
Upset about Big Brother’s Ban on Incandescent Bulbs? Buy a Heatball!

December 31, 2011

This is just too good. Many of you know that in a few days the federal ban on conventional incandescent light bulbs will go into effect. And while House Republicans included a provision in a recent spending bill that will block funding for the ban’s enforcement, it’s said that it will have little effect; manufacturers have prepared for the new standards and will no doubt abide by the law. So does this mean we’ll be forced to buy more expensive LED (light emitting diode) or CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs, the... Read article

Reflections on 2011

December 31, 2011

As I sit in my office seat at my computer desk with an empty screen before me, I look out my window at the endless snows at 8,000 feet.  To the west of me, the Rocky Mountains cut their majestic profiles into the evening sky.  Lodge pole pines blanket the valleys that sweep down into Clear Creek.  A herd of 50 buffalo search for grass beneath two feet of fresh snow.  Below me, the lights of Denver sparkle for as far as the eye can see. The sun rises and sunsets across the wide Colorado sky make for majesty too amazing... Read article

The Threat of War Against Iran and Syria is Real

December 31, 2011

For those who think that the United States wouldn’t possibly instigate another war in the Middle East, think again. Empowered by his “success” in the bombing of Libya and consequent assassination of Muammar Qaddafi, Obama is now seeking to use the exact same strategy against Syria, while using alarming military threats against Iran. In both cases the U.S. is creating the conditions for war in a region that is already boiling over from decades of U.S. backed dictators combined with past U.S. military aggression. In... Read article

Why Iran Doesn’t Scare Me

December 31, 2011

The screaming meemies in the War Party have their undies in a bunch over the prospect of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. So? Israel has over 100 nuclear warheads. The U.S. has thousands of nuclear warheads. Just one of our Ohio-class submarines can carry 192 nuclear warheads. 192 Irans in one metal tube. Ahmedinejad is a lot of bad things. However, he is not stupid. What do you think the U.S. or Israel would do if he were to attack either of us? I will let this be a rhetorical question. And besides, if he were to nuke... Read article

The Snow Fronde

December 30, 2011

After interminably long delay, the grey Moscow heavens were at long last generous with snow, dispensing heaps and heaps of the white stuff, turning cars into snow mountains and making  sidewalks  impassable. This is a nice time of  year: bare trees are covered with white foliage, skating rinks flash with skaters, girls sport their favorite minks. Snow mitigates the bitter frost, and kids are busy throwing snowballs. The big and rather well-tempered demo on Saturday Dec 24 was  probably the last splash of public activity... Read article

Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate Who Gets It

December 30, 2011

The recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the reaction–or better, lack of reaction–by the GOP’s Presidential candidates is a perfect example of how it will not matter to a Tinker’s Dam which Republican candidate wins the nomination, unless that candidate is Congressman Ron Paul. This is what so many people within the so-called Religious Right and establishment GOP just do not understand: they do not understand the fact that America is in the throes of a burgeoning police state. They... Read article

It’s All Propaganda!

December 29, 2011

Drowning In Lies… Propaganda has been pandemic for so long that few Americans recognize that almost everything they see and hear contains at least some element of propaganda. We watch, listen, and seriously consider the rhetoric and actions that accompany the presidential debates thinking it will help determine which of the candidates is best suited for the position of President of the United States.  Actually, the debates are a propaganda tool to help listeners believe their opinions are being considered.  With... Read article

‘2012: What’s In Store…’

December 27, 2011

The Private Global Power Elite embedded in major governments is dead set on imposing World Government on us sooner rather than later. Let’s look at 12 mega-processes – veritable “Triggers” – that we infer they are using to achieve their goals. All roads lead to World Government.  This should come as no surprise.  London’s Financial Times openly articulated this view in an article by their chief foreign affairs commentator, Gideon Rachman, published on 8 December 2009, whose title said it all: “And Now for... Read article

Iraq: Who Won, Who Lost, Who Got Screwed?

