
Where Are The WMDs?

May 29, 2003

In Iran and Syria of course My last article caused many of you to write that I was coming on a bit too strong in my criticisms of the oligarchy and its head honcho boy George. So, I did what any honest writer would do when criticized by his or her readers, I sat back, sipped some hot coffee and examined my writing modus operandi of late. In this somewhat amusing process, several analogies entered my shocking mind, the first being, how would one react when being pick pocketed? Or, how does a human being react when lied to... Read article

Suicide Bombers And Deception

May 20, 2003

Lies, for Chains and Death The recent suicide bombings in Saudi Arabia and Morocco is clearly showing that president Bush’s war on terror is a complete failure and that this so called war on terror was and always has been a play in virtual reality. When is America going to wake up and see that subjugating the Middle East will never put an end to terrorism but will inevitably increase terror against the United States and all those that support the Bush administrations war mongering? In Saudi Arabia, Americans and foreigners... Read article

Currency Wars

May 13, 2003

Euro vs Dollar One of the major underlying reasons for the invasion of Iraq by the United States was in the defense of the American dollar. The Iraqi government did the unthinkable two years ago and began to sell what little oil they could for Euros, not dollars, establishing a precedent that the American government could not tolerate. The power behind the American dollar is in its ability to buy and sell oil, it is also the worlds “Reserve Currency” which enables central banks of nations to defend its currencies... Read article

Tech Wars

May 6, 2003

American Military Preponderance The United States swift illusionary victory in its invasion of Iraq has shown the awe struck world that the United States possesses the world’s most lethal armed forces that are unparalleled in history. The United States has created the most technologically advanced military that one would be hard pressed to find a comparable circumstance in history. Julius Caesar’s Gallic wars and Rome’s wars with the German tribes, pitting well armed and excellently versed in the art of... Read article
