
Video: Alive in Baghdad – Iraq

September 22, 2007

Baghdad Hospital Children’s Ward In war and peace children are always amongst the most vulnerable of communities. Iraq has been no exception. In this episode, Alive in Baghdad takes you to the children’s ward of Baghdad Hospital, to make visible the plight of some very sick children, stricken with cancer by the presence of Depleted Uranium munitions, left over from the last to US wars in Iraq. Visit each Monday for new videos about life in Iraq!  Read More →

Video: The War on Democracy

August 23, 2007

‘The War on Democracy’ is John Pilger’s first major film for the cinema – in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. “The film tells a universal story,” says Pilger, “analyzing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature... Read article

Video: Crimes Against Peace – Was The U.S. Invasion Of Iraq Legal or Illegal Under International Law

July 29, 2007

Do any of the charges of illegality we’ve been hearing about have any legal basis at all? And why should we even care about international law anyway?  Read More →

Video: Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

July 9, 2007

Through startling interviews with perpetrators, witnesses and victims, GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB examines and contextualizes the abuses that occurred in the fall of 2003 at the notorious Iraqi prison abuses documented in photographs that are etched in our national consciousness. The film probes the psychology of how typical American men and women came to commit these atrocious acts and, on a parallel track, explores the policy decisions that eroded our compliance with the Geneva Conventions and contributed to making the abuse... Read article

Video: Kidnapped To Order

June 16, 2007

Dispatches exposes a new phase in America’s dirty war on al Qaida: the rendition and detention of women and children. Last year, President Bush confirmed the existence of a CIA secret detention program but he refused to give details and said it was over. Dispatches reveals new evidence confirming fiercely-denied reports that many of the CIA captives were held and interrogated in Europe. Those prisons may now be closed but the programme is by no means over, it’s just changed. A new front has opened up in the Horn... Read article

Video: Understanding America’s Terrorist Crisis: What Should Be Done?

June 4, 2007

How did the United States come to be so hated? Could the horrific events of September 11th be setting in motion a chain of events far more significant than the terrorist attacks themselves? Held before a standing-room audience of 1,350, this powerful program features celebrated authors and scholars who examine the terrorist crisis and ask the all-important question: Why? Filmed before a live audience, renowned author Gore Vidal rejects the blind “patriotism” expected by government officials and the mainstream media,... Read article

Video: Mystery Flights

May 25, 2007

This World pieces together the jigsaw of “extraordinary rendition”, the alleged illegal CIA transfer of terror suspects to secret prisons in Europe. It is alleged that the CIA flew their planes to 29 different countries, and that there were 300 CIA landings in Europe alone. Frenkiel reports on the plane spotters, civilians, judges, lawyers and journalists piecing together the jigsaw of extraordinary rendition and torture. Features an interview with the former head of the CIA in Europe, Tyler Drumheller. Olenka... Read article

Video: Torture – The Guantanamo Guidebook

May 8, 2007

Channel 4′s programme examines torture in the war on terror by exposing seven volunteers to methods reported to have been used by American interrogators on alleged terrorists at the Guantanamo Bay camp. The Guantanamo Guidebook reconstructs the regime at the US’s Cuban base. For 48 hours, seven volunteers are subjected to interrogation techniques known to be used in the camp, ranging from harassment and abuse to sensory deprivation – with shocking results. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Kill the Messenger

May 6, 2007

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, has granted a film crew full and exclusive access to document her story and her struggle against the FBI. She is attempting to expose the truth on some specific yet hidden aspects of today’s War on Terror. This is a 52min version of a 90min film. Mathieu Verboud & Jean R Viallett – Kill the Messenger Loading...  Read More →

Video: Breaking Ranks

April 26, 2007

Documentary film that examines the current phenomena of US soldiers seeking refuge in Canada as part of their resistance to the war effort in Iraq. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Video: The Lies That Led To War

April 14, 2007

The Lies That Led To War provides context to the events of the previous six years, showing how political, diplomatic, media spin – which sometimes crossed the line into outright lies – have been used by those in power to further their own agendas. CBC – The Fifth Estate : The Lies That Led To War Loading...  Read More →

Video: Troops’ Brutality in Iraq

January 25, 2007

Exclusive: Channel 4 News has obtained footage of brutality by mainly Shi’a troops in Iraq, egged on by US soldiers. We see a joint patrol of US and Iraqi troops in Baghdad, where our camera captures the pretty brutal treatment meted out by the newly trained Iraqi soldiers to three suspected insurgents caught in a car, all to the accompaniment of laughter, whoops and egging on from the US soldiers who watch from their Humvee.  Read More →

Video: Unofficial Video Of Saddam Hanging

December 31, 2006

Some viewers may find the video disturbing.  Read More →

Video: Never Mind The Taliban

December 9, 2006

Five years after the fall of the Taliban, western intervention has produced a mafia-style state. Reporter Kate Clark and director Tom Porter discover a fractured country and an economy dominated by the drugs trade. Commanders from the old Northern Alliance, some of whom have been accused of human rights abuses, are in positions of power everywhere – in the police, the parliament and controlling districts and provinces. This is the country that British soldiers are now dying to defend against the Taliban. Unreported World... Read article

Video: Humiliation as a weapon of war

November 24, 2006

U.S. Occupation Forces Bring Clean Water to The Children Of Iraq. A quick look at the good things the United States is doing in occupied Iraq. Sarcasm off  Read More →

Video: The Death Squads

November 15, 2006

Exposed: The reality of U.S. occupation Of Iraq Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq’s main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they’ve been tortured with electric drills. Yet those doing the killing have little to do with al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents. This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and... Read article

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