
Video: Purports To Show Failed Suicide Bomber Executed By U.S. Forces

November 30, 2005

This video shows disturbing images in Iraq and the apparent execution of a suicide bomber who failed to set off his bomb.  Read More →

Palestine goes to the Olympics

November 28, 2005

Winning the checkpoint-crossing event “Palestine needs a soccer team so they can go to the Olympics and win recognition as a sovereign state,” I told my friend Cathy. For the last 40 years, Palestinians have tried everything they could possibly think of to stop the Israelis from appropriating their lands. Using legitimate avenues of petition hasn’t worked. Appealing to the UN hasn’t worked. Asking America to be an impartial referee hasn’t worked. Taking their case to Israeli courts... Read article

Who Is “We?”

November 25, 2005

One of the things I’ve been on the lookout for is the way many Americans use collectivist terms and thinking to refer to the actions taken by the government or government agencies. I realize this is not new, plenty of Americans have always spoken in terms of “we” and “us” but it’s become far more pronounced in this “time of war.” Here’s a prime example of this collectivist mentality in action from a right wing war enthusiast… This conflict has been compared to Vietnam, but in many respects it is a far... Read article

The Indictment of Lord Conrad Black

November 25, 2005

Truthful revelations, when it comes out for everyone to see, can be a sublime event. When leading neoconservatives like media mogul Conrad Black is indicted for criminal behavior, the world becomes a little better place to live in. Neocons by their very nature are creatures of criminality; thievery, murder, mass murder, mendacity, is second-nature conduct for these people. Black’s Hollinger Corp. is one of the world’s largest media empires, owning hundreds of newspapers and magazines in Canada, England, Israel, and... Read article

People I’m Sick Of

November 24, 2005

Bob Woodward Damn it, Bob, what’s wrong with you? You of all people, jumping into the story like Geraldo. Shame on you and your tumorous ego. News flash to news guys: stop jumping in. Jump out. Woodward says he was the first to hear that Valerie Plame was CIA and that it was really nothing, in context. Uh huh. Not helpful, Bob. Here’s why. Lots of people inside the beltway knew Valerie Plame was CIA. That’s because so many people inside the beltway are. You want to be first, Bob, is that it? Because it’s... Read article

Bobcats in a Brave New World

November 17, 2005

“Preserving liberty may require the rule of a single leader — a dictator — willing to use those dreaded ‘extraordinary measures,’ which few know how, or are willing to employ.” — Michael Ledeen Goodness gracious! Henny Penny! Since defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and vice president Dick Cheney teamed up to lead the charge to create a New World Order, the whole universe has become untidy. Very untidy. My friend Bernie says Dick and Rummy’s big plan to take over the world by... Read article

Cosmology of the Shadow Presidency

November 14, 2005

If people were planets, and size measured gravity, who’d be the biggest? Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney is a very large planet indeed, for on his flipside is Halliburton, and ever near, his moon Chalabi, once “disgraced,” now ascendant in Iraqi politics. Imagine. Dead planet Scooter Libby will burn in descent. Planet Rumsfeld is willing himself to irrelevance but still orbiting, still hewing to the Shadow, still doing his dirty work, same as little Lynndie England, who served her country, her boyfriend, and now... Read article

How to survive 11 years of solitary confinement

November 13, 2005

Tips from Mordecai Vanunu This is the third in a series of four essays on the subject of Israel and Palestine “How did you survive seven years of solitary confinement,” I asked Mordecai Vanunu this afternoon. Vanunu is an Israeli nuclear whistle-blower who spent 18 years in jail. Considering the way that the Bush bureaucracy is hacking and hewing away at the U.S. Constitution, this is JUST the sort of thing that we Americans need to know about. “It wasn’t seven years,” answered Vanunu. ”... Read article

Video: Fallujah – The Hidden Massacre

November 7, 2005

Italian TV Report Details Use Of Napalm On Iraqi Civilians. The video documents the use of internationally illegal ordnances against civilians by the United States in the destroyed city of Fallujah. Veteran admits: Bodies melted away before us. Loading...  Read More →

French Fried

November 6, 2005

“C’est La Vie” What is the cultural potential from globalization in the West? Take a good look at France and the ethnic violence that is currently engulfing that country. Globalism, while highly profitable for corporations and the average consumer is happy with the prices of merchandise in their “Made in China” products, the underlying cancerous reality from this global village construct is immigration. Some villages with engrained cultural dogma refuse to assimilate into their new environment.... Read article

Who’s Your Daddy

November 6, 2005

Does Israel pay for Palestine’s kindergartens or not? “The Palestinians can’t be too angry with Israel,” I told my friend George recently. “After all, the Israelis are paying for Palestine’s sewer lines and kindergartens.” “Whatever gave you that idea?” answered George. “Italy helped pay for Bethlehem’s sewer line and I think it was Sweden who helped Palestine fund its kindergartens.” What? Huh? That doesn’t make sense. How can Israel claim that... Read article

Foreclosing on Gaza

November 2, 2005

Why Ariel Sharon can’t afford the mortgage on his three homes Why did Ariel Sharon pull out of Gaza? Despite what anyone says, the truth is that he had to leave because he defaulted on the mortgage. Let’s stop looking at Sharon as a head of state and start picturing him as a victim of the immutable laws of property ownership. He’s like a man who could afford to own a home in Beverly Hills but then got greedy and started to live beyond his means — buying a second home in Aspen and then another... Read article

Yellowcake Coughs One Up

November 1, 2005

Two years into his investigation of the “Plame affair,” federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald announced the indictment of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, vice president Dick Cheney’s chief of staff and best friend. Oddly, Mr. Libby was not indicted for outing CIA agent Valerie Plame, but for lying about it, repeatedly, to a grand jury. With his 22-page indictment Fitzgerald breaks his long silence: he lays out his case against Libby, then returns to silence on matters regarding anyone else at this... Read article
