
When Is Enough, Enough Mister President?

April 10, 2010

mexican illegalsLast week in Arizona, an illegal alien from Mexico walked across the line, shot rancher Robert Krentz off his ATV, inspected his victim, and calmly walked back across the border—unscathed and untouched.

In Denver, another illegal alien, Francis Hernandez, driving drunk at 80 miles an hour through a stop light, ran over and killed two women and a three year old child, Martin Kudlis, while he licked his ice cream cone at a Baskin-Robbins with his parents. In court last week, jurors sentenced Hernandez to 60 years in prison. Too late!  Both women and the child died because police failed to prosecute and deport Hernandez after 19 arrests.

Kudlis’ father said, “They should have hung him!”

Unfortunately, Denver’s Mayor John Hickenlooper and Colorado’s Governor Bill Ritter both support and allow Denver, Colorado to remain a “Sanctuary City” for illegals.  That’s why police arrested Hernandez 19 times, but let him go instead of deporting him.  Several years back, another illegal alien Garcia Gomez, caught three times by Denver police and released—executed police officer Don Young in the back of the head.

Every week, week in and week out, American citizens watch their loved ones die or suffer injuries from illegal aliens raping, killing, drunk driving killings, shop lifting, stealing, pitching drugs to their kids and an endless array of anchor babies, job thefts, ID forgeries and lawlessness—all 20 million of them.


With our schools being destroyed, our hospitals systems being overwhelmed and our prisons filled beyond capacity, when is enough, enough Mr. Obama?

What reason does the president give for amnesty?  He wants to make 20 million criminal aliens legal? Give them full citizenship rights?  Give them voting rights?  Give them full access to our entire welfare programs and social security?  At what cost?

The Heritage Foundation answered that one:  if illegal aliens enjoy amnesty, it will cost American taxpayers between $3 trillion and $5 trillion to give 15 to 20 million and more illegal aliens—a free pass into America.

In a piece in The Social Contract, winter 2009-2010, , “Time for an immigration moratorium” by former U.S. Congressman Virgil Goode, he said, “With a 10 percent unemployment rate, now is the time for the Obama administration to stand up for citizens and legal immigrant workers.  Now is the time for the president to enforce immigration laws. When the jobs stolen by illegal immigrants are recovered for citizens and legal workers, American workers will benefit.  Obama could create eight million jobs for citizens and legal workers simply by enforcing immigration laws.”

That simple!  That easy!  Just show ICE agents handcuffing executives on the nightly news from Swift, Hormel, Amour, McDonalds, Marriott Hotels, restaurants, Tyson Chicken, roofing and construction firms—and you would see them shedding illegal workers overnight.  You would see illegals purchasing one way bus tickets back to Mexico.

Even if we completely stopped illegal immigration tomorrow,” said Goode, “the government still issues 75,000 permanent work visas and 50,000 temporary work visas EVERY MONTH. These 125,000 jobs should go to Americans first.  The Census bureau found that one in every six workers in the US is foreign born.

In the past year, we allowed another 1.5 million immigrants into this country!


Back in 1965, the late Senator Teddy Kennedy crammed the “Immigration Reform Act” down the throats of the American people. He changed the manageable numbers from 150,000 annually to 1.5 million annually. He said, “The bill will not cause American workers to lose their jobs and that our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually.”

Today, we suffer 20 million unemployed Americans and 35 million subsisting on food stamps.  In 40 years, Kennedy’s legacy stuffed this civilization with an added 100 million people.  If not stopped and stopped soon, the United States will add 100 million by 2035.

“Forty-five years later, over a million immigrants come into our country every year causing millions of American workers to lose their jobs,” said Goode. “With unemployment above 10 percent, no one can say with a straight face that “immigrants are doing the jobs Americans won’t do.” Without that justification, a moratorium is just plain old common sense.”

Join and become a faxer of pre-written letters to move an immigration moratorium closer to reality.  Otherwise, sit by and watch another 100 million people rush into and crush this civilization.

Mr. Obama!  We’re already WAY past enough is enough!

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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  • W. Lewis

    My family has been in the area since the 1860s. Currently my mother lives in Rodeo, NM – a few miles Northwest of Apache, AZ.
    We have a home in the Chiricahua Mountains North of Portal. Entire area is now a funnel for illegals due to BP effectiveness in other areas.
    We have had illegals sleep in cars, picked up trash left behind, and rendered aid to illegals dumped in the mountains by their Coyotes. We call the Border Patrol and the Cochise County Sheriff. Nearest BP station is 1.5 hours away – be it Douglas, Wilcox or Lordsburg. Cochise County Sheriff is 1.5 hours away in Douglas. There are no substations or deputies in the area. No Cell phone coverage for a 20 – 60 miles around us. Police radios are blocked by canyon walls. People in Portal have been repeatedly broken into and had power lines and alarm systems cut, food stolen, guns stolen, trash left behind. My 67 year old mother who lives alone in Rodeo is prepared with a .357 magnum, a police dog and loaded 12 guage behind the front door. She is NOT a prisoner in her home. Illegals traipse across her property. She calls the border patrol and sometimes they come and sometimes they don’t. Hikers in the Chiricahuas meet illegals camped out waiting for their pickup by Coyote. Bird watchers are packing binoculars and side arms. Entire area is one step away from becoming a war zone. Our government cannot protect the border – obviously – and Mexican government is to corrupt to care. These are not times past where migrant workers were welcome at the ranches. These are current times where every migrant/illegal/stanger in the area is a potentially armed threat to society, and especially to those who live here like Robert Krentz – a rancher who loved the land and people and only wanted to continue helping both. 1200+ people attended Mr. Krentz funeral. Who will attend funerals when no one is left alive along the border?

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:

  • W. Lewis

    My family has been in the area since the 1860s. Currently my mother lives in Rodeo, NM – a few miles Northwest of Apache, AZ.
    We have a home in the Chiricahua Mountains North of Portal. Entire area is now a funnel for illegals due to BP effectiveness in other areas.
    We have had illegals sleep in cars, picked up trash left behind, and rendered aid to illegals dumped in the mountains by their Coyotes. We call the Border Patrol and the Cochise County Sheriff. Nearest BP station is 1.5 hours away – be it Douglas, Wilcox or Lordsburg. Cochise County Sheriff is 1.5 hours away in Douglas. There are no substations or deputies in the area. No Cell phone coverage for a 20 – 60 miles around us. Police radios are blocked by canyon walls. People in Portal have been repeatedly broken into and had power lines and alarm systems cut, food stolen, guns stolen, trash left behind. My 67 year old mother who lives alone in Rodeo is prepared with a .357 magnum, a police dog and loaded 12 guage behind the front door. She is NOT a prisoner in her home. Illegals traipse across her property. She calls the border patrol and sometimes they come and sometimes they don’t. Hikers in the Chiricahuas meet illegals camped out waiting for their pickup by Coyote. Bird watchers are packing binoculars and side arms. Entire area is one step away from becoming a war zone. Our government cannot protect the border – obviously – and Mexican government is to corrupt to care. These are not times past where migrant workers were welcome at the ranches. These are current times where every migrant/illegal/stanger in the area is a potentially armed threat to society, and especially to those who live here like Robert Krentz – a rancher who loved the land and people and only wanted to continue helping both. 1200+ people attended Mr. Krentz funeral. Who will attend funerals when no one is left alive along the border?

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:
