
Want to Fix Housing? Listen to the Gipper

February 28, 2010

There is a remedy for the housing crisis. And it doesn’t involve an agonizing decade of uncertainty while supply adjusts to demand. All Obama needs to do is to stop artificially propping up the market and let the chips fall where they may. That means the Fed should stop buying mortgage-backed securities to keep long-term interest rates low. That means the congress should not renew the $8,000 first-time homebuyers subsidy. That means the FHA should modify its lending standards so that mortgage applicants have to meet... Read article

Can Christianity Thrive without Churches?

February 28, 2010

American institutions of government/politics, industry, and economics are in a state of collapse and the leaders of those institutions do not show the courage to correct their flawed paths to restore America to the independent, self sufficient republic of her birth. The collapse of those institutions has the potential to cause America’s institutionalized church—particularly American Christian Protestantism—to collapse as well. American Christian congregations support the costs of huge amounts of land and the buildings... Read article

Overpopulation in 21st Century America: Our Perilous Future

February 27, 2010

Part 1 In the early years of the 21st century, the United States continues on a course toward adding another 100 million people by 2035. (Source: “US Population Projections” by Fogel/Martin, PEW Report, U.S. Census Bureau)  Beyond that, population projections show America doubling its current populace to 600 million in the latter half of this century.  At the same time, the world demographic figures show an added three billion humans to planet Earth by 2050. With accelerating ‘symptoms’ exploding across America... Read article

Is America Becoming A Police State?

February 27, 2010

There is a classic story about how no one had been able to capture a herd of wild hogs that was rooting up crops from numerous farms. It got so bad that rewards had been posted for anyone clever enough to corral the critters. But even this resulted in only limited success. One day a stranger (who was a wily old trapper) came into town and–entering the general store–ordered a truckload of fence posts and fencing, along with some feed. When asked what he was going to use it for, he said, “I’m ... Read article

Compassion VS. Antichrists

February 27, 2010

William Blake wrote, “Imagination is Evidence of the Divine” and I agree totally, but must add that genuine Compassion is a Manifestation of The Divine. All of the Koran’s 114 chapters except one begins with the phrase “Allah [which is Arabic for God] is merciful and compassionate.” A true Muslim recognizes the brotherhood of man and will respect and treat even a non-Muslim as a brother. A true Muslims understand that compassion and charity, is serving God. The Koran states, “No man is a true... Read article

The Rationale for Keeping U.S. Forces in Iraq

February 26, 2010

With the deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq at the end of next year creeping nearer, the U.S. has to find some way to convince the Iraqi government to allow a continued military presence, which is the likely outcome despite the U.S.-Iraq status of forces agreement containing the deadline. One means by which this will be accomplished, relabeling “combat forces” something else, perhaps remaining as “military advisers” or something to that effect, has already been discussed. Thomas E. Ricks... Read article

The War on Toyota: It’s All Politics

February 25, 2010

Does anyone really believe that Toyota is being pilloried in the media for a few highway fatalities? Nonsense. If Congress is so worried about innocent people getting killed, then why haven’t they indicted US commander Stanley McChrystal for blowing up another 27 Afghan civilians on Sunday? But this isn’t about bloodshed and it’s certainly not “safety regulations”. It’s about politics–bare-knuckle Machiavellian politics. An attack on Toyota is an attack on Japan’s leading export.... Read article

Dubai and “Stupid Israeli Spies”

February 24, 2010

On February 23, 2010, Reuters reported that the Dubai police are virtually certain that the Israeli Mossad are responsible for murder by suffocation of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, that at least 18 people may be involved and that the death squad used passports from European Union countries. So far, six have been identified as Britons living in Israel, but they deny any involvement and say their identities were stolen. The United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed vowed to bring those responsible to justice,... Read article

Pharmaceutical Pillage

February 24, 2010

Business ethics has become an oxymoron. Wall Street bonuses were up 17 percent to over $20 billion in 2009, the year taxpayers bailed out the financial sector after its meltdown. So, everyone has many reasons to hate the banking and financial sectors that dumped our economy, and the general corruption of American politics by corporate interests. There are good reasons to detest the pharmaceutical industry. Besides raping people with onerous prices for prescription drugs, corporate greed coupled with ineffective government... Read article

The Drive to Eliminate Social Security Accelerates

February 24, 2010

In Washington each new day brings a fresh call to “reform entitlement programs” — Social Security, Medicare, etc., (in Congress, the word “reform” now means to eliminate, or drastically reduce). Tackling Social Security has been on the to-do list of the corporate elite for years, and they’re not waiting any longer. After years of promoting this cause, conservative think tanks have now garnered solid support from the political establishment as a whole, which includes the Republican and Democratic parties. The... Read article

Jackpot Anchor Babies: Runaway Fraud on American Citizens

February 24, 2010

Degrading schools and communities and welfare… Every year, 400,000 pregnant women enter the United States legally and illegally to birth their babies on American soil.  Their children become instant citizens and their mothers become instant wards of the American taxpayer. From a reader: Dear Mr. Wooldridge: You can also add South Florida to your list.  I work in “Labor & Delivery” as a newborn admittance nurse down here in South Florida.  Women fly in from the Bahamas, the Caribbean Islands, Central and... Read article

Remembering The Alamo

February 23, 2010

February 23 marks the anniversary of the beginning of the battle of the Alamo back in 1836. For more than 13 days, 186 brave and determined patriots withstood Santa Anna’s seasoned army of over 4,000 troops. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would never leave those ramparts alive. They had several opportunities to leave and live. Yet, they chose to fight and die. How foolish they must look to this generation of spoiled Americans. It is difficult to recall that stouthearted men such as Davy Crockett... Read article

Sociopaths: They See You as Prey

February 22, 2010

He constantly asks for sympathy, takes risks , lies to you and when caught shows no remorse. It is unsettling, frightening. Somehow it is your own fault. But what or why would anyone do these things? There is an answer. The terms, “psychopathy”, “sociopath,” “sociopath,” and others refer to individuals who look human but, in elemental ways, are not. They harbor a condition which cuts them off from us. Their automatic emotional reactions, foundational to limiting wrong behavior, do not... Read article

To Believe or not to Believe

February 21, 2010

Daily Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan doesn’t believe the British Foreign Office: “The (British) Foreign Office denied claims that it had been tipped off about the use of British passports before the hit, insisting: “We only received details of the British passports a few hours before the [February 15] press conference held by the police in Dubai.” But the Irish foreign ministry has confirmed that it knew Irish passports had been used by the hit squad as early as February 4 – and it would seem surprising if Britain... Read article

Environmental Groups Pretend To Save Our Environment

February 21, 2010

After 30 years as a member of the Sierra Club, formed by my favorite and the first environmentalist—John Muir—I stopped giving them $35.00 a year because I learned they wasted my money while doing nothing to protect the environment. Carl Pope, long time head of Sierra Club, finagled and fandangled millions of hapless Sierra Club members into filling his coffers while he pretended to ‘save’ the environment.  At no point would he address overpopulation or massive immigration into the United States as a ‘driving... Read article

Removing Wickedness

February 21, 2010

High Places and Low… “In our time, the state has declared its independence of God, and the church has withdrawn from the necessary relevance of Christian faith to the state and to every other sphere of life.  Both are under the judgment of God for their course of action and their rejection of Christ’s crown rights.”  R. J. Rushdoony, “Sovereignty”, Pg. 259 I admire Chuck Baldwin and appreciate his industrious work for the cause of freedom.  However, I have some serious questions about his recent... Read article

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