
Syria, Lies Exposed, Broken Paradigms, Dead Pigs

September 1, 2013 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

Update: WAR=UNITY. The President just gave his speech on Syria. He intends to launch an air attack. He wants Congress to approve it. He didn’t say what he’ll do if Congress refuses, and he didn’t say how the attacks will limit Assad’s ability to use chemical weapons on his people in the future. He’s utterly convinced, he claims, that Assad deployed chemical weapons. He’s “seen the evidence.”

Why should we believe him? There are ample reports that “the rebels” used those weapons. Those would be the rebels the US government is backing and arming.

Obama appears to trust he has the votes in Congress to approve his attack. He sees this as a feel-good moment when Congress and the White House are united. “Look, we can work together.”

He referred to Congress as “representatives of the American people.” So Obama is a comedian now. He’s suggesting that all of America will share in this act of war. Congress represents the American people the way a herd of lions is accountable to deer and antelope.

Here is the piece I’d already finished an hour before Obama made his speech. I don’t need to change anything, except perhaps to elevate the dosage of mescaline it would take to make Brian Williams finally “see the light.”

Brian Williams, the leading disinformation media specialist on American television, has accidentally ingested a drug before his broadcast.

Somehow, through a manufacturer’s error, mescaline was inserted in a headache pill. Brian just happened to take a pill in that bad batch.

His mind is scrambled.

He suddenly realizes he’s been on a lying jag for decades. What a revelation.

He sees a glint of daylight. He can go on television and tell the truth for once…and what better story to explore than the imminent US attack on Syria. Yes, he’ll do it. He’ll try for redemption.

He sits there on camera, his eyes shining. His mind is all over the place. But he bites his lip and begins:

“—Ladies and gentlemen…

I’m Brian Williams. Freedom is the wild card in any so-called system. How’s that for my opener?

That’s what I want to tell you, folks…the wild card. Yes…uh…

So listen up: Bureaucrats and other lackeys of the State are trained to work as if they are dealing with closed systems. They react to any deviation (freedom) as if it’s a black widow spider in a hotel bed.

Technocrats, the leading edge of the State, are trying to build a machine that incorporates all humans. They hail this as a future in which “the right answer” will always be obtained.

You have no right to be wrong. This is what we are coming to.

Get it?

You can see this in the run-up to the planned attack on Syria. Leaders are telling us, just as they did prior to the invasion in Iraq, that all the facts add up to the right answer. Once that answer is extracted, there is no turning back.

Syria. Chemical warfare was used. The Assad government used it. That’s the correct answer. Therefore, war. End of debate.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the picture looks a little different. I’m picturing that picture, ladies and gentlemen. The commander-in-chief is being briefed:

“Well, Mr. President, I want to recap where we are on Syria. I’m waiting for Prince Bandar to tell us. Ha-ha. Anyhow, we enabled the Syrian rebels or the terrorists, or al Qaeda, or the freedom fighters, or whatever we’re calling them today. We helped arm them. Now we’re about to bomb Syria to keep them in the game. These rebels are the same people we’re supposedly fighting in Afghanistan, right? I’m not against any of this, but I’m just saying it’s getting harder to sell it. And if our story line crumbles, we’re in deep trouble, Mr. President. People are more aware now. We’ve played both sides against the middle so many times before, the scenario is almost dead on arrival…”

Hi. Brian Williams still here. Let me make a leap, all you good folks out there in television land. The massive op/narrative called The New Age, which began its rapid spread in the 1960s, was designed to disguise our fascist government by moving consciousness to an appreciation for, and an insistence on, so-called spiritual unity.

Barack Obama was supposed to be the first president standing for that apotheosis. He would, in a sense, rule by faith, the faith of his supporters. He would sweep away all objections to government as the supplier of spiritual unity.

Government’s only hope is to somehow appear supernatural and inevitable. It can’t stand on its own.

Wars, especially, require “spiritual faith” in the mission. Obama has failed on this count, and with the opposition to an attack on Syria coming from so many quarters, there is very little cover left for him.

On a larger scale, the attempt to create a closed system, through a military-industrial-oil complex, is falling apart. Oil as the only recognized energy source for the planet determines the chessboard and the playbook. In one stroke, it names the geopolitical hot spots and the conflicts and the need for war as the American solution.

In truth, there are many technologies that could, if developed sufficiently, take us on the road to energy abundance. They are being stopped by the military-industrial-oil complex, not only to keep us on the oil teat, but also to keep us pinned to the need to make war to guarantee the oil flow.

But this system is losing its solid feel. It’s becoming more transparent as an op, long past its prime.

Every significant geopolitical story on the nightly news is a dead pig painted with lipstick.

