
Spinning in a Quagmire

September 28, 2005

A quick scan of Google News shows another day a-spin with self-refuting irony from deeply unconscious people. Last week Katrina killed 10,000 poor people and Bush didn’t care; this week it killed only 742 poor people but he wants to spend $200 billion of borrowed money to bring the city back to life. Enter Rita, not a 4 but a 5, make that a 3, spinning toward Houston. Bush, meanwhile, is spinning at 6. What happens when America pierces its credit limit? Do we pawn the Mesopotamian antiquities? Following the money trail... Read article

Video: Conspiracy of Silence

September 27, 2005

Conspiracy of Silence – this documentary was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. The documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies, a child sex ring that reached Bush Sr’s White House. Loading...  Read More →

Survivor Guatemala: Like in New Orleans

September 25, 2005

It’s the survival of the whitest Someone just sent me an e-mail about New Orleans. “You liberal weenies are trying to blame it all on President [sic] Bush. It was the local government that failed.” Yeah. Okay. You got a point there. New Orleans, like the rest of America, has had their local police and firefighter budgets drastically cut over the last five years. In New Orleans specifically, levee maintenance funds dried up to a trickle thanks to the Bush bureaucrats in Washington. And much of the... Read article

Lame Duck stopped by passing buck

September 24, 2005

It is an awesome and solemn sight to see the POTUS bear full responsibility for an act of God, but it gives God a break and shuts up the critics and lifts the national discourse high above the prickly topic of consequences for his own dishonorable actions that guaranteed the failure of the New Orleans levee this year or the next. Only a week ago, Bush was flying over and issuing denials while nobody did nothing and especially not him, until the man who never looks at polls went into freefall. Desperate and alone he blamed... Read article

We are back

September 24, 2005

Unfortunately, has been offline for the last week due to bandwidth limits at our old webhost As a result, PowWeb had seen fit to disconnect the website and demand that we find a new host, which we had to do. It will take a few days to get all the kinks out, we see that there are problems with some of the media streams which we hope will be resolved asap.  Read More →

Disaster Plan

September 15, 2005

More Centralized Government The history of human government is a history of dominant political factions jostling for power by means that often are erroneous and in some cases illegal and violent. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is glaring examples of how two dominant political parties continues to destroy the American heritage in limited government and States rights. Both the Republican and Democratic parties, in an atmosphere in chaotic confusion, consistently demand that the answer to the problems of society –... Read article

Bush to Americans: Drop dead

September 12, 2005

Scenario: US President and Texas Oilman George W. Bush condemns the City of New Orleans to death by flood in order to expand oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, clear new shipping lanes, and plunder the riches deep beneath the mouth of the Mississippi. Facts: Everybody in southern Lousiana knew the levee was about to break. FEMA was poised to rebuild it from scratch. But in 2004, Bush seized 80% of the levee’s budget and sent the money to Iraq. Bush earned the power to steal budgets when he sold Congress on the need... Read article

Playing chess with the devil

September 9, 2005

Did George Bush just take our queen? Excerpt from “Trapped in New Orleans: First by the Floods, then by Martial Law”: By day FOUR our hotels had run out of fuel and water. Sanitation was dangerously bad. As the desperation and despair increased, street crime as well as water levels began to rise. The hotels turned us out and locked their doors, telling us that “officials” had told us to report to the convention center to wait for more buses. As we entered the center of the city, we finally encountered... Read article

Video: “Go F*** Yourself, Mr. Cheney!”

September 8, 2005

Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to “go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney” twice on live television  Read More →

Video: New Orleans Police Looting A Wal-Mart

September 6, 2005

Funny or pathetic? You decide.  Read More →

The People of New Orleans v. G.W. Bush!

September 6, 2005

The most justified class action suit ever “If the People of New Orleans sued George Bush, FEMA and Homeland Security for Criminal Negligence during the recent Hurricane Katrina crisis, do you think that they might have a case?” I asked a top-flight civil class action lawsuit attorney. “Hummmm….” he replied. Let’s look at the evidence we could present to a jury. “On the day of June 4, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, informed Defendants... Read article

Video: We Have Been Abandoned By Our Own Country

September 4, 2005

We Have Been Abandoned By Our Own Country… The MSM on Meet the Press inadvertently allowed Aaron Broussard to reveal how the federal government callously allowed thousands of its citizens to suffer and needlessly die in New Orleans.  Read More →

Audio: Interview With Mayor of New Orleans

September 4, 2005

Interview With Mayor of New Orleans. “They are feeding the public a line of bull – and people are dying down here.” “Please listen to this MP3 – it is an interview with the mayor of New Orleans. Please listen until the end…the folks down there need help and the mayor tells how we can all help. Each minute that goes by means more will die.” CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW PICKS UP AT 2:20 OF AUDIO MAYOR RAY NAGIN: I told him we had an incredible crisis here and that... Read article

Cindy & Katrina

September 3, 2005

Two women who have exposed the Bush Republican corruption Last month, Cindy Sheehan shown a brilliant spotlight on the Bush Republicans, illuminating the calculated, cynical and deliberate way that they had deceitfully, corruptly and deliberately led America into an unjust and unnecessary war. “Exactly what noble cause did my son die for?” Cindy asked. Did the “noble cause” that Casey Sheehan died for somehow invovle lining the Bush Republicans’ pockets with America’s hard-earned money?... Read article

Katrina and the Elites

September 2, 2005

Americans are seeing firsthand how the power elite in the United States view the average American, especially the poor simpletons; they are regarded as bottom feeders and nothing more. While dead body’s float in the streets of New Orleans, it is increasingly clear that the Federal government is a corrupt and worthless institution which was designed long ago to be a representative government of the people for the people. It is now nothing more than a criminal plutocracy which takes care of its interests above the interests... Read article

Stop talking, get ‘em out

September 2, 2005

As thousands of terrified Americans remain trapped in the Swamp of New Orleans, the White House worries over its reputation and asks for patience. We are definitely on our own. I asked myself how I’d move thousands of people out of New Orleans if I only had a few hours. This is what I came up with. The picture at left is a photoshopped illustration. Step 1. Ask the crews of construction crane helicopters to get airborne and bring chain. These are the giants that put antennas on the tops of buildings. They can handle... Read article

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