
Silent assertion of American’s future

December 31, 2007

Back in 1860, one of my favorite authors, Mark Twain said, “Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them. I am speaking of the lie of silent assertion; we can tell it without saying a word. For example: It would not be possible for a humane and intelligent person to invent a rational excuse for slavery; yet you will remember that in the early days of emancipation agitation in the North, the agitators got but small help or countenance from anyone. Argue, plead and pray as they might, they could not break the... Read article

Video: The Empire of “The City”

December 30, 2007

World Superstate – Part Two… City of London + City of Vatican + City of Columbia are the 3 independent states within states which composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over the world’s economy, the second is religious control over the earth and the third is military control over the earth. Together they make the unholy trinity which forms the Egyptian pyramid that can be seen on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note. This mystifying situation, in which an alleged... Read article

Video: The Empire of “The City”

December 30, 2007

World Superstate – Part One… City of London + City of Vatican + City of Columbia are the 3 independent states within states which composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over the world’s economy, the second is religious control over the earth and the third is military control over the earth. Together they make the unholy trinity which forms the Egyptian pyramid that can be seen on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note. This mystifying situation, in which an alleged... Read article

Video: Clash of the Worlds – Palestine

December 29, 2007

Episode Three… Exploring how past conflicts between a Christian West and Islam can help explain more recent violence. This program tells the story of Decisions made by the British rulers of Palestine ninety years ago have wreaked damage that continues to this day. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Clash of the Worlds – Sudan

December 29, 2007

Episode Two… Clash of Worlds continues to explore how past conflicts between the West and Islam can help explain the violence of recent events. This program tells the story of The Mahdi, a self-proclaimed Muslim redeemer in the Sudan, takes on and trounces the might of the British empire and its Christian hero, General Charles Gordon. The British go to great lengths to destroy the Islamists. Yet this story of religious revival continues to inspire modern day militants. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Clash of the Worlds – Mutiny

December 29, 2007

Episode One… Exploring how past conflicts between a Christian West and Islam can help explain more recent violence. This series looks at three great clashes between a Christian British Empire and Islam: the Indian Mutiny of 1857, the Mahdi uprising in 1880s Sudan and the creation of the state of Israel in the first half of the twentieth century. The first program tells the story of the Indian uprising in which both sides committed atrocities in the name of their faiths. Loading...  Read More →

The Power Elite Playbook, Viet Nam — Plundered

December 29, 2007

Part Nine Under Ngo Dinh Diem, South Viet Nam’s U.S. puppet, things ran as expected for a while. Sure, there was religious persecution, rigged elections, prohibition of free speech, a managed press and the absence of liberty for the majority — all made acceptable by Article 98 of Diem’s amended constitution. Despite the power perks, Diem began to resent America’s escalating role. Between 1961 and 1963, the U.S. chaos-creating military presence had engaged in “hundreds of firefights” and thousands... Read article

A post-Christmas report on America and an ode to Baby New Year…

December 29, 2007

I have successfully made it through yet another Christmas. When I was a kid, my father became the town postmaster after he got out of the Navy and for a month before Christmas every year he would spend at least 15 hours a day down at the post office and then, on Christmas Eve, would come home and sink into a mail-induced coma that lasted for two or three days. Christmases at our house were a nightmare. Even now, I avoid them like the plague. I even spent one Christmas on Hajj! But this holiday season is different.... Read article

Silent assertion of overpopulation in America

December 29, 2007

Back in 1860, one of my favorite authors, Mark Twain said, “Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them. I am speaking of the lie of silent assertion; we can tell it without saying a word. For example: It would not be possible for a humane and intelligent person to invent a rational excuse for slavery; yet you will remember that in the early days of emancipation agitation in the North, the agitators got but small help or countenance from anyone. Argue, plead and pray as they might, they could not break... Read article

The Ron Paul Legacy of Freedom: How people will govern themselves

December 28, 2007

Future historians will debate the point. Historians being what they are there will doubtless be as many opinions as there are historians. “ If the Ron Paul Campaign had been competent would we still have taken back America?” They may hold conferences to consider the points, assay the individuals involved; there will be no disagreement that it was through the candidacy of Ron Paul that the world of political campaigns changed forever, moving into networking, as opposed to hierarchy; The real question will be the motives... Read article

Emerging Power Against Rampant Immigration

December 28, 2007

Bush and Congress cannot and will not prevail against the will of the American people regarding unchecked, unending illegal immigration in 2008. Here’s what my readers and a few experts have to say… “Please read, grade and see who stands for our country and who wants to finish destroying what is left of America. Let us keep track of what they say and then we decide who we will vote into the highest office. We cannot make another mistake again like we did with President Bush.” ~ Carmen and Joe “The... Read article

Get real, Americans!

December 27, 2007

You have been ripped off! At long last, the age-old problem of health care for the poor and near-poor is being discussed in open forum. The problem has existed since the ethos of class differentiation was begun with the invention of wampum. In this modern age, it is only through the activities of individual greed that it continues, despite the glaring fact that one solution is the only alternative. Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts experiment has already been exposed as a failure as will be any other program for “mandatory... Read article

Will Alabama execute an innocent man?

December 26, 2007

I have written before about how we’ve seen more than 200 wrongfully convicted people released from U.S. prisons in recent years after proving their innocence via DNA or other evidence. It is good that we can do this post-conviction testing, to ensure that we’re punishing the right person. And, in the case of death row inmates, we certainly don’t want to execute the wrong guy. Right? Well, while most people of conscience would probably agree, Alabama Governor Bob Riley seems to have a problem with the concept. Here... Read article

The Church of Huck

December 26, 2007

Growing Government in the Name of Religion There is a candidate in the presidential race who has a serious religion problem. No, it’s not Mormon Mitt or recently-religious Rudy. It is Mike Huckabee. Just for the record, I share Huck’s faith in Jesus Christ. Not only have I no problem with religion in public life, I also understand that one can’t really separate a person’s world view from his politics. The political is merely a reflection of the spiritual; our politics doesn’t emerge in a vacuum. So what... Read article

Where does the Lone Ranger take his garbage? Survivor Puerto Vallarta, Episode 9

December 26, 2007

December 18: Now I only have two days left in Puerto Vallarta. Enough with the tourist stuff. I want to do something meaningful during these final days. “Why don’t you go out and visit the city dump?” suggested my ex-pat friend Sarah. “There are people living out there who survive by picking through the trash and they live in houses that they’ve made out of objects they’ve found in the dump. And the dump itself is the size of a small mountain that’s surrounded by a moat of... Read article

Thank the Internet for saving America from its leaders

December 24, 2007

As we look back on 2007, we thank our computers hooked up to the Internet that hooked us up to one another. Without this unlimited communication device—Bush and Congress would have destroyed our constitutional republic. For the past 20 years, their lies, incompetence and sheer greed proved more powerful than the will of American citizens. The military-industrial complex and corporate America dictated this country’s path. They own the media which feeds us the news they demand. They buy the Congress via huge financial... Read article

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