
Common Sense Individualism

November 17, 2006

Has Fallen Victim to Sheeple Syndrome Whether the motivation is fear of being different, ridiculed, despised for daring to think differently than directed by the manipulators of public opinion, or whether it is genuine belief in all forms of media that are otherwise acknowledged to be biased, I have no idea! I do know that Americans are not the same breed of humans with which I grew up, and as of this writing, I haven’t changed the way I think because I look for the logic, the evidence, the sources, and try to weave... Read article

Video: The Death Squads

November 15, 2006

Exposed: The reality of U.S. occupation Of Iraq Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq’s main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they’ve been tortured with electric drills. Yet those doing the killing have little to do with al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents. This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and... Read article


November 15, 2006

It is a comon expression that one sees on the faces of “liberal” bloggers and op-ed writers on internet web sites as we view the talking heads in the expensive suits on the mainstream media dismissing us and demanding a move to the centrist viewpoint. It’s like kenneling the watchdogs because a few foxes and skunks have been removed from the chicken house. We dis-elected enough right-wingers from the House of Representatives to give the Democrats a narrow edge and dislodged a few Senators so that there... Read article

Beware of High Hopes

November 13, 2006

And The Illusion of “Vox Populus” The illusionists are masters of deception, and deception rules the age in which this world spins. Post-election euphoria has not yet pulled one American soldier out of the Middle East, nor can it remove from power those who really control the opinions of the public, American, European, Middle and Far Eastern, the people we call the “shadow government” comprised of the industrial billionaires and world bankers. If the elections held in the United States in November,... Read article

Video: Mind Control: America’s Secret War

November 12, 2006

U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots. The projects involved brutal, often terminal experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the most basic human rights. We talk to author John Marks, who broke the story of the CIA’s experiments known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased by a brainwashing experiment. The History Channel Loading...  Read More →

The New World Order, the Theocrat in Washington

November 12, 2006

Part Seventeen General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, appeared at the Good Shepard Community Church in Boring, Oregon in June 2003, not the first or last of such events. During his multimedia presentation he stated: “Now ask yourself: Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? … He’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this. God put him there to lead not only this nation but to lead... Read article

Video: The CIA and the Nazis

November 12, 2006

Operation Paperclip was the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated Nazi scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II. The project was originally called Operation Overcast, and is sometimes also known as Project Paperclip The History Channel Conspiracy: The CIA and the Nazis Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Video: Campus Conflict

November 12, 2006

How the Israeli lobby uses intimidation to prevent academic freedom in the U.S. At Columbia, the professors in the Middle East department believe there’s a civil war under way for the hearts and minds of Americans. SBS – Dateline – Runtime 20 Minutes You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

How to Defeat Big Brother

November 11, 2006

George Orwell’s “1984” is the story of a “future” society where individualism has been eliminated, where propaganda is used to control the masses, and where perpetual war is being waged to maintain the peace. It’s a world where false is true and wrong is right, where history is constantly being rewritten – and where Big Brother watches your every move. But even in the middle of this totalitarian “utopia”, there is one man – Winston Smith – who dares to question... Read article

No, We Won’t All Be Speaking Arabic Next Year

November 10, 2006

Lies are powerful things. Hitler knew that if you just tell lies often enough — no matter how outrageous they might be — people will believe them. Just keep lying and lying and lying. For the 14,425th time, George W. Bush is not Adolph Hitler. However, he and his spin doctors also know the power of lies. Ever since September 11, 2001, they have told the American people countless times that We Are At War With Terrorists Who Seek to Take Away Our Freedom And Undermine Our Very Way Of Life. Millions of Americans... Read article

Let’s turn to Chapter 11 in America’s neocon history book: The one on bankruptcy

November 9, 2006

I just watched the HBO special, “Hacking Democracy”. Good grief! For the past six years, the Bush gang has stolen democracy right out from under our noses! And that’s not all they stole. They stole our treasury too. No matter who wins, loses or steals the November elections, America is screwed. Our downward economic spiral is now pretty much unstoppable. It’s time to start tightening our belts. A lot. Whether the Bush uglies win, lose or steal this election, it really won’t matter... Read article

Make the Neocons REALLY unhappy

November 9, 2006

Now is the time to Ratify the ERA Wording of the Equal Rights Amendment Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. At the beginning of the next session Senator Ted Kennedy will again introduce a ‘start over’ Equal Rights Amendment. He has reintroduced the bill every year. We can make it unnecessary for him to do it sooner than most Americans could believe. I am a Republican woman and while there are many points on which I have disagreed... Read article

Voting in the absence of Choice

November 8, 2006

Too many Americans harbor the illusion that we live in a democracy simply because we have the right to vote. But let us be clear about something: voting matters only where real choices are allowed. It is universally understood that special interest money runs the American political system and thus defines what the choices will be. So we are left to choose between candidates who are financed by special interest money, which any fool can see, is no choice at all. The system is purposely designed to require enormous expense... Read article

Video: The Simpsons Iraq War Satire: “Operation Enduring Occupation”

November 8, 2006

Watch The Simpsons Iraq War Satire: “Operation Enduring Occupation”…”We Had To Invade, They Were Working On Weapons Of Mass Disintegration”…  Read More →

Video: Iraq: The Lost Generation

November 7, 2006

Dispatches – Iraq: The Lost Generation This programme opens a window onto the hidden world of Iraqi youth, revealing the brutalisation and psychological trauma of living under military occupation. It reveals how the people with whom the future of Iraq rests, are reacting with anger, aggression and, in some cases, violence. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Give Us The Word

November 7, 2006

Under the Bush bridge Lying, dueling-banjo words Need a Fix. The Word.** When I awoke on December 13, 2000, my first thought was — this is the first day of the worst years of my life. I lay there, attempting in vain to come up with just one redeeming quality possessed by the foolish little brute illegally foisted upon this republic by five black-robed fascists — just one sliver of hope for the American people to escape the impending disaster of corporate pillage and rape. There was none. What a dirty, rotten... Read article

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