
Why, Sandy, Why?

July 29, 2005

I’m mystified. I don’t get it. And the more time that passes, the less sense it makes. Why did Sandra Day O’Conner quit the United States Supreme Court? I don’t know. Neither do you. Nobody knows. She hasn’t said. Now we’re all caught up in her replacement. But still it nags: Why? Why now, why her, what’s up? Let’s reexamine her letter of resignation. Dear President Bush, this is to inform you of my decision to retire from my position as an Associate Justice of the Supreme... Read article

Video: Loose Change: A Documentary on 911 – Part 2

July 29, 2005

Loose Change: A Documentary on 911. An in-depth documentary looking into the attacks on 911 and the failure of the United States government and the general media too answer the real questions about the attacks on 911. Very good video. Produced by Phil Jayhan and Korey Rowe. Written and directed by Dylan Avery. Part 2 Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Part 1  Read More →

Video: Loose Change: A Documentary on 911 – Part 1

July 29, 2005

Loose Change: A Documentary on 911. An in-depth documentary looking into the attacks on 911 and the failure of the United States government and the general media to answer the real questions about the attacks on 911. Very good video. Produced by Phil Jayhan and Korey Rowe. Written and directed by Dylan Avery. Part 1 Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Part 2  Read More →

The Project for a New American Century for Dummies

July 26, 2005

How to Dominate the World and still receive Social Security! I opened my inbox yesterday. Some guy had sent me a whole bunch of website links about world domination conspiracies. It really freaked me out! There were all these photos of jet bombers and missile weapons systems and underground bunkers in Idaho and top secret plots by evil madmen to conquer the world and…you get the picture. “James Bond tried to warn us!” My paranoia ran free. Then some Congressman from Colorado came on some talk show... Read article

Microwaveable Iraqis

July 25, 2005

Can war get any more convenient? The U.S. plans to begin microwaving crowds of Iraqis sometime in 2006. The idea is crowd control. Should coalition forces find themselves outnumbered by an angry mob, they just hop on top of their Humvee and sweep a concentrated ray of microwaves through the crowd, inflicting unbearable pain on whoever it hits. That ought to send them packing. Microwave weaponry is part of a new class of “Less Lethal” weapons that sounds like a step in the right direction, as long as you’re... Read article

Video: Painful Deceptions – An Analysis of the 911 Attack part 3

July 22, 2005

An in-depth look at 911, and the lack of truthful coverage by the mainstream media pertaining too the September 11th attacks. Author Eric Hufschmid asks some serious and pertinent questions about the cover-up by the United States government concerning some events of 911. Part 3 The Media Deception Oklahoma City Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Part 1 Part 2  Read More →

Video: Painful Deceptions – An Analysis of the 911 Attack part 2

July 22, 2005

An in-depth look at 911, and the lack of truthful coverage by the mainstream media pertaining too the September 11th attacks. Author Eric Hufschmid asks some serious and pertinent questions about the cover-up by the United States government concerning some events of 911. Part 2 Building 7 The Towers Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Part 3 Part 1  Read More →

Video: Painful Deceptions – An Analysis of the 911 Attack part 1

July 22, 2005

An in-depth look at 911, and the lack of truthful coverage by the mainstream media pertaining too the September 11th attacks. Author Eric Hufschmid asks some serious and pertinent questions about the cover-up by the United States government concerning the events of 911. Part 1 Windows Media Player 7 or newer is required. Part 2 Part 3  Read More →

Rove Must Stay

July 21, 2005

If Bush fired Rove, the whole thing’d be over. If Rove stays, we get high comedy; Rove goes, we get low drama. The longer Karl Rove stays on the job as the mind of the president, the more interesting and wide ranging the story will become. How interesting it might be to see him tortured by his own techniques before he’s indicted by the special prosecutor, or messed with by the FBI and CIA. two agencies he burned. It’s true that George Bush promised to fire any person in his administration who revealed the... Read article

“Plame off”

July 21, 2005

How Rove will get away with outing a CIA agent The Fantastic Four have been at it again. Karl Rove, also known as “The Human Torch”, should have been in big trouble after flaming CIA agent Valerie Plame. Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason — a crime worthy of Doctor Doom himself. “Not to worry,” said Rove. “Nothing will come of it. The storm will pass over. I’ll get away with this one too.” And Rove is right. All he has to do is play “Invisible... Read article

The Dr. Is In

July 16, 2005

How to stop anemia, hemorrhoids, the common cold, cancer and the war on Iraq Here are some of my very favorite health hints. This is a LONG list but bear with me. Health is IMPORTANT! Let’s start with the biggest health hint of all: How to stop dying at a young age from an infected hangnail after losing all your teeth: That’s easy. Just move to Canada. Or Sweden. Or any country that is civilized enough to have decent healthcare. There is now a bill in the California legislature that will instigate single-payer... Read article

British Suicide Bombers

July 14, 2005

This news does not bode well for Tony Blair and the elites in not so Great Britain. It seems that homegrown terrorists are to blame for the London bombings; British subjects committed mass murder suicide against their own citizens. Bush and Blair cannot pin this on evil doers from Iraq or Iran or Syria; it was British citizens that decided they hate the British government to the point of mass murdering their fellow citizens. The illegal foreign policy in aggressive war by the Bush and Blair governments has now created enemies... Read article

Swinging thru trees with the Rich & Famous

July 12, 2005

Jane plays Tarzan at the Bohemian Grove (Author’s note: For those of you who are not familiar with it, the Bohemian Grove, located in northern California, is where fantastically rich men from all over the world gather together each July — with one apparent goal in mind: To search for newer and better ways to screw those of us who make less than five million dollars a year. Originally the Bohemian Grove was started in the 19th century by local San Francisco tycoons but, since then, many U.S presidents have... Read article

Life in post-Bush America

July 2, 2005

Control freaks, Rebels and Drones Forget about the split between Red States and Blue States. Since the advent of the George Bush phenomena, America has become divided into THREE states — but they are not physical locations. They are all states of mind. In the first state we have the control freaks. They are easy to spot. They are always righteously telling us what to do. Their whole lives are devoted to making sure that everyone else is thinking the same way that they do — or at least not openly opposing... Read article
