
The Lying Bush Clan, What did they know?

March 28, 2004

What did the Bush administration know about the terrorist threat before Semptember 11th? According to Richard Clarke, the White House counter-terrorism chief under both Mr Bush and Mr Clinton, says he gave National Security adviser Ms Condoleeza Rice a detailed memo on dealing with al-Qaida on 25 January, five days after the inauguration. This document built on the briefings given by the CIA and departing Clinton officials to the incoming administration. He adds that during that first briefing on 25 January “her... Read article

While The Churches Burn

March 21, 2004

Kosovo Revisited Thousand-year-old Christian churches in flames, Christians being murdered because they are Christians, what we are seeing in Kosovo today is the by-product of neocon and Clinton treachery. Kosovo is legitimately and historically Serbian territory, and the Serbian government in Belgrade has been effectevily rendered helpless to defend its citizens from a coordinated and deliberate attack by hostile Albanian Muslims. Everyone, even the Serbs, despite what the neocons say, has the inherent right to defend... Read article
