
Eat Your Cats and Dogs

September 30, 2008

Nations come and go, rise and fall as elites and the wealthy make victims of most citizens and plutocracies prevail. Current dogma is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth. Perhaps in terms of ideals there is some truth to that. But with another trillion dollars that we now must borrow at higher costs because of the meltdown of the financial sector, solidifying our position as the greatest debtor nation, Americans have little to be proud of. Our government and politicians as well as the corporate state have failed... Read article

Olmert’s Bombshell

September 30, 2008

Israel’s outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says Israel will have to give up almost the entire occupied West Bank, including most settlements and east Jerusalem, as the price for peace with the Palestinians. “What I am saying to you now has not been said by any Israeli leader before me,” he declared – and he was right. His comments have caused a major controversy: Israel officially considers the whole of Jerusalem its “eternal, undivided” capital, of which Olmert had been a hawkish mayor for a decade (1993-2003)... Read article

Black Monday? Global Investors vote “No” on Paulson’s Bailout

September 29, 2008

The wrangling continued on the floor of the House of Representatives all weekend, but it is still unclear whether there’s enough support to pass Treasury Secretary Paulson’s $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Paulson says he has the votes, but Paulson has been wrong before. The bigger question, is whether buying up the illiquid mortgage-backed assets from the nation’s banks will be enough to save the financial system from an impending meltdown. The jury is out on that question, too.... Read article

Who won the Mississippi debate?

September 29, 2008

Obama — but for different reasons than you think… John McCain came on strong at the debate in Mississippi the other night — while Obama just seemed hesitant. So. Why do I think that Obama won? For several reasons. First, I was actually in Oxford on September 26 and watched the debate from inside a gigantic tent filled with approximately 600 other journalists. While we were all pounding away at our laptops (except for me, I didn’t have one, sigh), there was this one young lady who was going... Read article

Trouble in Banktopia

September 28, 2008

The financial system is blowing up. Don’t listen to the experts; just look at the numbers. Last week, according to Reuters, “U.S. banks borrowed a record amount from the Federal Reserve nearly $188 billion a day on average, showing the central bank went to extremes to keep the banking system afloat amid the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.” The Fed opened the various “auction facilities” to create the appearance that insolvent banks were thriving businesses, but they are... Read article

The Power Elite Playbook, Burn All, Steal All, Kill All!

September 28, 2008

Part Fourteen Burn all, steal all and kill all was the official policy of Japan’s imperialistic military and paramilitary groups like the Black Ocean and Black Dragon societies. Japanese citizens regarded their emperor as omnipotent or sanctioned by God; therefore obedience to government was deeply entrenched. Weapons technology, driven by the orchestrated Cold War with its staged enemies, has improved. Now it is nuke all, steal all and kill all. The Power Elite prototype, in most nations, reveals their consistent goal... Read article

Next Added 100 Million Americans: Losing the Wild

September 28, 2008

Chapter Five… “We lose four acres a minute, 6,000 acres a day and 2.19 million acres annually to development caused by population growth in the USA.” Mike Matz Before the Industrial Revolution, humanity existed by tilling the fields for crops, picking fruits and storing them in root cellars. Transportation included animals, ox carts, rivers and oceans. All limited and slow! Diseases wiped out millions of people at the drop of a hat. Polio, cholera and Bubonic Plague ruled. In 1900, the average American male... Read article

Should We Fear Iran?

September 27, 2008

The Peter Principle Playoffs… We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men ~~ George Orwell So here we sit, our heads jerking back and forth so rapidly most of us are suffering severe whiplash. Will the US attack Iran? Will Israel attack Iran? Or will the two war-mongering bullies join forces and “bomb, bomb, bomb” that belligerent twit-nation into subservience? It’s a great game. A deadly game. The momentum to attack Iran has been building... Read article

No Amnesty for Wall Street

September 27, 2008

At the time of this writing, the U.S. House and Senate are poised to pass a $700 billion bailout to Wall Street. At the behest of President George W. Bush, the U.S. taxpayers are going to be on the hook for what can only be referred to as the biggest fraud in U.S. history. Virtually our entire financial system is based on an illusion. We spend more than we earn, we consume more than we produce, we borrow more than we save, and we cling to the fantasy that this can go on forever. The glue that holds this crumbling scheme... Read article

Does Pro-life Now Mean Pro-libertinism?

September 27, 2008

At, journalist David Frum has a piece in which he discusses what he perceives to be the transformation of the pro-life movement. His thesis is that the widespread acceptance of unwed motherhood – including by pro-lifers – has eliminated the stigma attached to the state, thereby causing a quarter-century decrease in the abortion rate. Frum starts out talking about how the applause for Sarah Palin’s pregnant, 17-year-old daughter at the Republican Convention reflects this sea-change. Then, contrasting... Read article

Pretexts for War

September 27, 2008

The use of force in international relations is a common practice in the world today, as it has historically been, with the responsible party never failing to claim some noble cause or worthy justification for its actions. Such declarations of benevolence aside, the reasons publicly stated as pretext for wars are almost never true. One is often left to deduce, therefore, the true reasons policy-makers in government make the decision to send a country’s military into armed combat, not by their statements intended for... Read article

Gold, Greed and Deceit

September 26, 2008

Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum… By watching America’s financial meltdown, the lunatics took possession of the asylum in the past week. What amazes taxpayers stems from the fact that the people who brought us this “1929 Crash” crisis in 2008, think they can solve it by taking even more money that doesn’t exist! Whether Treasury Secretary Paulson begs for a $700 billion bailout or Mr. Bernanke cajoles Congress—American taxpayers foot the bill. Taxpayers foot the bill like friends buying a bottle of Jack... Read article

Hang ‘Em High!

September 26, 2008

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Ron Paul: The Republic’s Financial Prophet

September 26, 2008

In 2000, Rep. (TX) Ron Paul issued the most comprehensive, undeniably compelling and historical discourse on the state of our nation I have ever read. Entitled “A Republic, If You Can Keep It,” (, he presents an overall picture of the detrimental weaknesses in our government and people. His warning message also considers consequences if we, as a people and government, don’t change. What we are seeing in the events of our present crisis is a result of a message unheeded... Read article

Not Responsible For Any Dept But My Own

September 26, 2008

Time for Legal Notice to be served. When you have someone in your life who has been totally, or even criminally, irresponsible, the usual practice is to write up a small ad and insert it in your paper informing everyone you cannot inform directly that you are not responsible for their debts. It is legally binding. This is your opportunity to let them know you are not having it, for yourself or for your children. The US government, formally known as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, has decided to indenture... Read article

Hasn’t McCain done enough for the economy?

September 25, 2008

John McCain is now seeking to postpone Friday’s presidential debate in order to focus on the financial crisis. OK, so he incapable of multitasking. A president needs to be able to juggle multiple high-priority items at a time. But that is not my biggest concern. My biggest concern is McCain’s track record on our economy. I think he’s done enough. He has admitted that he doesn’t understand economics as well as he should (although he has since denied that he ever said that, suggesting that he was either... Read article

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