On the home front, media, fed by politicians, are focusing on “dangerous people” who value freedom. This is a tale so old it creaks. It was told in ancient Egypt, in Greece, in Rome during the death throes of the Empire. Now, in America, it can only be spun by fatuously accusing freedom lovers of racism.

The Surveillance State is losing public support by the day. The notion that the government has to spy on everybody all the time to find “the terrorists” is so off-key, it sounds like a barroom medley sung by drunken sailors. Or a pronouncement rolled out at the height of the Catholic Inquisition.

To impose a closed system on the populace, it’s necessary to reduce the definition of what a person is. In this modern age, that strategy involves promoting stripped-down, lowest-common-denominator thought as a marvelous advance that will enable “human-machine” interactions…bringing us to the brink of a new techno-paradise.

It’s such a desperate tale, one wonders how the sellers can make it through the day without falling down and laughing themselves out of court.

The answer is: government funding. Like the oil monopoly, like the war machine, like the nuclear-energy titan, the government dispenses $$ to make the myths endure.

The pinnacle of this corruption is war. Offensive war. Not war to protect the home front, but to establish new beachheads of conquest, under the pretension of helping to liberate the oppressed. To create a sense of unity where unity was lacking.

The proposed attack on Syria is the latest footnote.

It’s not working.

People are waking up. Also, the man in the White House just can’t create new jobs. He’s putting on a show of trying, but he can’t do it, because he’s not interested in doing it. He wants more victims. So the people are looking at him with a tougher gaze. They don’t trust him.

On the issue of war against Syria, Obama can only try to take a moral high ground based on the idea that a chemical attack occurred. That’s all he’s got. He can’t peddle spiritual unity in this case. He’s dying on the vine.

The whole thing is a sham and a scam and a cardboard front. Get it? I’m trying to tell you, my fellow Americans, ladies and gentlemen, all you good folks out there, what’s really happening. I’m hitting the high points.

We, in the media, are your basic liars. That’s our skill. That’s what makes us great. Right now, we’re selling the war to you. We’re trying, damn it, but it’s not easy. We’ve got so little to work with.

Dianne Sawyer, Scott Pelley, and I are carnival barkers. We dress it up, but that’s all we are. We fake it every night. I don’t even need to be here. You could have a CGI of me, programmed with messages from the White House, polished by our writers at NBC. Now, in fact, looking back at my career, that’s what it feels like. I was never here. I don’t know where the hell I was, but through a stroke of fate, I’m back. And I’m trying to feed you a little truth.

Just think oil and keep thinking oil. Oil pipeline through Syria. Oil in the Middle East.

Anyway…where was I? I could show you pictures of a hundred, two hundred places around the world where governments are torturing and killing their own people and putting them in cages. Is the US supposed to go into all those places and liberate the oppressed? Are we supposed to force free elections from the North Pole to Tierra del Fuego?

And what is a free election? I’ll tell you. It’s the same big-time players behind the scenes cooking the vote for a new bunch of tyrants.

The only way to stop that—and it’s a long shot—is to form a government based on severely limiting the power of government.

Wow. What an idea! Where did that come from? Am I, Brian Williams, the first person to see that?

Anyway, Syria is a crazy op that’s gotten out of control.

We’ve got Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq. Why would the US government be trying to upset the apple cart in those places? To free the people? Don’t be stupid. To obtain cheaper oil prices? How is that working out?

If Dianne, Scott, and I were real reporters, this is the issue we’d be working on. Is this a destabilizing operation aimed at disrupting the flow of oil? Is this a high-level game in which the US and other industrial economies take a huge energy hit? Is this a prelude to the acceleration of the forces of elite Globalism? Is this the old create-chaos and then bring in order on top of that?

Right now, that’s what it looks like to me. Sitting here, that’s my thesis. I don’t think I’ll be able to get anybody in the White House to give me a straight answer, though.

But it’s a start. So…for all the good people here at NBC News, good night. I’ll be back tomorrow, possibly broadcasting from a holding cell under CIA headquarters at Langley. In which case, don’t believe anything I say. Signing off. Brian Williams.

Source: No More Fake News

The Sun Rose 2 Days Early in Greenland

January 23, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

By Wynne Parry |

GreenlandResidents of a town on the western coast of Greenland may have seen the sun peek over the horizon 48 hours earlier than its usual arrival on Jan. 13, sparking speculation, and disagreements, over possible causes.

The town of Ilulissat sits just above the Arctic Circle, meaning its residents had been without any sunlight for a good chunk of the winter, and traditionally they’d expect to see their “first sunrise” on Jan. 13.

