
City on a Hill to City in the Gutter

June 13, 2010

Reality is Evasive…

AmericaCorrupted by wealth and power, your government is like a restaurant with only one dish. They’ve got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side. But no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen.”  Huey Long   

Huey Long (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935) was a maverick Democratic politician from Louisiana who opposed and berated the Federal Reserve, harried Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, and irritated Franklin D. Roosevelt.  A populist of questionable character but with sizeable political clout his positions may have been detrimental to his health; he died of a gunshot wound at the age of 42.  His last words were “God, don’t let me die, I have so much left to do”.

“Foreigners tend to perceive the United States as a country prone to political violence and assassination. Nine American Presidents – Andrew Jackson in 1835, Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James Garfield in 1881, William McKinley in 1901, Harry S. Truman in 1950, John F. Kennedy in 1963, Richard Nixon in 1974, Gerald Ford twice in 1975, and Ronald Reagan in 1981 – have been the targets of assassination. Attempts have also been made on the lives of one President-elect (Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933) and three Presidential candidates (Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, and George Wallace in 1972). In addition, eight governors, seven U.S. Senators, nine U.S. Congressmen, eleven mayors, 17 state legislators, and eleven judges have been violently attacked. No other country with a population of over 50 million has had as high a number of political assassinations or attempted assassinations.”

Freedom of speech is still granted to writers and lecturers with small followings. But our record of political assassinations suggests that popular political figures who command large audiences should watch their backs.

It is astounding that the two-party political charade has become an addiction for so many citizens that they continually go back to it even when they are told by insiders it is a fraud.  It was about 80 years ago that Huey Long made the statement that heads this essay.  Knowledge of the fraudulent nature of our political system was evident a century earlier.  In spite of knowing it is rigged, millions of reasonable Americans are busily engaged in joining the system as candidates or participating in it on one treasonous side or the other.  Following the perfidy of President Clinton and President Bush and the illegitimate regime of President Obama, party loyalists are dutifully (and stupidly) lining up to join again in 2012.  It is the cocaine of government.  Astounding!

Zbigniew Brzezinski recently expressed his assessment of current world conditions at a Council on Foreign Relations in Montreal, Canada. He praised the subordinate role of the United Nations but said it is not a world government.  He acknowledged the political awakening of the world’s populace and the changing power dynamics among international leaders and wistfully maintained that there is now no concentrated source of power.

Brzezinski is of noble Polish lineage.  His father was a diplomat and he, though often a maverick, is a well connected insider.  Americans have become inured to the arrogance involved in talking seriously about controlling the world and Brzezinski calmly speaks about it with impunity.  There is no mistaking the tenor of his short talk; it was about controlling the world!

It was also about problems; problems among his comrades within the elite power structure and problems with the progress of its plans.  Zionist Jews occupy a unique position in the power umbrella that covers the world.  They are intricate cogs in the wheels that turn the Gentile world while at the same time blood brothers with power seekers in and outside the illegitimate nation of Israel.

Zionist Jews are heavily involved in world finance; they control the media including television, movies, the press, and publishing; they dominate world intellectual circles; and in the United States they are major players in the business world.  They are divisive, clannish, and ambitious.  They are influential throughout the world and particularly in the United States where they are a major threat to free speech and have been seriously detrimental in other ways.  Nevertheless, they are relative newcomers to the world power triumvirate.  The oldest center of influence revolves around the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Royal families of Europe. This group is responsible for the Bilderberger meetings, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations; they are mostly white and of European derivation. A third source of power is centered in the Catholic Church.  The Jesuits have been accused of conspiratorial activity but the details are difficult to find.  There is no doubt, however, that the Catholic Church exerts a tremendous influence all over the world.  A potential fourth power center is not fully developed but will soon come from China and other Asian nations.

