
Rightous Order or Evil Chaos

March 31, 2008

Which will it be?… The United States is overflowing with mind bending assertions and unreasonable procedures. Aberrant pronouncements and nonsensical explanations are so common the people have begun to accept them as normal and, since there is no truth available from the sources they are using, they believe the lies. The foremost current aberration involves the War in Iraq. President George W. Bush recently claimed that our military forces have laid the foundation for peace in Iraq and vowed that so long as he is president... Read article

Plan B: Just how defensible IS the American Green Zone in Iraq?

March 30, 2008

Someone just sent me an article from a Canadian news service. What a jolt! “Baghdad’s Green Zone — often referred to as a relatively safe and fortified refuge for Americans, other Westerners, and politicians in Iraq — appeared to be nothing short of a war zone Thursday. Warning sirens for bombs blared all day as diplomats and U.S. workers donned flak jackets and ducked for cover from mortars and rockets that poured down throughout Baghdad. Those U.S. government workers brave enough to ignore a... Read article

It is not only about Palestine

March 29, 2008

Israel Shamir about a new paper by Joachim Martillo… Joachim Martillo wrote an important paper called Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society, purporting to explain, “What the Israel Lobby Really Is”. He spoke with Stephen Walt, of Walt and Mearsheimer fame, he followed the discussions of Philip Weiss, he corresponded with Noam Chomsky and Joseph Massad, he had read Israel Shamir’s Pardes and James Petras, he knows MacDonald. An American scholar Martlllo has some Polish background, and he reads... Read article

John McCain in SF: A man of the people? Hardly

March 29, 2008

Today started out to be a completely boring day. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. But then my friend Melinda called and asked me if I would be on her radio show. Sure. If anyone ever wants to offer me a chance to diss the Bush-Cheney-McCain axis of opportunism, I’m there! But I wasn’t the only one on the show. Cindy Sheehan was on the show too, talking about her campaign to unseat Nancy Pelosi in the November election. That’s certainly not boring. Then I found out that the Ciao Bella... Read article

Witchcraft on the Home Shopping Network?

March 29, 2008

Last week I received an email from a pastor asking if I’d help inform the public of the Home Shopping Network’s participation in peddling witchcraft. Included in Dr. Greg Allen’s email was a letter addressed to HSN accusing the company of selling materials with spiritual principles that can be used to “teach their ‘power’ and promote New Age spirituality.” It seems HSN is marketing the Evolve with John Edward collection. Since I don’t watch HSN, I have no idea what products are being peddled to the public.... Read article

Democrats and Republicans: Both Parties Fail Americans

March 28, 2008

Anyone thrilled with the mess in Washington, DC? Do you find yourself grieving over unending incompetence, dim-witted scandals, moronic rhetoric and hypocrisy cascading out of our nation’s capital daily? Anyone excited about the activities of our U.S. Senate? How about the House of Representatives? Do you like Vice President Dick Cheney’s actions for the past seven years? Would you again vote for the bungling, if not lawless leadership, of President Bush? Would you again choose 4,000 of our kids sacrificed in an... Read article

Cultural Affirmative Action

March 27, 2008

In a way, I prefer the old, overt affirmative action. While it was government-sanctioned discrimination, at least it was, in some measure, more honest than our cultural affirmative action. There is such a thing. It’s when people in the market and media privilege others – sometimes unconsciously – based upon the latter’s identification with a “victim group.” This phenomenon is what Geraldine Ferraro referred to recently when she addressed Barack Obama’s meteoric political rise and said, “If Obama was a white... Read article

Iraq on $5,000 a second: Where to go & what to see

March 27, 2008

Over the past year, many people have asked me, “Jane, what is it like in Iraq?” I have answered this question in many different ways but today I would like to focus on one aspect of my experience in Iraq — getting around from one military base to another. Today I’d like to give you a personal tour of what it is actually like to embed in Iraq. Why? Because Lonely Planet hasn’t been over there within the last five years. But I have. Suppose you want to embed in Iraq or maybe even want... Read article

Video: Jon Snow’s Hidden Iraq

March 26, 2008

Five years after the invasion, Jon Snow examines the brutal reality of life inside post-invasion Iraq. Loading...  Read More →

Video: Hitler’s American Business Partners

March 26, 2008

This documentary uncovers the unholy alliance between Nazi Germany and some of the biggest corporations in the US – companies, which were indispensable for Hitler to wage war. Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, James D Mooney, the General Motors manager and Tom Watson, the IBM boss, were all awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the Nazis’ highest distinction for foreigners, for their services to the Third Reich. Loading...  Read More →

Rebellion and World Government

March 26, 2008

Should We Resist? Rebellion against God is at the root of the war against absolutes and it is a total war which not only fights absolutes but contends with reason as well. Christianity, the worship of King Jesus as Lord and Savior, contains many reasonable tenets that can be successfully argued as belonging in the social order. An enduring unchangeable legal code is a necessary element. Since contention over the origin of such a code is predicable, the code God gave to Moses is a logical choice. Our Founders understood... Read article

The Plastic Sea

March 25, 2008

10 Million Tons Floating… If you should see this amazing floating pile of plastic in the Pacific Ocean, it’s called “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” It features three million tons of plastic debris floating in an area larger than Texas. An eye-popping 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of ocean! Humans toss another 2.5 million pieces into our oceans hourly. Captain Paul Watson,, composed an essay, “The Plastic Sea.” He wrote a penetrating piece on humanity’s desecration... Read article

Mark Lerner is going to stop the Real ID. Now

March 24, 2008

Mark Lerner is on the road nearly every moment he can find the money. His time is spent in appointments with legislators, sitting down with them to discuss the Real ID. When Mark starts talking they are polite, but not particularly interested. They think they know what the Real ID is about. But when Mark is finished they are worried and asking questions. Mark is the whistle-blower who brought the fraud by biometrics companies to the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission only to be ignored for nearly two years... Read article

Madam Jane predicts the fall of America: Not with a bang but a whimper

March 24, 2008

America used to be so strong that it appeared to be invincible. But not any more. Currently we are as invincible as a house of cards — or should I say a house of dollars — because the cancer of monetary instability is destroying our country from within. And don’t you find it ironic that the biggest threat to America today is coming from within instead of from outside — and that our hyper-expensive, fabulously up-to-date military technology that has cost us trillions of dollars and is supposed to... Read article

Biblical Guidance For Voting

March 23, 2008

A recent e-mail exchange on the subject of this fall’s election prompted these thoughts on Romans 12 and how Christians should vote. While the Bible says nothing about voting, it does guide us on how we should live. Its advice for living applies everywhere, including the voting booth. I wrote the following in an e-mail to SG. “Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all cut from the same cloth. Oh sure, they talk a little bit differently. However, they are ALL for endless socialism, endless war, UN membership and the surrender... Read article

I’d rather have Jesus than a Chocolate Easter Bunny

March 22, 2008

Easter congers images of Easter egg hunts, decorative baskets filled with all sorts of goodies, cool new clothes, church services, families and friends gathering together for a feast. It’s all about….what? Is the reason we observe Easter Sunday to celebrate the coming of the Easter Bunny? To usher in springtime? Or is it an excuse for a parade? None of the above. The significance of Easter is to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One thing’s for sure. Non-Christians have managed to secularize... Read article

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