
Go To The Light

December 31, 2005

Folks at the White House stay pretty busy these days just trying to untangle the lies George Bush keeps telling every time he opens his mouth. For example, back in April 2004, Bush explained to a cheering audience and an unchallenging press corps in Buffalo about “eavesdropping” on Americans — “When you think ‘Patriot Act,’ constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because,” he said earnestly while leaning over the podium,... Read article

America’s Tomorrow

December 30, 2005

Burden on Those Yet to Come Throughout human history certain patterns continue repeating themselves over and over again, becoming, if careful attention is paid to study them, a direct harbinger to what tomorrow’s cultures and societies will be like. The inevitability of what a future generation’s destiny will become is oftentimes discernable from the accumulated sins of the fathers that came before as well as those of the grandfathers that no longer exist, over years accruing and building upon each other until the future... Read article

Warfare, the Road to Globalization – Part 2

December 27, 2005

The personal study of history is important in that we may gain accurate perception, acknowledge current trends, and define potential problematic directions. We cannot recognize where we are going unless we know where, who and what we have been. We slowly metastasized from an isolationist Christian nation that respected the rights to self government for ourselves and for the citizens of other countries into a greedy globalist empire at the cost of our principles; we have changed from righteous to self-righteous. Members of... Read article

The United States vs. Jesus Christ

December 27, 2005

A profligate nation parades its sins Never in this nation’s history has its judiciary had the unmitigated gall to openly attack the worship by Christians of their Savior and call it a “constitutional” issue! The once famous quotes by the nation’s founders and early practicing Christians have disappeared from sight and from new books. It’s a denial by the United States that Christians are entitled to openly practice their faith for fear of “offending” the illegal aliens, legal immigrants,... Read article

Warfare, the Road to Globalization – Part 1

December 26, 2005

America’s early attitude towards imperialism was expressed well in the Monroe Doctrine of 2 December 1823 which was actually the creation of John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State to President James Monroe. Basically the doctrine informed the Old World that the American continent was no longer available for European colonization. Any attempts by Europe to influence politics in the New World would be considered by the United States “as dangerous to our peace and safety.” In addition the United States “would not interfere... Read article

A Pauper’s Christmas

December 21, 2005

I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and I prefer poverty because it’s cheaper and the effect is about the same. A new car and an old car both get you there. The warmth of a coat is not affected by newness. Love, in poverty, is easier to detect: lacking tokens, it’s either there or it’s not; while love, in wealth, is easily buried in baubles, bribes, toys, taxes, hugs, kisses and the promise of more if you’re good. Christmas can be a difficult time for both the rich and the poor, but there’s... Read article

The Inevitable Tyranny

December 21, 2005

And the prevalence of evil The freedom man seeks is defeated by his own nature, and until that is understood (which, given so many millennia to understand it, seems unlikely) we shall have tyranny regardless of the desire to be free. It appears from all that I have read over the years, about a third of the British colonials in America wanted freedom, another third were loyalists to the British crown and a third didn’t give a damn either way as long as someone kept the peace and left them alone. That last third assumed... Read article

The Making of the Enemy – Part Two

December 21, 2005

The Myth of the Superhuman Enemy There is purpose behind having enemies, for their existence is the backbone of the corporatists. Indeed, there is a method behind their madness. Having enemies means having control both of fear and hatred of the people, as well as having control of the masses along with their animalistic emotions. Psychology can be manipulated at the push of a few buttons; an entire nation can be mobilized toward war in the time it takes two skyscrapers to be imploded. Nationalism and xenophobia make blind... Read article

Marketing War, Selling Occupation

December 20, 2005

It is always difficult for me to listen to the corporate news because I know and understand that they are deliberately deceiving the American people. In fact, anyone with even a modicum of self respect should only rarely pay them any mind. The corporate media are key players in the game of deceit that convinces people to do horrible things to other people. The mainstream media are a wildly successful propaganda machine for those in power. This media reports truth only when it is convenient to the purposes of empire. Regard... Read article

The Making of the Enemy – Part One

December 19, 2005

Part One of Two Only in America The coming years, like those of the present and the past, will see the continued spewing of fictionalized propaganda designed to manipulate the fears, hatreds, xenophobia and nationalistic tendencies of the population. The level of control over the masses and power over the nation in the years after 9/11 by corporatists intent on hijacking the country became, to them, a rousing success, thanks to the intense levels of fear and hatred engendered by the horrific events of that day. In the span... Read article

Victims of Creeping Fascism

December 19, 2005

When a sitting president declares that the constitution is just “A God damned piece of paper,” it reveals much about his inner character; or lack thereof. It reveals dangerous illusions of omnipotence, contempt for the law, and scorn for the people. It was George Bush who uttered those tortured words to Whitehouse aides last week. Easily misled by false idols intoxicated with power and driven by insatiable greed, we are witnessing nothing less astonishing than the demise of the American experiment. Dreams of democracy,... Read article

As Straws in the Wind

December 19, 2005

Another generation came and went As one bell upon another tolls for those of my generation, the generation that entered college in the early to mid 1950’s with the future of the entire world in our hands, we know another one of us is missing from this life and has gone on to eternity. The movie stars of our youth, the broadcasters who shaped the minds of the next generation (for good or bad, as one’s viewpoint dictates), the politicians without whom things would certainly crash about us … gone from our... Read article

The economic collapse of the Soviet Union, er, I mean, the United States

December 18, 2005

I just started reading Martin Cruz Smith’s new murder mystery, “Wolves Eat Dogs”. It takes place in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. To quote the cover blurb, “[Moscow police detective] Arkady Renko has survived, barely, the journey from the Soviet Union to the New Russia…. Now Renko enters the privileged world of Russia’s new billionaire class”. By page 55 (where I am now), the author has painted a pretty grim picture of life in the New Russia — corruption, Mafia-like... Read article

Down With Big Brother

December 17, 2005

BREAKING NEWS: Uncle Sam – NOT the Evildoers – Uncle S.O.B. Sam is the single greatest threat to what’s left of American freedom and civil liberties in the United States and he’s doing everything he can to kill it off. I like this headline from The Washington Times: Bush refuses to confirm, deny snooping in U.S. When someone from the government won’t confirm or deny something, believe the worst. The only rational course of action today is to believe the worst about the US government at all times.... Read article

Man vs Natural Disaster

December 16, 2005

Beyond the power of the Global Elite! There are numerous reports of governments tinkering with the weather patterns of the globe. There is no really credible evidence that man has succeeded in taking control of the weather in such a fashion that any elitist group has the ability to direct the intricate movements and balance of the elements, or the events that one might call “natural disasters.” Trying to play God is serious business, and serious disruptions of life on earth are a greater gamble than even a... Read article

The Outer Edges of Chaos

December 16, 2005

Going beyond human limits War. Famine. Disease. Scientific bungling. Unbridled greed. Treachery. Shadow governments. Drug empires. Same sex “marriages.” Murders. Dissent. Political coups. Renegade asteroids. Earthquakes. Volcanoes. Sinkholes. Avalanches and mudslides. Economic uncertainty. Globalism. Poisons in water and food. Vanishing species. Forest fires. Hurricanes. Floods. Disappearing children. Broken homes. Domestic violence. Ice storms. Weather changes. Savage treatment of the elderly.... Read article

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