The United States is the world’s premier nation but since it is controlled by Zionist Jews and Bankers it no longer acts in its own interests. Presidential candidates for both major political parties (Republican and Democrat) are selected and groomed by the banker group.  The requirements are a glib tongue, a brilliant mind, and a loose, manipulable character.  Once the pre-selected candidate is elected to office he or she is heavily influenced by Zionist Jews who fill key advisory positions and through the press and media control the mind and heart of the nation.  Zionist Jews are prominent members of the banker group helping and supporting the United Nations and other of their projects while at the same time maintaining a strong allegiance to Israel and to their Zionist Jewish brethren.  It appears that the glue holding these two groups together might be the Rothschild banking empire with tentacles deeply embedded in both.  The bankers have central banking systems installed in all the major nations of the world. The quest for world domination is not homogenous, there are several factions involved creating a considerable potential for conflict.

The Zionist controlled press and media has been on a crusade to marginalize the influence of Christians in general and the Catholic Church in particular.  Their efforts have enjoyed some success in Europe and the United States but the church is still extremely wealthy and popular in non-English speaking nations.

A couple of years ago President Obama was photographed carrying a copy of a book entitled “The Post American World”. The author is a naturalized Indian pundit name Fareed Zakaria who was described in the “The Nation” as a junior Henry Kissinger.  His book is said to deliver an optimistic scenario for peace and prosperity in the Twenty First Century.  He says the book is not about the decline of America but the rise of everyone else.  This statement is a conundrum because the rise of other nations has been at the expense of the prosperity and power of the United States and the citizens that built, worked and fought to create her prominence.  In a sense it is stolen prosperity.  It is not a coincidence that Brzezinski and Zakaria would come to the same conclusion; that there is no concentrated source of power in the world. It has been a goal of the world order elites for decades.

International egalitarianism has set the stage for implementation of the objectives of the Bilderberger Group, an elite cabal recently meeting in Spain (linked in preceding paragraphs).  The “concentrated source of power” this group represents was not mentioned by either Brzezinski or Zakaria.

David Estulin writes about some of the objectives of the Bilderberger Group:

One international identity; one set of universal values

Centralized control of world public opinion – mind control.

No middle class, only rulers and servants.

A zero-growth society without prosperity or progress but with great wealth and power for rulers.

Perpetual war and crisis.

Absolute control of education.

A universal legal system.

A global welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.

Most of these objectives are well on the way to being realized.  The small group of United States citizens who understand what is going on and have attempted to stem its progress have failed.  They have wasted their time and energy fighting symptoms while the unhampered disease has spread through the entire body.  We have lost our wealth and power through the treasonous actions of leaders we have elected to govern us.

Talk with some of the younger generation – those under thirty years old.  Ask any who work in the faceless corporate retail establishments that have replaced our small businesses; ask them about the irregular schedules that ruin family life and steal the utility of free time; ask them when they last received a raise in pay; or how they are able to survive on a yearly wage designed to keep corporate expenses low and workers enslaved.  Gone is the expectation that with hard work they will be able to accumulate more wealth than their parents.  They understand what is happening in our nation.  College degrees do not help; thousands of college graduates are unable to find work.

Our controlled media repeats the fallacy that “things are getting better” but the millions of manufacturing jobs that gave the United States the world’s largest middle class will not return nor will the white collar jobs that went with them.  The recession is not the same as the 1929 recession.  There was hope in the 1930s; a hope that was realized in succeeding decades.  Now, the deck has been permanently stacked, our hope has been stolen along with our wealth and power.

As I write this essay large numbers of our citizens are rejoicing that the “Tea Party” candidates are winning over incumbents.  They are delighted to the throw the bums out and replace them with their heroes. They seem unable to understand that the bums they are throwing out were the heroes of yesteryear and the heroes of today will be the bums of tomorrow.  It is the system that is flawed, a system that will soon tarnish the bright shine of today’s new heroes.

Huey Long’s accurate description of our government fell on deaf ears.  We have the government we deserve.  A nation of voters that is unable to learn from experience and is willing to perennially vote for the lesser of two evils deserves to get what they have voted for.  Americans are a stiff necked, arrogant, belligerent people who have refused to repent and obey God.  Like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus, we are receiving our reward.

I have grown used to the fact that, throughout the world, public repentance is the most unacceptable option for the modern politician.”  Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:

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