December 27, 2011

This month, our combat troops of United States military withdrew from Iraq after nearly a decade of killing 100,000 Iraqi citizens of all persuasions, being murdered themselves by insurgents who infiltrated past check points, thousands were killed or maimed by countless IEDs, and, as time plays out over 100,000 American combat troops are predicted to commit suicide from their brains being scrambled by the horrors of war.  Thousands of marriages will fail and countless children will suffer the horrors of war as their fathers... Read article

A Tale of Two Squares and Two Movements

December 27, 2011

Cairo… This observer spent a good part of Christmas Eve divided between two main Cairo Squares, Tahir and Abassiya, while waiting for a Visa from the Libyan Embassy. A tale of two Squares and two Movements Alexandria, 415 or 416 In the year 415 or 416, on the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, a band of Christian monks seized Hypatia, one of the last great thinkers of ancient Alexandria, beat her, and dragged her body to a church where they mutilated her flesh with sharp tiles and burned her remains. Read more. Cairo... Read article

A Grim Christmas

December 26, 2011

This Christmas let us spare a thought and say a prayer for countless Christian victims of Muslim brutality, over the centuries and in our own time. An explosion ripped through a Catholic church during Christmas Mass near Nigeria’s capital Abuja on Sunday morning, killing at least 25 people. A radical Muslim group, Boko Haram, claimed responsibility for the attack and another bombing in the city of Jos, as explosions also struck the nation’s predominantly Muslim northeast. The Christmas Day attacks show the growing... Read article

A Christmas Wish List for Obama

December 26, 2011

Which is it? Ho Ho Ho or Bah! Humbug! When it comes to the Barack Obama presents you received during his administration, what you got is a visit from a Christmas basher without the redeeming value of a Grinch or Scrooge. Examine the generous gifts this “Bad Santa” doled out during his holiday season. Postponing another indulgent vacation is a small price to pay for the enjoyment of keeping the cheer and folly celebration going. Be damn the cost, it is just too much fun to stop this excitement of stuffing coal... Read article

Set Your Doomsday Clock To 11:51

December 25, 2011

The National Defense Authorization Act is not a leap from democracy to tyranny, but it is another major step on a steady and accelerating decade-long march toward a police state. The doomsday clock of our republic just got noticeably closer to midnight, and the fact that almost nobody knows it, simply moves that fatal minute-hand a bit further still. I’m not referring to the “doomsday” predicted by Leon Panetta should military spending be scaled back to the obscenely inflated levels of 2007. I’m talking about the... Read article

The Economic Solutions of Vampires

December 24, 2011

The vampire bat is a horrifying pig-nosed wart of a creature which feasts in a manner that, believe it or not, is a rather familiar scene to those of us who closely study alternative economics.  After erratically flittering about in the sinking evening sky, it targets the warmth of a sleeping farm animal and latches onto it with its claws.  Carefully, it inserts a fang into a vein dense region of the creature’s body, and laps away at the blood.  Normally, the oblivious livestock are completely unaware and helpless to... Read article

Draghi’s Real Goal in the Eurozone

December 24, 2011

Crush Labor and Impose Austerity… Imagine if your banker offered to lend you a $150,000 to make up for the money that you’d lost on your home since the housing bubble burst in 2006. And, let’s say, he agreed to lend you this money for 3 years at rock-bottom rates of 1 percent provided that you post the contents of your garage  (ie. rusty bikes, a bent basketball hoop, an old dollhouse, and rodent-infested luggage) as collateral on the loan. Would that seem like a good deal to you? On Wednesday, the European Central... Read article

Kim Jong-il, The Leader From Hell

December 23, 2011

Kim Jong-il, the North Korean “Dear Leader” (as well as  Secretary-General of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army, etc, etc.) is dead at 69. The news that the diminutive leader of the most unpleasant despotism in the world is no longer going to regale us with his elevator shoes, oversize glasses and bouffant hairdo would be unworthy of attention, were it not for the existence of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal and the... Read article

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