
Website Hacked

January 30, 2008

Unfortunately has been hacked today, and the hackers – we think are from Turkey – have this time done some real damage to our database, we will try to get things back to normal asap. This seems to be the same hackers that hacked our website last July, we have contacted the FBI, and hopefully with the help of Interpol these criminals will be put out of business.  Read More →

Take Back the Vote – Take Back America

January 30, 2008

There is an immediate need to take back the vote. The left has been talking about that for a long time now but on the Right we were lulled into the belief that it was just sour grapes. Part of that came from the media, other elements on which we built up our smug house of cards came from such books as, “Stealing Elections,” by John Fund. You may not be aware that a book with a similar title that actually outed the NeoCons was published earlier. The author died mysteriously. When you intend to steal elections it makes... Read article

Video: Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out

January 29, 2008

A searing interview with Avichai Sharon and Noam Chayut, both veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces and members of Breaking the Silence. Sharon and Chayut served during the second intifada, an on-going bloodbath that has claimed the lives of over three thousand Palestinians and nine-hundred-fifty Israelis. After thorough introspection, these young men have chosen to speak out about their experiences as self-described “brutal occupiers of a disputed land.” Loading...  Read More →

Traffic Jam on the Highway to Hell

January 29, 2008

“When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” ~~ Thomas Jefferson Each new year ushers in a myriad of “Top Ten” lists — 10 best things, 10 worst things, things we need to do, things we did but shouldn’t have — and this year, even a hilarious list of WTF? things popped up. I’ll admit I’m not... Read article

What Ya Gonna Do When The Well Runs Dry

January 29, 2008

In this second of a three part interview, Michael Folkerth’s book: “THE BIGGEST LIE EVER BELIEVED” exposes America’s greatest crisis—growth. He epitomizes a humorous economist and the “King of Simple.” Folkerth states this nation resembles a group of people boarding an airplane that expects a six hour flight to the destination, but the ground crew only pumped in four hours flying time of fuel. Everything will ‘appear’ normal until the fuel runs out two hours before destination. From that point, all hell... Read article

What would Jesus do? Tear down the wall between Jerusalem & Bethlehem

January 28, 2008

Joshua blew his horn and the wall between Gaza and Egypt came down — which gave me a great idea. “Let’s blow down the walls separating Israelis and Palestinians too!” Let’s start by enforcing all those international mandates calling for justice in Israel/Palestine — the Geneva conventions and all that. And while we’re at it, let’s make all the laws in Israel/Palestine apply equally to Palestinians and Israelis both. If Palestinians need 200 signatures to get... Read article

Jury Nullification

January 28, 2008

Letters to the Editor Rocky Mountain News 101 W. Colfax Avenue, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202 Editor: I want to commend Chris Maj on his fine letter of January 24 on the rights of jurors. Jurors’ rights are the most forgotten rights of all. Indeed, from before the Revolution up through the Civil War, jurors had the power to judge not only the facts of a case but also the law pertaining to that particular case. If a juror thought the law under which the defendant was being tried was unconstitutional, unjust, immoral or just... Read article

Serbia’s Choice

January 28, 2008

The political consequences of the first round of presidential election in Serbia, held on January 20, are significant, and they will remain that significance regardless of the outcome of the second round on February 3. President Boris Tadic lost the first round last Sunday to Tomislav Nikolic of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) by almost five percentage points and is fighting an uphill battle to retain the presidency. The voters have given overwhelming support—over 55 percent—to the candidates who are adamant that there... Read article

What Future Generations Will Say About Ron Paul

January 27, 2008

Ron Paul was the natural icon for what we now know as The Revolution. His candidacy for president in 2007 was, for him, another opportunity to take the message of freedom to the people. It hit the bullseye for millions; providing a focus and goal to the growing unease and dissatisfaction of people everywhere. Events, technological developments, and ideas meshed. Ron Paul had, for his entire life time, been the Champion of the Constitution. For most of that life he had felt that no one was listening. In 2007 that changed.... Read article

Breakout from Ghetto Gaza

January 27, 2008

They went out, risked their lives, rushed the army, overturned the fence, strode the barbed wire, wiped out the border between two states, committed so many heroic acts, worthy of great warriors, suffering casualties — and when they were through, they went to shop and bought bread for their children. This gave a lie to the image of Palestinians that the Jews had tried to plant in world conscience: that of wild violent fanatics bent on rampage. Instead, the guys broke out of jail and bought bread. Meaning, they were... Read article

Coming To Terms With The Iraq War

January 26, 2008

By Emily Spence and Robert Braunstein Some people, automatically, assume that, if people were jailed or mowed down, they must have done something wrong. What about the US civil rights movement? For anyone to say that there is as much violence in any American city as in US war activities, in which an inordinate amount of people are jailed and mowed down, is nonsensical. At least hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Iraq over the past few years and, by some estimates, the death toll is tabulated to be more than... Read article

America’s Greatest Problem: Growth

January 26, 2008

In a three part interview, I found myself astounded by author Michael Folkerth’s book: “THE BIGGEST LIE EVER BELIEVED.” He epitomizes a humorous economist and the “King of Simple.” His book presents irrefutable logic that this nation cannot continue growing for the long term. We must face the facts of our limited continent. We must come to terms with not being able to extract five quarts of water out of a one gallon jug! “I constantly attempt to create analogies that represent our system of ever expanding economic... Read article

Fed & Government Stick Fingers in Dike

January 25, 2008

There aren’t too many people left who actually lived through the Great Depression. The memory of those years has dimmed with time. Since then, the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve have attempted to keep us from ever falling into that black hole again but have only succeeded in making a New Black Hole while supposedly keeping “America strong.” The stimulus package brokered by Pres. Bush and Congress to keep the economy afloat is only one of many such fingers in the dike attempts over the decades. And as good... Read article

Can A Pagan Practice Be “Christianized?”

January 25, 2008

Is yoga just a way of reducing stress or is there more to it than that? I mean, everyone’s doing it so it has to be a good thing…right? The short answer is that there’s more to yoga than meets the eye. So bear with me as I explain the reasons practicing yoga “stretches traditional Christian boundaries” and why Christians should avoid yoga and seek other alternatives. Yoga has gotten its eight limbed arms into the “Christian West” and, amazingly, a large number of Christians are participating... Read article

Listen up, eye rollers! (Part 2 of 2)

January 24, 2008

Eye rollers, people who condescendingly roll their eyes when confronted with truth, share common characteristics: apathy, naivety, and of course blissful ignorance. In addition, some eye rollers can be very dispassionate, as exemplified in the following separate scenarios: While attempting to explain the illegalities of unwarranted surveillance, a friend replied — “As long as I am not doing anything wrong, I don’t care if they listen to my conversations.” While describing the potential tyrannical controls... Read article

Election Year Nonsense

January 23, 2008

To use a play on Winston Churchill’s cynical words, the best argument against democracy is a five-minute perusal of election coverage. Another way to put it – at risk of sounding trite – is if it weren’t for nonsense, it wouldn’t make any sense at all. Yet, if being trite were a sin, most presidential aspirants would languish in political purgatory. First we have the bromidic bilge about change. You can bet your withholding tax that the Democrat candidates were programmed to pepper their speeches with the... Read article

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