Mexicans Want Illegal Immigration To Continue
August 15, 2010
An enormous 67 percent of Mexicans want illegal immigration to continue into the United States of America.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 13% of adults think Mexico wants to stop illegal immigration,” said journalist Stephen Franks. “Sixty-seven percent say Mexico does not want to stop its citizens from entering the United States illegally. Mexican President Felipe Calderon in his meeting with President Obama complained that Arizona’s new immigration law encourages discrimination. But Arizona officials say the new law is needed in part because illegal immigration is causing big public safety and financial problems for the state.”
Over 460,000 illegal aliens work and live in Arizona. They cost each Arizona taxpayer $1,000.00 annually to pay for illegals within the state. Additionally, Arizona boasts the “Car-jacking capital of America” with 57,000 cars stolen annually in addition to being the “Kidnapping capital of America” all due to illegal immigrants.
- Mexico needs the money illegal aliens send back their families in Mexico at $25 billion annually in cash transfers.
- With 111 million and growing by nearly 1.0 million annually, mostly illiterate, unskilled and poor—Mexico needs to get rid of the unemployed—by shipping them off to other countries like Canada and the USA. The caveat to that problem grows as Mexico expects to add 35 to 40 million by mid century. In other words, the line never ends of poor people migrating into the USA.
- At $75 billion in smuggled drugs annually, Mexico needs to get its criminals to sell drugs into the USA—for the money. (Source: )
“Mexico is corrupt, it is in the middle of a civil war,” said Franks. “The United States is a victim. Obama has shut down the building of a wall, does not send enough guards to the border. He is begging and demanding we allow criminals from Mexico become American citizens. So, Mexico has no reason to stop the flow of drugs, human trafficking and the selling of Mexican women as sex slaves in the United States.”
With the amount of profit for the ‘higher-ups’ both in Mexico and America, this modern day 21st century slave labor force continues at the pleasure of the presidents of both countries. While it costs American taxpayers $346 billion annually to serve over 20 million illegals in education, medical care, incarceration, food programs, anchor babies, shoplifting, drunk driving, no insurance and much more, it makes billions for Mexico’s corrupt government. (Source: ).
In the end, U.S. citizens will only stop this modern day phenomenon via the election process by voting out congressional reps that maintain a neck-lock on making sure nothing changes as long as they remain in office.
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.
He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:
Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for
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