
Birthright Citizenship Gravy Train About To Run Over A Cliff

August 14, 2010

anchor babiesIn the past week, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and House minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced their support for an amendment to end birth right citizenship for illegal alien mothers giving birth within the United States.

Each year, an average of 400,000 women travel from all over the world to birth their babies within the United States to gain birthright citizenship for that child and a free meal ticket for themselves.  The costs to American taxpayers run from the hospital stay at an average of $6,000.00 to as high as $500,000.00 for children affected by congenital birth defects and lifelong taxpayer care for autistic, Down’s syndrome and other problems. From there, the child enjoys free breakfasts and lunches from taxpayer funded K-12 education.  Along the way, billions of dollars pay for medical, food stamps and assisted housing for the mother and child.

Carmen and Joe Pemora spoke about the mis-interpretation of the 14th amendment of the United States Constitution.

“People from Mexico, and I say especially Mexico have been leaving their families/children for decades in their homeland and coming to the USA.” said Joe and Carmen Permora.  “Many of them in the past left their families and came for a better life, but they came legally, and when they could some of them were able to bring their families.

“But a lot of them ended up losing a lot of time away from their children and by the time they united with their kids they were already adults, so why is it that today they can scream and holler separation of families? Today they cross the border illegally leaving their kids behind, then after they settle here they start a new family here, having anchor babies on purpose in order to stay here.

“Then if or when deported they start screaming separation of families, when they themselves choose to separate from their families, forget the children they left behind and pretend that they have to leave the ones born here behind also. Do these people think that Americans are that dumb?

“Maybe I should answer that question, “yes some of them are” or maybe they pretend to be because of some special interest. A message to illegal aliens: “TAKE YOUR ANCHORS WITH YOU, PROBLEM SOLVED.”  The other day Univision was televising “Saulito ” Elvira Arellanos little eight year old who was traumatized by Univision and Telemundo. He lives in Mexico with his deported mother and he is just fine…guess what? He comes to our country since he is a “US citizen” demanding changes in our laws, the kid comes from Mexico to demand amnesty!

“No one in this country is telling them that they “have to leave their kids behind.”  They choose to leave them because of the welfare check, or the social security check, (medical) and the free schooling that they are receiving, free lunches, free transportation, and free medical care, plus they can keep having babies in our hospitals “for free” isn’t that great? When they give birth the hospitals gives them the milk for the anchor, diapers, lotion, and an application so that they can go directly to get in the WIC program, free milk, for the newborn and the other four anchors, beans, rice, cereal, and whatever else they need. Why wouldn’t anyone want to jump the borders and give birth in our hospitals for free, and god forbid the woman falls or gets hurt because now we have “Ginarte” and other leeching lawyers telling them to hurry up and sue.

“The illegal aliens live off of their little anchor babies, that’s how they pay their rent, their brand new SUV’s, cell phones, and etc.,  the more anchors the more help they get, food stamps, WIC program, and I believe that they also get Section 8, low income housing,. Benefits that they are not entitled to. Plus if there is a Hispanic working anywhere in these government offices, for money sometimes or just for the heck of it they are accepted no questions asked. Invent some social security number and you’re in! Working with real estate I noticed that illegal aliens could walk into a real estate office with $30,000 or 50,000 in cash to buy a house that even American citizens could not afford.  When I found out that there would be no questions asked “just like everything else” when it comes to illegal aliens, I was shocked.  The broker where I worked said that the new law does not ask anymore where they got the money and he just wrote down”gift”.

“When I hear illegal aliens yelling and screaming and acting in front of cameras with tears rolling down their cheeks, I realize what good actors they are, they deserve an Oscar. Univision and Telemundo love to show their faces on TV, and if you have kids that you can make cry in front of the cameras that is even better yet.

“Any child that feels like his mommy is being taken away will cry of course. Traumatizing children so that they can get ratings and try to convince us the American citizens that these poor people need all of our support, is a terrible shame. I know exactly what your agenda is with the Mexican La Raza people.”


Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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