News that the sun had peeked over the horizon on Jan. 11 appeared onlinein British and German-language publications and it appears to trace back to a story by the Greenland broadcasting company KNR that quotes residents who noticed the change.

Of about half a dozen scientists contacted, most were unaware of the report, which was circulating on the Internet. They offered a number of hypothetical explanations, including an illusion caused by an atmospheric effect and conflicting opinions about whether global warming might be to blame for melting along the edges of Greenland’s ice sheet. With less ice, Greenland’s elevation may take a dip such that the sun would have less distance to travel before appearing over the horizon.

How it works

The sun comes up each day because Earth rotates once on its axis every 24 hours or so. Seasons are a result of Earth being tilted 23.5 degrees on its spin axis coupled with the planet’s 365-day orbit around the sun.

The Arctic Circle, a line at 66 degrees north, marks the latitude at which the sun does not set during the summer solstice (when the top half of our planet is facing directly toward the sun), the longest day of the year, nor rise during the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. The farther north you move from the line, the longer the period of night-less summer or sun-less winter. Ilulissat is located about 3 degrees north of the Arctic Circle, so residents spend the middle of winter without any sunlight.

At the North Pole, the sun rises only once a year — at the start of spring. It gets higher in the sky each day until the summer solstice, then sinks but does not truly set until late September, at the autumn equinox.

Not a global phenomenon

While they disagreed on the cause of the town’s early sunrise, experts did reach one consensus: This was an isolated event, not a sign of earlier spring around the Northern Hemisphere.

“In a nutshell, there can’t be a change in the true sunrise, because that would require the Earth-Sun orbital parameters to change,” said John Walsh, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Fairbanks is located about 1 degree of latitude south of the Arctic Circle, far enough south that it does not completely lose its sun in winter, and this year the sun has followed its typical pattern in Alaska, he said.

“No changes here,” he said. “We would have heard about it.”

Walsh and other scientists agreed there is absolutely no evidence of a shift in the tilt of the Earth’s axis or any other change that might alter the arrival of the seasons around the globe.

An atmospheric illusion?

Other causes can be ruled out, including the effect of the approaching leap year in 2012, since in and around leap years, the sun is slightly lower in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere around Jan. 11, according to Thomas Posch, of Austria’s Institute of Astronomy.

The most likely possibility was the refraction of sunlight at the horizon, he told LiveScience in an e-mail. Most of the other scientists interviewed agreed this was the most likely culprit.

It is, in fact a common phenomenon, according to Walsh. Light bends as it travels through layers of air with different densities, and as a result the sun is normally a little bit below the horizon when we can first see it. But an unusual stratification of the air over Greenland could have led to a stronger bending of the sun’s rays, making the sun appear to arrive earlier than usual, he wrote in an e-mail.

Climate change?

“It is well known that global warming is causing most of Greenland’s outlet glaciers to melt faster and draw down the inland ice, and the details of that are quite complicated,” said Tim Dixon, a professor of geodesy at the University of Southern Florida, who has studied the effects of the melting ice sheet that covers Greenland.

On average, the ice sheet has lost considerable mass over the last 10 to 15 years, he said.

Ilulissat is located on land next to the point where the Jakobshavn Isbrae outlet glacier meets the ocean. The outlet glacier is a long tongue of ice that drains from the main ice sheet to the west, through the coast into the water.

It is unlikely that the melting of the edge of the ice sheet would change the timing of the first sunrise, because the ice is east of the town, while the sunrise would take place almost due south.

Even so, Dixon did not completely dismiss melting ice as a cause, suggesting that perhaps the absence this year of a floating ice shelf in the inlet to the south may have allowed the sun to rise earlier.

Not enough information

But without information about the observations behind this report, it’s difficult to speculate as to what may have caused an early sunrise, according to Richard Alley, a professor of geosciences at Pennsylvania State University who spent several days in the town.

“When my wife was a child, she and her siblings would go to the beach, watch the sun set, and then run up the hill really rapidly, ‘unsetting’ the sun so they then could watch the sun set again,” Alley wrote in an e-mail to LiveScience. “Where you are matters.”

Given the information available, or lack of it, Alley said the possibility of a “mirage” where atmospheric conditions make it possible to see something that would not normally be visible was more likely, he wrote.

But he wrote that he was concerned about the reliability of the report.

