdens on the state’s shrinking middle class tax base,” Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their neighborhoods, but even they may be alarmed when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become.

    California was subsidizing illegal immigrants to the tune of about $1.1 billion (1994) annually. Intentional US population numbers have been sterile for years, because our government doesn’t want–THE PEOPLE–to know the truth? A large percentage of foreign women have deliberately illegally entered our nation, to deliver their babies. Our overwhelmed welfare system has attributed to highest number of pregnant women, receiving free natal treatment for “Anchor Baby Children. The enormous rise in the costs of illegal immigrants over the intervening eighteen years, is due to the rapid growth in illegal settlement. It is reasonable to expect those costs to continue to rise if action is not taken to turn the immigration tide.” In 1994 was the year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. As I have mentioned before, that the 187 law was intentionally engineered to terminate its course, to the highest court in the land where its constitutionality could have been proved.

    Since then, state and local liberal majority assembly have blatantly ignored the wishes of the angry voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal families. The costs of illegal immigration have grown demographically across this nation, while border states has spiraled into a fiscal catastrophe that has brought many to the edge of bankruptcy. Nothing could more starkly illustrate the very high costs of ‘cheap labor’ than the SANCTUARY STATE of California’s current unresolved situation. Numerous numbers of powerful special interests in the state reap profits, while the average indigenous-born family in California gets handed a nearly $2.000 a year bill with more to come?

    Learn more from NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH about the corruption in California’s Capitol, the open border lobbyists, the illegal immigration occupation, welfare expenditures, pandering politicians such as Sen.Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi. Secret talks on a trillion dollar AMNESTY. Read how HSC Nopolitano has suppressed 287 (G) local and state police training programs to detain illegal immigrants and complicity in stalling ICE raids and starving the Immigration & customs Enforcement needed extra funding, while awarding ACORN , $3.5 million dollars, a staunch ally of the illegal alien invasion. Turn the tables and demand more enforcement from your state and Federal representatives at

  • Brittanicus

    Its imperative that–YOU–don’t let your state fall into the same financial quagmire, as the illegal alien SANCTUARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA. E-Verify, the foreign labor removal system has been ignored by the Sacramento assembly, because they have been overwhelmed by corporate lobbyists. The payoff is large campaign contributions and likely undisclosed cash gifts. This is why California has been in political turmoil for years, unable to pass any worthwhile legislations. California is America’s largest population of illegal immigrants, and likely illegal voters as there is no true ID oversight to who votes? California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. NumbersUSA website indicates 43 percent of all illegal aliens live in California as of 2006. According to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS), an estimated 2,209,000 illegal immigrants resided in California in 2000, up from 1,476,000 in 1990. More than 66% of all births in California are to illegal aliens from South of the border on Medi-Cal and CalWorks. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes.

    This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, visa over-stayers border jumpers are working without papers or with fraudulent documents, drivers licenses or Social Security Numbers. E-Verify should be mandated by Homeland Security and ICE in California, no longer as a preference to parasite business.Every business within thew state should be forced to use E-Verify, with appropriate severe punishments. E-Verify must be a countrywide law, not at the whim of company owners. GOT A PROBLEM WITH YOUR STATUS, GO TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE FOR JOB CLEARANCE. Instead of underfunding National Security as Obama has done, this should be of the highest priority. Eventually terrorists will slip across the perforated border, if they are not already planning deadly attacks inside cities now. We cannot as a country be dictated to by corrupt politicians, because of the exaggerated need for cheap labor. Before ICE raids were compromised by Janet Napolitano and the open border fanatics, hundreds of real Americans lined-up for jobs, we have been indoctrinated in the old, tired statement, “Jobs that Americans wont do..? ” Its been a conspiracy from the start by open border extremists, through three presidents that we have secured our borders, when laws have been derailed. Including the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act that to this day has never been enforced.

    Well after watching American Indians recruited by the US Border Agency, to patrol their own land. That the border is still wide open, to drug traffickers, gun runners, heinous criminals and large groups of illegal aliens crossing each day. American Patrol, a resilient pro-sovereignty group has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that–THE BORDER IS FAR FROM SECURE. Amazed that Napolitano would lie to Congress, because what I have seen along the international border is neglected stretches of simple rusty barbed wire. I am amazed with such a few BP officers, covering massive areas of open land manage to capture the amount of elicit drugs and illegal aliens that they do. Nothing could be far from the truth, that even the millions of dollars spent on border, does not represent the original conception of Rep. Duncan Hunter’s two layered fencing. You will–NEVER–find the truth in the Liberal Press, such as Los Angeles Times or the New York Times. We have been lied to? Unless we are willing to drive to the border and observe the fencing, the American Public will remain completely ignorant.

    Key findings in a report by Judicial Watch, that the state’s already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers’ money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals. Stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. “California’s addiction to ‘cheap’ illegal alien laborers and their extended families has near bankrupted the state and posing enormous burdens on the state’s shrinking middle class tax base,” Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their neighborhoods, but even they may be alarmed when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become.

    California was subsidizing illegal immigrants to the tune of about $1.1 billion (1994) annually. Intentional US population numbers have been sterile for years, because our government doesn’t want–THE PEOPLE–to know the truth? A large percentage of foreign women have deliberately illegally entered our nation, to deliver their babies. Our overwhelmed welfare system has attributed to highest number of pregnant women, receiving free natal treatment for “Anchor Baby Children. The enormous rise in the costs of illegal immigrants over the intervening eighteen years, is due to the rapid growth in illegal settlement. It is reasonable to expect those costs to continue to rise if action is not taken to turn the immigration tide.” In 1994 was the year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. As I have mentioned before, that the 187 law was intentionally engineered to terminate its course, to the highest court in the land where its constitutionality could have been proved.

    Since then, state and local liberal majority assembly have blatantly ignored the wishes of the angry voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal families. The costs of illegal immigration have grown demographically across this nation, while border states has spiraled into a fiscal catastrophe that has brought many to the edge of bankruptcy. Nothing could more starkly illustrate the very high costs of ‘cheap labor’ than the SANCTUARY STATE of California’s current unresolved situation. Numerous numbers of powerful special interests in the state reap profits, while the average indigenous-born family in California gets handed a nearly $2.000 a year bill with more to come?

    Learn more from NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH about the corruption in California’s Capitol, the open border lobbyists, the illegal immigration occupation, welfare expenditures, pandering politicians such as Sen.Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi. Secret talks on a trillion dollar AMNESTY. Read how HSC Nopolitano has suppressed 287 (G) local and state police training programs to detain illegal immigrants and complicity in stalling ICE raids and starving the Immigration & customs Enforcement needed extra funding, while awarding ACORN , $3.5 million dollars, a staunch ally of the illegal alien invasion. Turn the tables and demand more enforcement from your state and Federal representatives at
