
Operation Infant Freedom

April 30, 2005

Liberating the Womb Children of America The U.S.A. launched “Operation Iraqi Freedom” to liberate the people of Iraq, while leaving millions of its own unborn children without the right to life. We are told of the chemical weapons that Iraq has used on its people-while chemical warfare on the unborn (RU-486 etc.) is waged daily to kill babies in the USA. The American media has shown us the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein, and ignores the tortures inflicted in the abortuaries of America that dismember infants... Read article

Video: Oil: The Party’s Over

April 30, 2005

Richard Heinberg, author of “The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies” and “Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World,” and professor at New College of California, discusses the end of oil as the fuel of industrial societies. There must be fundamental changes, says Heinberg, a full commitment to renewable energy, adoption of energy conservation measures and a transition to sustainable local food systems. Producer: EnviroVideo You may need to update /... Read article

Video: Shoot the Messenger

April 27, 2005

Were 5 Unarmed and Wounded Iraqi’s Murdered By U.S. Marines? Last November when a US marine shot dead an unarmed, wounded Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque, the story created international headlines. In fact, it was the biggest scandal to hit the US military in Iraq since Abu Ghraib. What we still don’t know is what actually went on outside the frame of that now infamous image? Explosive Video Report From SBC Australia – Broadcast 04/20/05 In his first international interview, the journalist responsible for... Read article

Driving The Lane

April 26, 2005

Why the pro-life team will never make it to the playoffs Who do you think will win the next NBA championship? The Lakers? The Pistons? The Kings? The Phoenix Suns are looking good. Why? Because they have a lot of powerful players on their team who are not afraid to get out there and DRIVE THE LANE. If you want to win the NBA championship, you gotta walk the walk, talk the talk and drive the lane. If the “Culture of Life” lobby were a basketball team, they wouldn’t even win a high school game. These... Read article

Video: The World According to Bush

April 23, 2005

A film by William Karel in collaboration with Eric Laurent author La guerre des Bush and Le monde secret de Bush This film aims to pass through the looking glass and to show how the Bushes, father and son, have not only dined with the devil but have often invited themselves to his table. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Video: Communique 5: Iraq Resistance Releases Documents Exposing The “Sale” Of Iraq’s Military Equipment

April 22, 2005

Iraq Resistance Releases Documents Exposing The “Sale” Of Iraq’s Military Equipment The following video and information is purported to be from the Iraqi Resistance. Rafidan (The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command) Communique No. 5 In the name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful. We salute our people & our great army Today we release an astounding scene The traitors have accepted the Zionists as their principles & fathers…. (Poetry) Let us see the crime of all centuries... Read article

Video: Communique 4: Further Evidence: Dale Stoffel And The $40 Billion Tadji Scandal

April 22, 2005

Rafidan The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command Communique NO. 4 Dale Stoffel And The $40 Billion Tadji Scandal Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 Document5 In the Name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful Rafidan requests from the factions of the Iraqi Resistance, as well as those who fight under our command & our Iraqi People, to analyze/study the documents and the terrifying plan that was crafted & implemented by Stoffel & endorsed by the... Read article

Video: Torture: The Dirty Business

April 19, 2005

Torture is a multinational industry but its headquarters is in the USA. Broadcast Channel 4 on Tuesday 1 March at 11.10pm In this programme Andrew Gilligan examines the CIA’s practice of abducting terrorist suspects and transferring them to states such as Egypt and Syria, where torture is routine. The programme also exposes the British government’s refusal to condemn the use of torture by the government of Uzbekistan, for the sake of the “evidence” it produces: ‘selling our souls for dross’,... Read article

Video: Orwell Rolls In His Grave

April 17, 2005

“Could a media system, controlled by a few global corporations with the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?…” Director Robert Kane Pappas “Orwell Rolls In His Grave” is the consummate critical examination of the Fourth Estate, once the bastion of American democracy. Asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth, Pappas explores what the media doesn’t like to talk about: itself. Loading... You... Read article

Video: Communique 3: How The CIA Looted $40 Billion Of Military Equipment From Iraq

April 15, 2005

The following video and information is purported to be from the Iraqi Resistance. Rafidan The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command Communique NO. 3 In the Name of God Most Merciful Most Compassionate Hear, you who were born as Iraqi. Do you believe that a man slaughters his children in order to drink their blood, or a mother laughs when seeing her children eaten by wolfs? You have to believe that, just when Bremer has appointed the gangster of hate to dry out the two rivers (Rafidain) in order for... Read article

Video: Communique 2: Further Evidence Regarding the Killing of ( CIA Director – Iraq ) Dale Stoffel in Iraq

April 15, 2005

The following video and information is purported to be from the Iraqi Resistance. Rafidan The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command Communique NO. 2 Regarding the Killing of Dale Stoffel in Iraq. In the Name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful Peace to our people and to our great army, We request from every Iraqi and those who fight under our command as well as other factions of the Iraqi resistance to observe the history of Dale Stoffel, and his shadow companies, Wye Oak Technologies and CLI of Pennsylvania.... Read article

Desperately seeking Jordan

April 14, 2005

Got any suggestions? Jerry Springer? Milk cartons? Yet another grandfather (or sister or aunt or neighbor or boyfriend) has just contacted me. “I saw your posting on Fornits (or 8th Step or TheStraights or ISAC) and my grandson (or god-daughter or niece or son’s friend) has been sent to one of those terrible behavior modification places and they won’t let me get in touch with him (or her).” I had NO idea that there were so many concerned relatives (friends, neighbors, aunties, coaches, homeboys)... Read article

The War On Anonymity Is A War On Liberty

April 12, 2005

The Open Society Paradox is pretty much the exact opposite of Freedom Is Slavery which is why I like it. Dennis Bailey, the site’s creator, is a strong advocate of a kind of existence that somewhat resembles the world of “1984” in which everyone is identified, tracked and kept under near constant surveillance by corporations and government. In this brave new world order, security trumps everything. This is the wondrous open society that supposedly awaits us in the not too distant future where technology... Read article

Video: Why We Fight

April 8, 2005

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This award-winning film provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American war machine. Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video. Broadcast on 03/23/05 BBC See also: How weapons makers are shaping US military and foreign policies: As a result of a rash of military-industry mergers... Read article

Sharon’s Great Vision

April 5, 2005

Laying claim to the West Bank, Mecca and Cincinnati I was just reading somewhere about the fifth pillar of Islam — the obligation to go to Mecca; to go on the journey of Hajj. What in the world is a Hajj? Three million Muslims go on a Hajj every year. One billion Muslims dream about it. And here’s me, totally clueless about what a Hajj is. So I went to the library to do some research. I figured that if George Bush hates Muslims so badly, they must be doing SOMETHING right. Our George tends to pick the absolute... Read article

Video: Communique 1: Iraqi Mujahideen Claim To Have Killed CIA Shadow Director in Iraq

April 3, 2005

The following video and text is purported to be from the Iraqi Resistance. Transcript: Communique From the Political Committee Rafidan (The Political Committee of the Mujahideen Central Command) On the 14th of Safar 1426H, the 24th of March 2005M In the Name of God Most Merciful Most Graceful Congratulations to our Great Army We congratulate you to the Demise of Dale C. Stoffel a CIA Shadow Manager in Iraq, and a close friend of George Bush. He is more important than Bremer and his lot of Generals. He was killed... Read article