Mystery of Mass Animal Death Epidemic Deepens after 8,000 Turtle Doves Fall Dead in Italy

January 8, 2011 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

From: Daily Mail Online…

  • Blue stain believed to be sign of poisoning or hypoxia – lack of oxygen that is precursor to altitude sickness
  • Cold weather and overbreeding blamed for deaths of two 2million fish in Chesapeake Bay
  • Disease behind deaths of 100,000 fish in Arkansas River
  • At least nine incidents of mass animal deaths across the globe
  • Hundreds of confused birds plummeted to their deaths in multiple locations in the U.S.
  • Rapid movement of Magnetic North Pole towards Russia may have caused bird deaths

Thousands of dead turtle doves rained down on roofs and cars in an Italian town in the latest in a growing spate of mass animal deaths across the globe.

Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like ‘little Christmas balls’ with strange blue stains on their beaks.

Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia.

Mystery: 8,000 turtle doves fell to the ground dead in Faenza, Italy, and were found to have a blue stain around their beaksMystery: 8,000 turtle doves fell to the ground dead in Faenza, Italy, and were found to have a blue stain around their beaks

Shock: Residents described seeing individual doves fall from the sky, before groups of 10 or 20 began hitting roofs and carsShock: Residents described seeing individual doves fall from the sky, before groups of 10 or 20 began hitting roofs and cars

A witness told ‘We have no idea why this happened all of a sudden.

‘The doves just started falling one-by-one then in groups of 10s and 20s.’

Hypoxia, a lack of oxygen, is known to cause confusion and illness in animals. It is also a common precursor to altitude sickness.

Experts said results from tests on the doves will not be available for at least a week.

They said that cold weather could have caused the birds’ deaths as the flock was swept into a high-altitude wind storm before falling to the earth.

It comes after two million dead fish were found to have washed up on shores in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.

The alarming find is being blamed by authorities in Maryland on the stress caused by unusually cold water and overbreeding among spot fish.

Mystery: Experts said they believed the blue colouration around the doves' beaks may indicate poisoning or lack of oxygenMystery: Experts said they believed the blue colouration around the doves’ beaks may indicate poisoning or lack of oxygen

Littering the beach: The bodies of two million spot fish have washed up on the shores of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, after unusually cold weatherLittering the beach: The bodies of two million spot fish have washed up on the shores of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, after unusually cold weather

Carnage: Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of Spruce Creek, Florida Carnage: Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of Spruce Creek, Florida

That investigation comes just days after the deaths of an estimated 100,000 fish in northwest Arkansas, which is being blamed on disease.

A statement by the Maryland Department of the Environment said: ‘Natural causes appear to be the reason.

‘Cold water stress exacerbated by a large population of the affected species (juvenile spot fish) appears to be the cause of the kill.’

Preliminary tests of the water in Chesapeake Bay have showed the quality was acceptable, officials said.

The statement added: ‘The affected fish are almost exclusively juvenile spot fish, three to six inches in length.

‘A recent survey showed a very strong population of spot in the bay this year. An increased juvenile population and limited deep water habitat would likely compound the effects of cold water stress.’

Gruesome: New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in BeebeGruesome: New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in Beebe

Mystery: Officials initially blamed high-altitude hail or lightning hitting the birds. Then preliminary lab tests concluded they had died from Mystery: Officials initially blamed high-altitude hail or lightning hitting the birds. Then preliminary lab tests concluded they had died from multiple blunt force trauma

Mystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power linesMystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power lines

Mass winter deaths among spot fish have occurred twice before in the Maryland area – in 1976 and 1980.

The incident is the latest mass animal death to hit the headlines in the last two weeks.

These include:

  • 450 red-winged blackbirds, brown-headed cowbirds, grackles and starlings found littering a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 3,000 blackbirds on roofs and roads in the small town of Beebe, Arkansas
  • Thousands of ‘devil crabs’ washed up along the Kent coast near Thanet
  • Thousands of drum fish washed along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River
  • Two million small fish in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
  • Thousands of dead fish found floating in warm Florida creek
  • Hundreds of snapper fish found dead in New Zealand
  • Scores of American Coots found dead on Texas highway bridge

Experts have speculated that New Year fireworks, thunderstorms, cold weather, parasites and even poisoning may be behind the deaths.

But conspiracy theorists have also speculated on the internet that secret government experiments could be behind them, with some even claiming it was a sign of a looming Armageddon at the end of the Mayan calendar next year.

Another theory is that the rapid movement of the Magnetic North Pole towards Russia may have affected the birds’ innate navigation systems.

The plot thickens: Rescue chief Christer Olofsson holds a dead bird in Falkoping, Sweden. Dozens of jackdaws were found dead on the streetThe plot thickens: Rescue chief Christer Olofsson holds a dead bird in Falkoping, Sweden. Dozens of jackdaws were found dead on the street

Creepy: Thousands of dead drum fish were also discovered just miles away lining the shores of the Arkansas RiverCreepy: Thousands of dead drum fish were also discovered just miles away lining the shores of the Arkansas River

Inbuilt navigation systems in birds and fish is believed to be affected by magnetism.

