
Blood Cry

July 31, 2006

Battle of the Terrorists Terrorism seems to be a growing industry, the United States and Israel call Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist organizations supported by evil countries like Iran and Syria. Hezbollah and its allies call Israel and the United States high-tech terrorists. The world watches as these terrorists get bloody in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, and the innocence become the victims of this mad bloodletting. Terrorists are bullies, they like to hurt people for one reason or another, and they usually pick victims that... Read article

Impeach the President

July 29, 2006

“The tea was held upstairs, past open doors that held the portraits of First Ladies and mementos of previous administrations.” I wrote the above to appear in a newsletter for the National Federation of Republican Women soon after the tea. I had gotten my invitation to the White House Tea as a Regent for NFRW and because I had donated to No Child Left Behind. The sandwiches were delicious – but subsequent events have persuaded me that to remain loyal to America I need to ask that Laura’s husband be impeached.... Read article

No Americans Allowed: The sign on George Bush’s new bunker?

July 26, 2006

So. Where is all this Bush bureaucracy saber-rattling insanity in the Middle East leading us? Armageddon, of course. But does this mean that Mr. “Born Again” Bush is actually ready to die? Hell, no. When the Apocalypse arrives for the rest of us, the architect of the end of the world as we know it is gonna have Other Plans Have you SEEN Bush’s new fancy-ass bunker? With its plush leather La-Z-Boys and endless supply of Cuban cigars? This is not the property of a man who is fixing to die. This... Read article

Could It Be We Are on the Verge of WWIII? Part 2

July 26, 2006

In the first part of ‘Could It Be…’ I made the mistake in stating that the Capitol Power Plant provides electricity for the Capitol Complex. I apologize for this miscalculation. It is a confusing name for a “power plant” that only provides steam to heat and chilled water to cool the complex buildings. At the time of writing part one, the Architecture of the Capitol website didn’t clarify that it was not providing electricity to the complex where it states on the Capitol Complex Overview... Read article

Video: Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

July 25, 2006

Warning This video contains images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience Please wait a moment for video to load News reports for 07/24/06 – Produced By Link TV Civilians Toll in Lebanon Rises – Future TV, Lebanon Rice Visits Lebanon and Israel – IBA TV, Israel Rockets Hit Sederot – IBA TV, Israel Absence of Air-Raid Shelters in Arab Neighborhoods in Haifa – Al Jazeera, Qatar Lebanese Refugees Live in Parking Lots and Shopping Malls – Abu... Read article

Ashes & Diamonds

July 25, 2006

Ideas on how to protect our savings from Bush’s fire sale on the dollar Back in the 1960s when I was a student at UC Berkeley, I used to sit around the Caffe Mediterraneum on Telegraph Avenue and plot revolution and gossip about what SuperJoel and the Red Rockets were up to. Recently, however, I’ve been too busy blogging to have time for that. I NEVER sit around cafes and drink lattes. But today I made an exception and was really glad that I did. As I was biking past an outdoor cafe on College Avenue,... Read article

UK Govt Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On

July 24, 2006

In the last few days, I learned from a credible and informed source that a former senior Labour government Minister, who continues to be well-connected to British military and security officials, confirms that Britain and the United States “… will go to war with Iran before the end of the year.” As we now know from similar reporting prior to the invasion of Iraq, it’s quite possible that the war planning may indeed change repeatedly, and the war may again be postponed. In any case, it’s worth... Read article

Hats Checked Out

July 21, 2006

Social Nervous Breakdown Films of the 1930’s and 1940’s showed men wearing hats. Detectives, gangsters, newspaper reporters, or just plain folks, men didn’t go out absent their hat. The most common was the Fedora style, the kind my father wore. In fact, my dad didn’t go out in public without his hat. After 1955, I never saw much of my father, he had left, married again, and disassociated himself with me and my mother, but I have photographs of him dating back into the early 1950’s. Where... Read article

Video: Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

July 20, 2006

Warning This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience. Lebanese Arrested for Spying on Hezbollah – LBC TV, Lebanon Attacks in Israel Cause Massive Traffic Jams – IBA TV, Israel Raging Battle in Gaza – IBA TV, Israel Civilians Massacred in Lebanon – Al Alam TV, Iran Interview with Sa’ed Al Hariri – Al Arabiya TV, UAE Demonstrations in Support of Nassrallah – IRIB TV, Iran Demonstrations against the War on Lebanon –... Read article

The Untermensch Syndrome

July 19, 2006

Israel’s Moral Decay The labeling as anti-Semitic of anyone critical of the state of Israel’s policies in the continued destruction of Palestinian identity and the increasing domination into American foreign policy no longer has the sting of threat or intimidation it once mastered. For too long this masquerade has been used to silence those opposing anything Israel, shouted at anyone disseminating truth and seeking justice. Like the boy who cried wolf, this charade has lost its power or hypnotic control, and today... Read article

Video: Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

July 18, 2006

Warning This video contains images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience Reports for 07/17/06 Attack on Lebanon Reaches Sixth Day – Future TV, Lebanon Nassrallah: Hezbollah Missiles Can Strike Beyond Haifa – LBC TV, Lebanon Images of the Massacre in Marwahiya – NBN TV, Lebanon Haifa is Hit by a Barrage of Rockets – IBA TV, Israel Analysis on the Outcome of the War – IBA TV, Israel Israeli’s were not Informed on Hezbollah’s Capabilities –... Read article

Charade: American Politics

July 17, 2006

In the world of “good cop bad cop” American politics, we’ve had generations of throwing out the present bums to elect an equally corrupt set of leaders from the other party. Our two party system allows for culprits to invent opposing sides with surface differences while the nation goes in a single direction … in this case, straight to Hell. The American public has grown reasonably comfortable with settling for the lesser of two evils rather than taking steps to create more options, and give more... Read article

Gods among Ordinary Men

July 17, 2006

When a man abuses the power that was entrusted to him by the people there is clearly a void between what the people want and what they receive. Such abuse stems not only from immense hubris, but from contempt for the people and for civil law. The president, we will recall, is a man who referred to the Constitution to one of his Whitehouse aides as “…just a god-damned piece of paper.” Bush and his cacophony of neo-conservative fascists clearly hold the most sacred institutions of this nation in contempt, including the... Read article

The Bush Bureaucracy

July 17, 2006

Definitely NOT “Government at the Speed of Thought”! I’ve just been reading Bill Gates’s book, “Business at the Speed of Thought.” Gates talks about using computer programs to increase business and industrial efficiency by making knowledge of what is happening both within a business and with its customers and suppliers available to decision-makers so that businesses can make informed choices based on solid input. It’s an amazing concept. It’s an amazing book. “Business... Read article

Video: Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

July 15, 2006

Warning: This video contains images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience Please wait a moment for video to load Posted 07/15/06 – News For 07/14/06 – Produced By Link TV    Read More →

John Fund and the Truth: On Trial in New York

July 13, 2006

On Friday morning, in the Superior Court of Manhattan, John Fund will face the consequences for his own actions. John Fund lied, slandered, libeled, and used his power in concerted attempts to destroy those who refused to be silenced. He is practiced in the skills of deception having studied under a master of that political art form, Karl Rove. Our trust in justice does not die all at once, it seeps out through hundreds and thousands of small wounds over a long time. The process of Justice in America has not been swift;... Read article

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