
Zionism Unmasked

February 12, 2010

While Zionism is clearly a nationalist ideology, that narrow framing does the term an injustice as it is so much more. Zionism is more accurately described as a strategy for targeting thought and emotion as a means to influence behavior. Naïve Jews were its first victims when induced to identify with an enclave in the Middle East that President Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, was induced to recognize as a “state.” Zionism is first and foremost a mental state that manifests as a dispersed form of internalized nationalism—a... Read article

Emotional Spin For A Change

February 12, 2010

Watch emotional spin doctor Alastair Campbell* break down in a TV interview on the Iraq war’s ‘dodgy dossier’. E0TjP56U1O0 Is it genuine or just another shameless spin? “The arch media manipulator, says the Daily Mail, “appeared for a few seconds almost to lose it altogether when he was pressed over Tony Blair’s evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war”. Apparently Campbell was so upset because Tony Blair is actually a “ totally honourable man”. Clearly... Read article

Deception Racket of Sierra Club and other Enviromental Clubs

February 11, 2010

In 2009, our U.S. Congress gave one million green cards to foreigners as they imported them into our country as legal immigrants. Our Congress added another 450,000 work permits for foreign workers. At the same time, 15-20 million Americans could not and cannot secure a job. Another 35 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Foreclosures cost millions of Americans their homes. We stand $12 trillion in debt. And yet, the Congress imports 1.5 million immigrants every year. In the meantime, the American press covers water... Read article

The Democrats, the Deficit, and Social Security

February 11, 2010

It’s official: the Democrats are coming after Social Security and Medicare. How refreshing that all the backroom scheming and political conspiring is finally out in the open. Before, the corporate elite had been having this conversation in private, via right-wing think tanks and business journals. Now, mainstream media is promoting these ideas, including the Democrat’s media mouthpiece — The New York Times. In a three-page editorial, entitled The Truth about the Deficit, The New York Times gives its solution to... Read article

Christmas Day Crotch Bomber Tied to Israel, FBI

February 11, 2010

The Christmas Day “terrorist” is the latest in a series of staged incidents meant to make The Clash of Civilizations appear plausible and “the war on terrorism” rational. The storyline does not hold together. Not even a little bit. As usual, the source of this media-fueled fear campaign traces directly to Tel Aviv—with a supporting role by the FBI. How did a young Nigerian Muslim without a passport “slip through” security at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport? Not only did his itinerary feature an illogical travel... Read article

To Tea or Not to Tea

February 10, 2010

As a long term, proud political dissident and rebel I have had some admiration for the national tea party movement. I welcome all that shakes up and reforms our dysfunctional political system. But in the end I find far too much distasteful about what these people embrace to participate in or support it. I have been especially disappointed with their lack of interest in reforming the American political system through a third political party. Sometimes tea party people say they are fed up with both major parties, but they... Read article

Profound Disconnect of US Congress Reps from their Constituents

February 10, 2010

Our U.S. Congress causes most Americans of both parties intellectual trauma, emotional fits and mental anguish.  Every week, 545 individuals misdirect, obfuscate, cloud, suppress, deny or avoid dealing with serious issues facing our civilization.   Fact: they don’t solve much, but they do perpetuate most of our problems. You might read a compelling piece, “545 PEOPLE” by Charlie Reese that explains their profound disconnect with America, with her values, with her people and with the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Reese... Read article

Britain, You Better Wake Up

February 10, 2010

The more I read about the Chilcot inquiry the more disturbed I am. The fallacy imbued in the heart of British ‘democracy’ is staggering. While some commentators are concerned with questions to do with the legality of the war, the most crucial issue here is actually the disappearance of ethical judgment from our public and political life. Rather than being concerned with morality and ethics British politicians are concerned with legalism. In other words, if someone would manage to prove that the war was ‘legal’ then... Read article

Time for an American Intifada?

February 10, 2010

During the 1960 Christmas season, Americans flocked to the theaters to see Exodus, a 3-1/2 hour epic film featuring handsome freedom fighters and a riveting romance amidst the heroic triumph of Jewish Destiny over Arab Evil Doers. Set against a Yuletide backdrop of Biblical prophecy, moviegoers marveled as exiled Jews returned to their fabled promised land, a staple of popular culture to which Americans are first exposed as children in “Sunday school.” Many moviegoers failed to realize that Exodus was not fact... Read article

The Bush Family’s Project Hammer

February 9, 2010

Hammering the USSR’s Economy… In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup against Gorbachev in August 1991 and the seizure of major energy and munitions industries in the Soviet Union. Those resources would subsequently be turned over to international bankers and corporations. On November... Read article

Rockabye Baby

February 9, 2010

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle… Television is the primary source of news and entertainment in the United States and in most of the world. Some Americans still read daily papers and some depend on the internet but the vast majority relax in front of the television and click on the channel of their choice. The world media is an oligopoly. Oligopolies and monopolies exert inordinate power over the marketplace. Toyota is a major... Read article

Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”

February 9, 2010

At first glance it appeared there was a typo in the headlines. The national media reported that, in January, another 20,000 more jobs were lost.  Somehow, the unemployment rate dropped, from 10 percent to 9.7 percent.  Nobody thought this paradox was worth explaining; instead, the media’s attitude was “more good news” about the economy. But there was other evidence of an obliterated job market hiding behind the cheerful headlines.  After revising the employment numbers in 2009, The New York Times reported, “…the... Read article

In Tea Party Address, Palin stokes the anti-rights fire

February 8, 2010

As expected, I disagreed with just about everything Palin said. However, there was one part of her speech in particular that really got my blood boiling: She propagated the lie that the would-be Christmas airline bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, stopped talking after he was read his Miranda rights. The right wing likes to use that talking point to further their belief that terrorism suspects deserve no rights. The Washington Post described that portion of her speech as follows: “Serving up fiery rhetoric with a broad... Read article

America’s Dark Side

February 7, 2010

Progressive activists and writers continually bemoan the fact that the news they generate and the opinions they express are consistently ignored by the mainstream media, and thus kept from the masses of the American people. This disregard of progressive thought is tantamount to a definition of the mainstream media. It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy; it’s a matter of who owns the mainstream media and the type of journalists they hire — men and women who would like to keep their jobs; so it’s more insidious... Read article

Walk a Mile…

February 7, 2010

I know you need your sleep now, I know your life’s been hard. But many men are falling, where you promised to stand guard. ~ Leonard Cohen My friend Bernie says he’s suffering from Afghanistan information exhaustion. “During all those months that Obama was dragging his feet about escalating the war in Afghanistan, did you ever get the impression,” he asked, “that foxes were in the hen house, chickens were squawking and running around crazily, wolves were tearing the foxes to pieces, and... Read article

As sea level rises so does the level of climate change denial

February 7, 2010

“We’re simply talking about the very life support system of this planet.”  (Joachim Schellnhuber, Director, Potsdam Climate Impacts Institute, advisor to the German government). The release of more than 320 billion tons of carbon (GtC) from buried early biospheres, adding more than one half of the original carbon inventory of the atmosphere (~590 GtC) to the atmosphere-ocean system, has triggered a fundamental shift in the state of the atmosphere at a rate of 2 ppm CO2/year, a pace unprecedented in the geological... Read article

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