Scientists have said the Magnetic North Pole is shifting at an average of around 25 miles a year.

With birds and fish relying on it to travel to breeding grounds and warmed climes, there are fears that the shifting pole could be confusing the animals which means they do not migrate in time to avoid cold weather.

Tests are being carried out on the dead birds and fish, but results are not expected for several weeks.

Scientists have been baffled by the sudden deaths of hundreds of birds which have plummeted to the ground seemingly simultaneously in several locations.

Two hundred American Coots were found dead on a highway bridge crossing Lake O’ the Pines in Big Cypress Creek, Texas.

They are believed to have been hit by passing vehicles while walking or apparently trying to roost on the bridge.

Swedish experts blamed the shock of New Year fireworks for the unexplained deaths of 50 jackdaws found on a street in Falkoping, Sweden.

Many of the birds are believed to have died from stress or as a result of being run over while disoriented.

The largest incident took place in Beebe, Arkansas, were horrified revellers witnessed around 3,000 blackbirds crashing to their deaths into homes, cars and each other as they celebrated New Year.

Another 450 birds were found strewn along a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after apparently hitting overhead power lines.

In both cases, the birds are believed to have become confused and were flying at a lower height than usual.

The deaths of tons of fish across the globe is being attributed to unusually cold water.

Thousands of Brazilian fishermen have been left struggling to make ends meet after the sale of seafood was temporarily suspended when masses of fish were discovered in Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná.

Fish were also discovered rotting and floating in Spruce Creek, Florida, after another period of cold weather.

100,000 drum fish were found strewn along the shore of the Arkansas River.

And the cold snap has been blamed for the deaths of 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs – known as ‘devil crabs – found littering beaches in Thanet, Kent.

Thousands of them: Crabs washed up at Palm Bay, Margate, are thought to have died of hypothermiaThousands of them: Crabs washed up at Palm Bay, Margate, are thought to have died of hypothermia

Enlarge   mass animal deaths

’Doomsday Vault’ Gets New, Large Shipment

November 13, 2010 by Administrator · Leave a Comment 

By Jeanna Bryner |

Doomsday VaultIn hopes of bolstering our defenses in the event of a major food crisis, researchers sent tens of thousands of seeds from different types of rice last week to a “doomsday vault” in the archipelago Svalbard.

Contained in black boxes, the 42,627 samples of rice seeds traveled to the mountains of the Norwegian archipelago, about 746 miles (1,200 kilometers) from the North Pole. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is buried deep inside the icy mountains, where it protects all of the world’s important crop seeds in case of a man-made or natural disaster.

The rice collection was sent from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), whose first deposit to the doomsday vault included 70,180 rice-seed samples sent in 2008. If ideal temperature and storage conditions remain inside the vault, seeds can be stored for hundreds of years, scientists say.

Polar bear protection

The giant icebox of sorts, which was officially opened on Feb. 26, 2008, is designed to protect the world’s crop diversity from natural or man-made disasters.

The vault, which officially opened on Feb. 26, 2008, is dug into the Platåberget mountain (“plateau mountain”) located near the village of Longyearbyen, Svalbard – a group of islands north of mainland Norway. The arctic permafrost offers natural freezing for the seeds, while additional cooling brings the temperatures down to minus 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 18 degrees Celsius).

And if the mountain of snow enshrouding the storage rooms wasn’t enough protection, what better bodyguard than one of nature’s biggest beasts.

“The region on Svalbard surrounding the seed vault is remote, severe, and inhabited by polar bears,” according to the Global Crop Diversity Trust, which helps to support the vault’s operations.

The preciousness of such seeds is reflected in the inaccessible nature of the vault. “Anyone seeking access to the seeds themselves will have to pass through four locked doors: the heavy steel entrance doors, a second door approximately 115 meters down the tunnel and finally the two keyed air-locked doors,” the Trust writes. “Keys are coded to allow access to different levels of the facility. Not all keys unlock all doors.”

Fail-safe backup

Like all seeds coming to the vault, the new ones are duplicates of those from other collections – in this case, duplicates are from those kept by IRRI’s International Rice Genebank in Los Baños, in the Philippines.

So if seeds are lost due to natural disasters, war, or lack of resources, the seed collections can be reestablished from Svalbard.

The vault can hold 4.5 million seed samples — and since each sample contains about 500 seeds, a maximum of 2.25 billion seeds will fit into the vault. That means all the unique seed samples conserved today by the 1,400 or so genebanks located across the globe could have duplicates in the seed vault.
