
African-American Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and Immigration Reform

October 18, 2011

Few Americans realize the plight of Black America as to immigration.  Congress’ inept continuance of relentless immigration has created the highest unemployment among Black Americans ever in the history of this country.  The late Barbara Jordan understood it completely. She worked tirelessly to curb mass immigration before she died. Rejecting amnesty proposals, Jordan testified to Congress, “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept... Read article

Corporate-Funded Policy Makers Clamor for Iran War

October 17, 2011

While US politicians grapple over the credibility of using the US DEA’s bomb plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador as a pretext to escalate tensions with Iran, America’s unelected, corporate-funded policy makers have already announced their long, foregone conclusion. The DEA’s entrapment case is decidedly to be used as a pretext for war with Iran. The Foreign Policy Institute (FPI), just one such unelected, corporate-funded think tank, has released two statements calling on President Obama to use force... Read article

Liam Fox Is Not A ‘Useful Idiot’

October 17, 2011

A rather stinky Israeli espionage mole has just been exposed in Britain. Yesterday, Liam Fox the Defence Secretary resigned following revelations about his dubious relationship with Adam Werritty. Some 17 years younger than Fox, Werrity has been involved with Fox both in business and in the conservative Atlanticist think-tank ‘The Atlantic Bridge’. While Fox was Defence Minister, Werrity visited Fox at the Ministry on many occasions, accompanied Fox on numerous official trips, attended some of his meetings with foreign... Read article

Slaying The New York State Pork Dragon

October 17, 2011

New York State was once known to the world as the Empire State. After decades of government mismanagement and corporate plunder, the beleaguered taxpayer needs and deserves substantial relief. Pouring public funds into corporate coffers as “gifts” for the honor of having these enterprises conduct their trade is a practice that enriches the few, while sucking the economic life out of impoverished residents. The racket of “Corporate Welfare” gives new meaning to those famous words of General Jack... Read article

Next Steps for the Occupy Movement

October 17, 2011

As the Occupy Movement gains strength nationally and internationally, questions of “what next” are popping up. Although there are no easy answers or ready-to-order recipes for moving forward, there are general ideas that can help unite the Occupy Movements with the broader community of the 99% — which is the most urgent need at the moment. Why the urgency? Writer Chris Hedges explains: “The state and corporate forces are determined to crush this… They are terrified this will spread. They have their... Read article

Analysts Skeptical of Alleged Iranian Plot

October 16, 2011

Did an elite branch of Iran’s military handpick a divorced, 56-year-old Iranian-American used-car salesman from Texas to hire a hitman from a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate the ambassador to Saudi Arabia by blowing up a bomb in a crowded restaurant in Washington? U.S. officials say they are certain the bizarre plot against Ambassador Adel Jubeir was real. But some analysts say they are not. They find it unlikely that the Iranian government, or legitimate factions within, would be involved in such a tangled plot. Iran... Read article

Political Persecution in Maricopa County

October 16, 2011

When we think of political persecution, places such asTiananmen Squaremay come to mind.  Increasingly, however, this tool of tyranny is coming to our shores – and it is not made inChina.  It is, in the case I’ll discuss today, made inMaricopaCounty. Every avid news reader knows about the battles between Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the federal government; Leviathan has targeted him because of his principled stand against illegal immigration. What is not quite as well known, however, is that the sheriff and... Read article

Outsourcing The Dirty Work: Seattle, Horsemeat & Eye Trouble

October 16, 2011

Just three days before I was supposed to go on a two-week camping trip through the Northwest, my eyes started to burn and hurt.  And then my vision started to get blurry.  Yikes!  So I immediately got all upset and rushed off to the doctor — but also started comparing my own vision problems with those of America’s vision problems as well.  I am not alone.  America’s vision has also gotten pretty blurry recently. For far too long, we Americans have sat back and placidly allowed just one percent of... Read article

Is It Immoral to Vote for Obama?

October 15, 2011

I don’t like mixing politics with morality, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. What I mean is this: how can anyone cast a ballot for a man who they know will continue to kill people in other countries merely to advance US policy objectives? That’s the question people need to ask themselves. Under normal circumstances, I can understand the “lesser of two evils” theory of voting, just as I can understand why people would think that Obama would be better president than his GOP opponent. But these aren’t normal circumstances,... Read article

U.S. Playing The Saudi Envoy Game

October 14, 2011

In a ‘united against Iran campaign,’ the US government has accused Tehran of orchestrating an assassination plot against the Saudi envoy in Washington, a move which is to be seen as part of a US stratagem to carry on with its plan of demonizing and isolating the Islamic Republic of Iran. US Vice President Joe Biden said on “The Early Show” on Wednesday that “It’s critically important that we unite the world in the isolation of and dealing with the Iranians. That’s the surest way... Read article

Feds: States Have No Rights

October 14, 2011

In a recent column appearing on, Kurt Nimmo succinctly and correctly pointed out that the federal government’s usurpation of State sovereignty, jurisdiction, and authority is worsening. The current case in point is the recent open letter to all firearms dealers by the ATF. Nimmo begins, “In its continuing effort to pare down the number of Americans who can exercise their rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has sent a letter to firearms dealers... Read article

Why Continue Two Useless Wars?

October 14, 2011

Our young kids have fought two wars for ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Total cost exceeds $1 trillion.  Result:  horrific deaths on both sides, destruction and no resolution.  Does anyone know or understand why we sent 6,200 kids to their deaths and another 40,000 brought back home without legs and arms or their minds? We can expect a minimum of 100,000 post-war suicides from combat troops with scrambled brains.  That doesn’t count the ones that stumble forward with alcohol, drugs and poverty. Did we stop terror? Suicide... Read article

The 1% and Capitalism

October 13, 2011

By definition, capitalism is: An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production (industry, banks, technology), where through the process of market competition, production occurs for private profit — if something cannot be sold for a profit it is not produced. In practice, private ownership has evolved into giant corporations, which monopolize production, markets, and government via campaign contributions, corporate lobbying (often legalized bribery) and promising politicians a cozy retirement... Read article

New SCOTUS Decision In Abu-Jamal Case Is Good, But Not Enough

October 13, 2011

The drama continues in the case of America’s most famous living death row prisoner. On October 11, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request from the Philadelphia District Attorney to overturn a federal appeals court decision declaring Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence unconstitutional. Abu-Jamal had been convicted and sentenced to death for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Now, according to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), “Mr. Abu-Jamal will be automatically... Read article

The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens

October 12, 2011

At the very foundation of perhaps every modern day conflict between the expansive powers of unchecked bureaucracy and the dwindling freedoms of the ordinary citizen dwells the vital issue of privacy. Privacy and the right to hold personal and political views without being singled out and scrutinized by government is absolutely essential to any society which dares to deem itself “fair and just”. Ultimately, without the presence of these two liberties, and without people to defend them, a nation is ill equipped to... Read article

Euro Woes

October 12, 2011

My stopover in Brussels on the way to the Balkans last week proved less than illuminating on the issue of the eurozone crisis and Greek debt. The real decisions are made further east, in Frankfurt and Berlin, but the EUapparat appears confident that there will be no Greek default in the short term and that Athens will not leave the eurozone. What will happen later in the course of 2012 is harder to predict, however. “The crisis has reached a systemic dimension,” European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet told... Read article

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