
Video: Conscientious Objector Witnessed Abuse, Killing of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib

December 21, 2004

We speak with former Army Reserve Specialist Aidan Delgado. At Abu Ghraib, he witnessed U.S. soldiers abuse and killing of Iraqi detainees. You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. Producer: Democracy Now!  Read More →

Just Say No

December 20, 2004

If you’re a young person considering joining the US military, consider this: Don’t join the US military Right now men and women of the US armed forces are engaged in a guerrilla war against resistance fighters in Iraq. The fighting is being propagandized as the defense of freedom in general and the defense of America in particular. These are lies. There is nothing in Iraq that threatens the freedom of Americans. There never was. The so-called “liberated” Iraqis have still not tasted real freedom... Read article

Video: The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War

December 20, 2004

Large files, will take some time too load. Director’s note: The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War is a work in progress produced and directed by Patricia Foulkrod and in association with Operation Truth, an non-profit organization created by Iraq veteran Paul Rieckhoff. This film is our soldiers’ perspective of the Iraq War, and how they are being treated upon returning home. It goes beyond the war stories to look underneath our American tradition of engaging in war and then abandoning the warrior. Part One…... Read article

Video: A Message From The Iraq Resistance

December 11, 2004

Islamic Jihad Army – A message in English Transcript: People of the world! These words come to you from those who up to the day of the invasion were struggling to survive under the sanctions imposed by the criminal regimes of the U.S. and Britain . We are simple people who chose principles over fear. We have suffered crimes and sanctions, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction. Years and years of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of world... Read article

The Ghost of Christmas Future tells all

December 11, 2004

$2 a day wages and the Rape of Cincinnati The Ghost of Christmas Future appeared to me last night. “What did he look like? What did he say?” “He wore a caveman outfit and rode a bike. It was a Schwinn. He showed me what I would look like after I gained 50 pounds — and told me to lay off the eggnog.” “That’s all? That’s IT?” “Nope. He also showed me what will happen to Americans if they keep that idiot George Bush in office.” It was not a pretty picture. He... Read article

Video: The Power of Nightmares – Part I

December 8, 2004

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares. The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares. Loading... Broadcast BBC 2 10/20/04 Since September 11 Britain has been warned of the ‘inevitability’ of catastrophic terrorist attack. But has the danger been exaggerated? A major new TV documentary claims that the perceived threat is a politically driven... Read article

Video: The Power of Nightmares Part II

December 8, 2004

The Phantom Victory The Power of Nightmares continues its assessment of whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. Part two, the Phantom Victory looks at how two groups, radical Islamists and neo-conservatives with seemingly opposing ideologies came together to defeat a common enemy. Among the many foreigners drawn to Afghanistan was a young, wealthy Saudi called Osama Bin Laden. Loading... Long before 9/11, he would have been seen by neo-conservatives in Washington as one of their... Read article

Video: The Power of Nightmares Part III

December 8, 2004

The Shadows In The Cave The Power of Nightmares assesses whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. In the concluding part of the series, the programme explains how the illusion was created and who benefits from it. Among the many foreigners drawn to Afghanistan was a young, wealthy Saudi called Osama Bin Laden. Loading... In the wake of the shock and panic created by the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on 11 September, 2001, the neo-conservatives reconstructed the radical... Read article


December 7, 2004

What to do after Bush debases the dollar “With the monetary dollar value sinking, how can I protect my nest egg?” That’s easy. Hoard gold! “But gold is $425 an ounce!” Ouch. Okay. Here’s the situation: George Bush is debasing the dollar as fast as the living daylights — but it is illegal to buy, own or smuggle in gold (unless you are James Bond.) Can you go down to the local “Gold Bars R Us” and fill your shopping cart with Krugerrands and gold doubloons? Not unless... Read article
