
Free Speech Quagmire

February 28, 2006

The supposed hallowed hallmark of free societies, free speech, has been sorely tested these past few weeks. First there were the Mohammed cartoons – originally published in a Danish newspaper – which have infuriated Islam and sparked world-wide riots and demonstrations. Then there was the guilty verdict handed down to David Irving, the British historian who is internationally vilified for his revisionist views on the Holocaust. And looked at together they present a confused and contradictory message. For most... Read article

The Unthinkable World of Today

February 28, 2006

In 1960, Space Aliens Would Have Been More Plausible The magnitude of panic engulfing most of today’s world would have seemed far less credible than an invasion by space aliens forty-some years ago. Who could have imagined a world in which the prospect of the Pale Horse riding, with death close behind, would encompass the entire globe? Or that hundreds of thousands of birds and animals would be slaughtered because of strange virii or bacilli that cause sickness and death? Bird flu and mad cow mania have taken hold... Read article

The World That Dick Built

February 27, 2006

This is the guy who pulled the trigger of the gun that fired the round that hit his friend that ruined the hunt and shed some light on the world that Dick built… Four days after blasting 78-year-old hunting partner Harry Whittington in the face, neck and chest with birdshot, vice president Dick Cheney emerged from his fortified bunker to make a snarling, unapologetic taped announcement to Fox News’ Brit Hume that basically amounted to what he did on his own time was his own business. Dick said shooting Harry... Read article

Video: Chemtrail Aerosol Crimes

February 27, 2006

This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. It is clear jets are deliberately spraying the sky’s and it will not stop until enough people are aware and willing to stand up for the operations exposure and termination. Loading...  Read More →

Syria just changed over to the euro

February 25, 2006

I want to change to euros too! Almost everyone in the world is really pissed off at George Bush. That man has managed to completely alienate almost the entire population of this planet — with the possible exception of a handful of Republicans who listen to Rush Limbaugh and/or watch Fox News. But despite all their anger, most of the people in the world aren’t doing anything about Bush’s pissy attitude toward common sense, diplomacy and enlightened self-interest. But now Syria has stepped up to the plate... Read article

Corpses in the Garden

February 24, 2006

Knowing what I know about the history of my country, it is often difficult for me to fathom how my fellow countrymen have shaped their views. I have come to believe that they have created a mythical America that is not a real place. The perceived necessity of substituting a fantasy world for the real world suggests there is something terribly wrong with the American psyche. If there are corpses buried in our gardens, surely they must gnaw at our conscience and produce pathological behavior, even if we did not put them there.... Read article

Video: New World Order Conspiracies

February 23, 2006

This video reports on the New World Order which refers to an alleged worldwide conspiracy that a powerful and secretive group (Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg etc.) has created a secret plan to eventually rule the world via a unitary (as opposed to federal) world government. Conspiracy theorists allege that the most powerful figures of the conspiracy are the owners of the world’s largest banks, partnered with others who are among the world’s wealthiest people. Beneath this level are supposed to be the people... Read article

Video: Monopoly Men – The Distant Murmuring of a Secret Government

February 23, 2006

Governments, multinational corporations & religious organizations have secretly wielded tremendous power, by holding back critical data or spreading misinformation to further their own aims. This video exposes the almost inconceivable stories of deceit, conspiracy, sanctioned piracy and scientific knowledge hidden from the world for far too long! During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial... Read article

Why there WILL be a war on Iran

February 22, 2006

Bush’s daddy will pay for it Now wait a minute. We taxpayers are already spending $118,000.00 a MINUTE to fund the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Why would George W. Bush want to start a war on Iran? That’s going to cost us taxpayers even MORE money. That’s going to cost us an arm and a leg. Bush doesn’t care. Why should he care? It’s not his money. Like Veruca Salt, that spoiled little girl in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” Bush has only to scream, “Daddy, I want... Read article

Video: Spy Secrets: Playing Dirty

February 20, 2006

The History Channel – Spy Secrets: Playing Dirty. Assassination attempts on some of the world’s most well known figures and the commando units brought in to do the dirty work. Shows that the Intelligence Services aren’t choosy when making friends, and how Britain’s MI6 has a bad track record when choosing who to make friends with. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Data-mining Our Blogs

February 19, 2006

It’s like tuna sleepwalking through quicksand! “Those damn bloggers….” Poor Karl Rove. If it wasn’t for bloggers, he wouldn’t have to be hiding out in the back room of the White House right now. “They almost stopped the Alito nomination. If it wasn’t for them, no one would have noticed the WMD lies. And why do they keep bringing up Diebold?” The Bush bureaucracy hates bloggers. Something has to be done. Ha. Something is already being done. Just ask AOL. It’s... Read article

Video: Bay of Pigs: Declassified

February 18, 2006

The History Channel – Bay of Pigs: Declassified Drawing extensively on documents that were kept under wraps for nearly 40 years, this documentary tells the complete story of the ill-fated invasion. Examine an extremely rare report from the CIA Inspector General, which is sharply critical of the methods and procedures employed during the invasion. Loading... You may need to update / download Free Real Player to view this video.  Read More →

Audio: Professor Alfred McCoy talks about his book “A Question of Torture”

February 18, 2006

Professor Alfred McCoy talks about his book “A Question of Torture”, a startling expose of the CIA development of psychological torture from the Cold War to Abu Ghraib. CIA mercenaries attempted to assassinate McCoy more than 30 years ago. Transmission date: 02/17/06 Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_1", {soundFile:""}); We... Read article

Video: Abu Ghraib – The Sequel

February 17, 2006

Warning: graphic images. With the response to those Danish cartoons and the British Army beatings in Iraq, still running red-hot in the Islamic world, tonight, even uglier images from Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. Back in 2004 when the first shocking pictures were originally leaked, the world recoiled in horror, but since then the Bush Administration has fought tooth and nail to prevent the American public from seeing any new images of the treatment of Iraqi detainees, but tonight Dateline reporter Olivia Rousset reveals... Read article

The Making of a Zombie Culture

February 17, 2006

It is difficult to know what the public thinks when they watch the major media networks. My mother is a devotee of the CBS evening news that was anchored by Dan Rather. I do not know who anchors the program now. If my mother does not hear about something on the CBS evening news, she does not believe it. On the other hand, I get none of my news from the televised media, because I know they are not telling us the truth either by content or by omission. When I discuss the issues with my mother she is often incredulous about... Read article

Audio Book: George Orwell – 1984 – Complete

February 17, 2006

Nineteen Eighty-Four (or 1984) is an allegorical political novel written by George Orwell. The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia where the omnipresent State enforces perfect conformity among members of a totalitarian Party through indoctrination, propaganda, fear, and ruthless punishment. The novel introduced the concepts of the ever-present, all-seeing Big Brother, Room 101, the Thought Police, and the bureaucrats’ and politicians’ language of control, Newspeak. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version... Read article

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