Oval Office Lovefest
September 1, 2010
Barack Obama kicked off campaign season in grand style last night with a celebratory “The Iraq War is Over” speech from the Oval Office. Obama–who was framed by flags and photos of cheery family members–looked as wooden and as uncomfortable as anytime since he has taken office. The speech was designed to impress the public with the prestige of the presidency, while deceiving them about ongoing operations in Iraq. Regrettably, the war is not over because Obama “says so” from the cozy confines of his 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. digs. The Iraqi government is in turmoil, basic services and electricity have not been restored, and the killing and mayhem persist regardless of Mr. Obama’s Orwellian pronouncements from the capital.
By most accounts, the speech was a disappointment. Stylistically it was flat and monotone, with none of the grandiose rhetorical flourishes for which Obama has become famous. It did however produce one excruciating moment that will doubtless be remembered by all the ardent Obama supporters who believed there was some quantifiable difference between the cardboard senator from Chicago and his warmongering predecessor. Here’s the quote from the speech:
“No one could doubt President Bush’s support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security,” Obama said.
With this one comment, Obama dismisses the slaughter of over one million Iraqis as merely ‘an honest mistake’ made by a misguided patriot. (Bush) That’s certainly worth mulling over before one wastes his/her vote on a Democratic candidate in the midterms.
Mike Whitney is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com
Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at:
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