
Video: Scene cut from the film Sicko because no one would believe it

November 30, 2007

In addition to France, Canada, and the UK, Michael Moore also went to Norway. What he found, was unbelievable.  Read More →

Declaration of War: Take Back America

November 30, 2007

Wednesday morning early the power company came out and turned off her electricity. She was not expecting it; the bill was a little late but she had called. She had decided that the money that had come in would have to be used to pay the mortgage this time. She is Paula T., a mortgage broker and the owner of three businesses in South Florida. Two months ago the IRS hit her with an audit; her bookkeeper told her that there has been an unrelenting wave of such ‘audits,’ all seem to be aimed at sucking out even... Read article

Victoria’s (dirty little) Secret

November 30, 2007

The hottest fashion show of the year will bust into living rooms Tuesday, December 4, on CBS. Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show “features the most beautiful women in the world wearing the very latest in Victoria’s Secret lingerie” boasts CBS’s promo. Actually, the models are wearing the very least in lingerie, so be forewarned all you channel surfers. CBS will once again treat the folks at home to an hour of soft-core porn. Waiting in the wings to strut their bare bodies down the runway is a bevy of high-paid... Read article

It Takes a Taser to Raise a Child

November 29, 2007

As if we had not heard enough recently about Taser-happy cops, this evening brought me three new stories. I got in from work this evening and logged on to my new favorite internet forum and read the following: In early 2005, 13-year-old Llahsmin Lynn Kallead of Jacksonville was tasered twice by police in the back seat of a police car after she refused to cooperate with them. Miss Kallead weighed all of 65 pounds. Evidently, her upper body strength was just too much for Jacksonville’s finest. The Jacksonville Times-Union... Read article

The Power Elite Playbook, Killing The Competitors

November 29, 2007

Part Seven Communism was created and is controlled by the gluttonous Power Elite. Russia, because it was a treasure trove of untapped oil resources, needed a revolution (a political coup). The Czar and his family were murdered; it was planned and financed by the Schiffs, the Warburgs and the Rothschilds who directed the activities of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. [1] The Power Elite have, through their machinations, secretly sponsors a majority of the world’s tyrants. The autocrats Hitler and Mussolini were financed during... Read article

The Ghosts of Misplaced Conscience

November 28, 2007

Everything about America is done to the max—super sized—including ourselves. Americans are fond of excess, fond of glitz and glitter, the bright beads and trinkets of capitalism; the symbols of conspicuous consumption. Millions of us live in McMansions, drive fast cars and hulking tanks and work at high stress glamorous jobs that provide enormous financial reward but leave us spiritually empty. We tell ourselves that these events signal that we have arrived and achieved greatness worthy of respect and envy. They are... Read article

The Battle Between Taquiya and Talk Radio

November 28, 2007

Moslem Group Attacks Michael Savage You will have to forgive me, but I have a difficult time taking the war against Moslem extremists seriously. No, I haven’t become the latest in a line of anti-American quislings who say the war is “all about oil” or that Islamism is not a threat. It’s just that I have trouble mustering enthusiasm for overseas ventures when we allow the enemy’s fifth column to operate virtually unopposed on our shores. I’m talking about the odious Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),... Read article

Joe & Mary Taxpayer

November 28, 2007

Average Folks Must Play A Major Role To Stop Illegal Immigration Presidential candidates continue to waffle, ducking responsibility. Illegal immigration PROVES horribly expensive, benefiting employers who break laws to improve their ill-begotten profits. Do you notice presidential candidates rendering lip service to the immigration invasion? Do you see how they shuck, jive and duck the questions? Do you watch them dance around the answers— never giving a definite response or offering a decent approach and plan? Sick... Read article

American Gangsta: Selling gold to our mothers & heroin to our kids

November 27, 2007

Just exactly how far will corporations go these days to make a buck? Sell deadly DDT to Africa on the pretext that it stamps out malaria when they know full well that it doesn’t? Go for it. Drive America into bankruptcy by importing cheap stuff from Asia? Sure, why not. Market various wars in order to sell guns to the Pentagon? Okay by them. Profit is king. The sky is the limit. But we already know all that. That is old news. But in these times of economic decline — the dollar has dropped 63%... Read article

Law Enforcement: Corrupting Influence of Drug Prohibition

November 26, 2007

Front page headlines scream out across America each time a cop gets busted for corruption. The rest proves a tragedy for the officer, the family and The Thin Blue Line. How many? The United States Department of Justice stopped keeping statistics in 1988, but experts agree that the drug trade ensnares half of police officers. Prison guards smuggle in drugs, customs officers waive truckloads of narcotics into the country while money corrupts too many. Even as citizens learn how much the officer took, the reader rarely... Read article

What Ever Happened To Mercy?

November 26, 2007

Did Torture Kill It? Several years ago we had a neighbor whose attractive young, single daughter studied law enforcement at the local community college and became a Sheriffs Deputy. She visited us in her new uniform and I asked her what she had learned about discretion in making arrests. She stoutly declared that all who break the law are guilty and should be handcuffed and subjected to proper punishment. My wife and I watched an old Andy Hardy movie. Judge Hardy’s daughter had a date with a young man and did not return... Read article

Bush, Musharraf, and the meaning of democracy

November 25, 2007

It’s been a rough month in Pakistan. On November 3, General Pervez Musharraf suspended the constitution and declared a state of emergency, and then all hell broke loose. Musharraf’s thugs arrested and imprisoned hundreds of lawyers, human rights activists, and political opponents. They closed down all local and foreign news channels except the state-controlled Pakistan Television, and warned the media not to print or broadcast “anything which defames or brings into ridicule the head of state, or members... Read article

War on Drugs: Impact to National Security

November 25, 2007

Which proves more worthless? The “War on Terror” for the past five years or the “War on Drugs” for the past 35 years? When you realize that our borders remain open 24/7 to smugglers who traffic in drugs, little wonder that America’s 35 year drug war proves inane, insane and worthless. I took time to interview retired police officer and detective Howard Wooldridge at for an update in this third part of our series dealing with the futile “War on Drugs.” “Smuggling of illegal drugs and people along... Read article

War on Drugs: Good for Teens?

November 25, 2007

After the first two interviews with my brother Police Officer and Detective Howard Wooldridge of Lansing, Michigan concerning the “War on Drugs”, a boat-load of responses caused me to interview him further. Many Americans bring heated emotion to this national tragedy. Brother Wooldridge brings reason coupled with logic! If President Bush closed the borders with troops and fences to stop the $130 billion per year drug traffic, our country could pull itself out of this destructive drug dilemma. However, powerful people... Read article

Video: Noam Chomsky on U.S. Policy Towards Iran

November 24, 2007

“Suppose it was true that Iran is helping insurgents in Iraq. I mean, wasn’t the United States helping insurgents when the Russians invaded Afghanistan? Did we think there was anything wrong with that? I mean, Iraq’s a country that was invaded and is under military occupation. You can’t have a serious discussion about whether someone else is interfering in it. The basic assumption underlying the discussion is that we own the world.”  Read More →

Drug Prohibition: Good Public Policy?

November 24, 2007

Howard Wooldridge rode his horse from Savannah, Georgia to New Port Beach, Oregon to become the first man in the 21st century to ride coast to coast across America. He repeated the journey in 2005 to become the only man in history to ride both ways. Why did he gallop across America? As a police officer, he attempted to stop the futile “War on Drugs” dragging on for the past 35 years. War on Drugs! How is that working for us in America? Is it reducing crime? Is it reducing rates of death and disease? Is it effective... Read article

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