
The Continued Fleecing of America

July 11, 2009

And Its Citizens By The Financial Elites… Overview: Is the USA turning into a plutocratic, oligarchical or fascist nation? A growing body of evidence seems to suggest that the answer is affirmative. Especially this is likely the case while the country and its citizens continue to be plundered by greedy affluent lawmakers, banksters and entrepreneurs for personal gain. Meanwhile, it would be well for them and us to note Justice Louis D. Brandeis’s implicit warning that “we can have democracy in this country,... Read article

Good For Nothing Christians

July 11, 2009

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” (Matt. 5:13 KJV) Jesus said that salt without savor is “good for nothing.” Savor is the ingredient, the character that gives salt its quality–and its value. When salt is as it should be, it is a most precious commodity. Not only is it used as a seasoning; it is, more importantly, a preservative. As... Read article

Gang Attacks White Family

July 11, 2009

Shouts “This is a Black World”; Police “Aren’t Ready to Call it a Hate Crime” Many opponents of hate-crime laws have long pointed out that they will never be applied equitably. The laws exist solely to punish members of politically-incorrect groups who commit politically-incorrect crimes. That is to say, they’re not about eliminating hate – they’re about targeting those the left hates. If ever there was a case that vindicated this thesis, it’s a recent unprovoked... Read article

Obama Lynching Party

July 10, 2009

The honeymoon President Barack Obama has enjoyed with the media since his inauguration was abruptly over – after the Cairo Speech. After his promise of peace with the Islamic world, in no time this savior of America, the man who said Yes, We Can became increasingly lonely and besieged by an unlikely coalition of Zionists, the loony left and right-wing racists. Barack Obama has become the bane of Israeli Jews, wrote the Jewish Forward‘s Nathan Jeffai. Only 6% of Jewish Israelis consider his views... Read article

Compromising Democracy in Honduras

July 10, 2009

Can a solution to the crisis in Honduras – itself the result of a military coup – be “mediated,” where on one side sit coup leaders and on the other a democratically elected but ousted President?  Does any “middle ground” exist?  Of course not.  If President Zelaya unconditionally returns to finish his term in office, democracy will be restored; anything short of that will have democracy  “compromised” into its opposite. Obama is the behind-the-scenes organizer of this... Read article

McNamara and George Bush

July 10, 2009

Fog of War and Arrogance… The Nazi Hermann Goering said, “Naturally, the common people don’t want war, but after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag people along.  Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.” Little... Read article

Our Marines in Afghanistan: A made-for-TV movie

July 9, 2009

I just got an e-mail from my secret source of intelligence in Afghanistan — a Marine mom. And this Marine mom was livid. “My husband and I are writing to our Representatives and asking for an investigation into this poorly-planned forced march of our Marines through Helmand province in Afghanistan. They are having heat issues — heat exhaustion, dehydration, etc. Who planned this march in 100-degree-plus heat while carrying backpacks that weigh over 100 pounds?” wrote this Marine mom. I... Read article

“The Age Of Despotism”

July 8, 2009

This past Independence Day weekend, my friend, LCDR (Retired) Guy Cunningham, delivered an outstanding address here in Pensacola, Florida, in which he said that America is now in “The Age of Perfidy.” He went on to say that our country is soon to enter “The Age of Despotism.” I candidly confess that I believe the retired Naval officer could be more right than we might want to admit. Commander Cunningham is no slouch. He was a Green Beret (who served in the same Special Forces company alongside his... Read article

Madam Jane predicts: It’s every man for himself!

July 7, 2009

“Madam Jane,” I asked my favorite fortune-teller yesterday, “what does the future hold for us? I mean, really. The seas are rising, billions of people seem to be dying of starvation, most of our tax dollars go toward keeping bankers in caviar and buying enough weapons to blow up our entire solar system — and most Americans are missing the Big Picture entirely and going around with their heads in the sand when they should be out taking action. The future looks grim. I’m all confused. What... Read article

Mark Sanford and the Left’s Romper Room Commentary

July 7, 2009

There is probably nothing that pleases our libertine left more than a social conservative’s fall from grace.  Just witness the predictable feeding frenzy that ensued when South Carolina governor Mark Sanford confessed to marital infidelity.  Why, so voracious are his critics that a Google search for Sanford’s name in parentheses and the word “hypocrite” yields 20,600 of their pages. For many reasons, not the least of which was the governor’s condemnation of Bill Clinton’s serial... Read article

Western Media Persists in Propaganda About Iraq’s Purported WMD

July 6, 2009

The mainstream media is reporting that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein told his FBI interrogators after his capture that he lied about having weapons of mass destruction (WMD) because he feared Iran. But there’s just one problem with this claim: Saddam Hussein never claimed to have WMD, but , as everybody knows, repeatedly denied that this was so. This propaganda line had its origins early on following the U.S. invasion of Iraq. David Kay, who early on headed up the CIA’s effort to find WMD, the Iraq Survey... Read article

Why Obama needs to visit North Korea: Mass Games and nuclear weapons!

July 6, 2009

Back during the Korean War in the 1950s, the entire city of Pyongyang was flattened by American bombers. An entire city, with a population of approximately 200,000 people, was destroyed by over 428,000 American bombs — that’s approximately 2.14 (500-pound) bombs per person. That’s a lot of bombs! No wonder North Korea is still paranoid and pissed off at the US. Sure, this holocaust did offer Pyongyang a whole new city-planning opportunity but still…. How would you feel if Manhattan had been... Read article

The Obama/Soros Plan To Destroy America

July 6, 2009

OBAMA’S MAIN ‘PUPPETEER’ IS THE HUNGARIAN BORN JEW – GEORGE SOROS. With his financial ability in the billions of dollars to back whatever cause he chooses and his powerful control of the media, Soros has the means to engineer the political and economic destinies of entire nations. Indeed, Soros has already implemented his global agenda in both Georgia and Kosovo. The latest “cause” backed by Soros is the Obama presidency. Known as Obama’s “money man,” Soros’s involvement... Read article

Next Added 100 Million Americans: Death, Disease & Consequences

July 5, 2009

Chapter Nineteen… “Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history.  Human immigration and unlimited transport cause it.” ~ World Health Organization If you travel into the Third World such as Mexico, Central and South America, you will notice that while visiting a bathroom there is a box for used toilet paper in the corner and no soap or paper towels at the lavatory. The sewage systems cannot handle toilet paper so it is a habit to throw it in the box... Read article

Running On Empty

July 4, 2009

There’s a big difference between inventory-driven recessions and credit-driven recessions. An inventory recession is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand. It’s the result of overcapacity and under-utilization which can only work itself out over time as inventories are pared back and demand builds. Credit-driven recessions are a different story altogether. They typically last twice as long as and can precipitate financial crises. The current recession is a severe credit bust of Depression-era magnitude.... Read article

Iran: Much ado about nothing?

July 4, 2009

What is there about the Iranian election of June 12 that has led to it being one of the leading stories in media around the world every day since? Elections whose results are seriously challenged have taken place in most countries at one time or another in recent decades. Countless Americans believe that the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen by the Republicans, and not just inside the voting machines and in the counting process, but prior to the actual voting as well with numerous Republican Party dirty... Read article

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