
Illegal Immigration Crime Wave – Part 3

November 13, 2010

From An Officer’s Squad Car: Violent Third World Momentum…

policeThe clergy and power elite used the word ‘heretic’ in the 16th century to brand anyone who spoke with an independent mind. The word ‘heretic’ shut off all discussion, debate or evolving thought. People feared being branded a ‘heretic’.

Today, the words ‘racism’ and ‘xenophobe’ are used to shut off all rational discussion on the accelerating illegal alien invasion facing America. Never mind that 20 million people stomp around our country and into our lives in ever increasingly detrimental ways.

This crisis features more illegals and specific ethnic groups pandering even greater numbers of their passage into our country to the detriment of us all. It’s now beyond dangerous for the continuation of this nation as a viable republic. Even more frightening, we are at risk as a sustainable society from the standpoint of clean air, energy, water and enough food—as we’re pushed to add 138 million more people by mid century.

Since the US media will not broach it and Congress sits twiddling its thumbs except for Tancredo, Ron Paul and Deal—much like the early history of our nation, patriots who live down in the streets of America—must awaken their fellow countrymen.

And so, a brave police officer tells it like it is. Doug Hamilton gives this report in Part III of a police officer’s story concerning the invasion of illegal aliens. “Just so you know, these incidents that I relate are from personal experience, so they are accurate,” he said. “I wish the public knew the massive problems these illegal aliens create.”

What Hamilton’s report brings to the surface is what the national media refuses to address. President Obama force feeds us into criminal chaos. The national media winks at the existence of 20 million people who illegally crossed our borders. Thus, the ‘fluff stories’ feature people who come here ‘to work for a better life’. Today, it’s not a few, it’s millions, and now, millions of us suffer—in every realm of American society.

“People like my sister, who just got her degree in social work, only get the media version or turn their blinders on,” Hamilton said. “They feel sorry for them. She will learn that she needs to feel sorry for legal Americans and the poverty this invasion is causing in the working classes. Americans can’t order a burger at McDonald’s because the cashiers can’t speak English. Then, if a person expresses his disapproval at this poor service a manager is called to inform the customer that his business is not desired because of his “racist” attitude.”

“One area that is frustrating is the lack of respect many of these illegal migrants have for members of American society,” Hamilton said. “As it is, they know there is little to fear from law enforcement officers. Because of the political stigma attached to speaking out against the numerous crimes these people commit, most administrations turn a blind eye to the growing problem of the lawless behavior these people exhibit. Yet, over the last week, most of the calls I have responded to, and arrests I have made, have been of illegal or legal immigrants.”

What officer Hamilton talks about is a general disregard for the rule of law. It is the same in the Third World. Laws are not obeyed as a natural aspect of a lack of respect for an ordered society. It’s why so many societies do not function with any kind of standards. It’s why chaos rules. It’s why people starve. It’s why for example, Mexico has no environmental laws. It’s why so much of Mexico suffers human degradation. It’s also why law enforcement in Mexico and Columbia is done without restraint or protocol. It’s why gangs and lawlessness thrive.

“We have had two cases where officers were physically resisted and assaulted, forcing them to call for emergency assistance,” Hamilton said. “The first case involved an illegal migrant family from Peru. The three male cousins, all of whom had Virginia driver’s licenses, were wanted for an assault they had committed earlier. Once the responding officers attempted to make the arrest, they were fought and the sister and mother also assaulted officers. All five were arrested.

Hamilton continued, “These incidents and statements are a cause for alarm because they are not isolated. They reflect the disdain for America and American citizens that these people have. These statements typify the feeling of entitlement that has been created because of our nation’s non-existent immigration policy. An illegal immigrant has enough working knowledge of our legal system to demand a warrant, yet openly flaunts those same laws, knowing he will not be held accountable. If he is held accountable, he can claim that there was a language barrier or that the responding officers were racist. I find it interesting that we, as law enforcement officers, must obey every rule and are held accountable for every action we take, yet there is no effort to hold these criminals accountable for their actions.”

The only reason law enforcement is effective is that law-abiding citizens fear being arrested for doing something illegal. They fear speeding tickets, because they may lose their license. If their licenses are suspended, most of these people will refrain from driving or at least be cautious if they decide to again break the law.

“This is not the way illegal immigrants react to an arrest,” Hamilton said. “In fact, many of these illegals go out of their way to draw attention to themselves. Speeding, running red lights, adorning your car with illegal lights, and blasting loud music are not the actions you would expect a person that has no license to take, but it is common.”

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.

He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

Frosty Wooldridge is a regular columnist for

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