
Cranking Up The Washington Lie Machine

June 21, 2013

Just for the sake of argument, let’s suspend our disbelief for a moment and pretend (I know it’s a stretch) that the Obama administration and the apologists for the nation’s spy apparatus in Congress, Democratic and Republican, are telling us the gods’ honest truth. They have, as the Wall Street Journal puts it, “amped up” their defense of the NSA’s massive spying program, claiming that not two, but 50 terrorist plots have been foiled thanks to their metadata mining and their intrusive... Read article

The White House Has No Credibility

June 21, 2013

Holy Cow, Martha! Will miracles never cease? Chuck Baldwin and the New York Times editorial board actually agree. Are we in the Twilight Zone? Is it Freaky Friday? Is the Times editorial board reading my columns and seeing the light or am I watching CNN and MSNBC too much? I know I don’t watch those two propaganda outlets too much, and I doubt the Times editorial board pays too much attention to what I write, so what is going on? On June 6, the editorial board of the New York Times posted a column that yours truly could... Read article

ESPN’s Random Act of Feminism?

June 21, 2013

It’s really hard to know today where the stupidity ends and the propaganda begins. MSNBC recently made news by labeling infamous segregationist George Wallace a Republican during a recent television broadcast. Now ESPN has followed suit, with a random act of feminism. On the sports network’s Friday US Open golf telecast, there was a short retrospective piece on golf great Lee Trevino’s gag at the 1971 Open at Merion, where he tossed a rubber snake at opponent Jack Nicklaus right before their playoff. The piece’s... Read article

Tweeting Our Way To Oblivion

June 20, 2013

People behaving like birds should mark a step forward in the evolutionary capacity of the human race. After all, birds sing melodiously at dawn and dusk, swoop majestically in the open sky, and build their nests using only their beaks. I doubt that most humans could build such nests even using two hands. Yet, do we dulled and listless nine to fivers dance through the streets and burst into rapturous song each dawn and dusk? No, no, not we measured and mannered mortals. Our typical daily response to the circadian rhythms... Read article

Syria Is Becoming Obama’s Iraq

June 19, 2013

In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal. Obama has officially started down a path that inevitably leads to full-scale war. At this point the Obama administration thinks it has already... Read article

War By Another Name In Syria

June 19, 2013

Plan B… The Group of Eight leaders meeting in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, having called for an international conference on the ongoing crisis in Syria to be held “as soon as possible” could not agree on much else that might end the civil war anytime soon there. The White House now is reportedly in private agreement with Russia and Iran that the Assad government will remain in power until next year’s election. Consequently, an 18 month old US-led Plan B has been dusted off by the Obama administration according... Read article

Google’s Deep CIA And NSA Connections

June 19, 2013

The Western media is currently full of articles reporting Google’s denial that it cooperated in a government program to massively spy on American and foreign citizens by accessing data from Googles servers and those of other U.S. software companies. The mainstream media has, however,  almost completely failed to report that Google’s denial, and its  surface concern over ‘human rights’, is historically belied by its their deep involvement with some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet: Google... Read article

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

June 19, 2013

While the global elite construct underground bunkers, eat organic and hoard seeds in Arctic vaults; the global poor are being slowly starved thanks to high commodity prices and poisoned with genetically modified (GMO) food. Austerity measures aimed largely at the poor are being imposed on all the nations of the world. Weather events grow more deadly and brushfire wars more frequent. An AK-47 can be obtained for $49 in the markets of West Africa. The depopulation campaign of the inbred Illuminatibankers is accelerating. In... Read article

The Whistleblowers Are The New Generation of American Patriots

June 19, 2013

The violation of civil liberties in the name of security has had a profound impact on those who came of age after 9/11… When Darrell Anderson, 22, joined the US military he knew there was going to be a war, and he wanted to fight it. “I thought I was going to free Iraqi people,” he told me. “I thought I was going to do a good thing.” Until, that is, he realised precisely what he had to do. While on patrol in Baghdad, he thought: “What are we doing here? Are we looking for weapons of mass... Read article

US Proxy War In Syria

June 19, 2013

Obama Is Making Us De Facto Allies Of Al-Qaida… Barack Obama has just taken his first baby steps into a war in Syria that may define and destroy his presidency. Thursday, while he was ringing in Gay Pride Month with LGBT revelers, a staffer, Ben Rhodes, informed the White House press that U.S. weapons will be going to the Syrian rebels. For two years Obama has stayed out of this sectarian-civil war that has consumed 90,000 lives. Why is he going in now? The White House claims it now has proof Bashar Assad used sarin... Read article

The Bright Side of Amnesty

June 19, 2013

Saying there’s a bright side to amnesty may seem much like talk of the advantages of malignant cancer. But this won’t be a pie-in-the-sky article about the “economic benefits” of new workers, expanding the tax base or the wonders of “diversity.” There is no Ayotte-Rubio flip-flop here; in fact, for those who don’t know me, I’ve long called for a halt to even legal immigration. And understanding why is necessary to put amnesty’s “bright side” in perspective. It is an inconvenient and ignored truth that... Read article

Goldman Sachs – First Learn, Then Earn And Serve

June 19, 2013

What makes Goldman Sachs alumni at the center of international finance? Is it pure talent and business acumen, or is there more to the equation, then grooming the best and the brightest? The answer lies in the indisputable perquisite that places Goldman Sachs Above the Law. How did this banking concern become the most powerful political influence in government policies? Well, central banking certainly is at the core of their economic clout. The ‘TC’ essay Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assetsgoes into methods... Read article

Banks Cooking Up Another Financial Crisis

June 18, 2013

Wall Street is cooking up another crisis—making shoddy loans and selling worthless securities to investors hungry for higher yields than CDs and government bonds offer. Dodd-Frank banking reforms imposed very costly regulations on mortgage and commercial lending. Regional banks, which have solid knowledge of smaller businesses, could not bear these costs and sold out to large Wall Street institutions. Now a handful of money center banks control more than half the deposits and lendable money. Although big banks have... Read article

Washington Is Insane

June 18, 2013

In the 21st century the two hundred year-old propaganda that the American people control their government has been completely shattered. Both the Bush and Obama regimes have made it unmistakenly clear that the American people don’t even influence, much less control, the government. As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind. Polls demonstrate that 65% of the US population opposes US intervention in Syria. Despite this clear indication of the people’s will, the Obama regime is ramping... Read article

The Politics of The Human Heart

June 17, 2013

When I was in grade school, the alarms would begin and, whether we were in instruction or at lunch or recess, we knew what those sirens meant. We would put down whatever was in our hands—pencils, forks, a softball—and file into the auditorium. There we would put our heads between our knees, cover our little necks with our forearms and wait for either doomsday or the all clear. Some little girls would always begin to sob. We never knew whether it was a drill or not until the all clear sounded. Unlike so many of my... Read article

Turkey: The AKP Regime Is Not In Trouble, But Erdogan Is

June 17, 2013

Hundreds of Turkish police officers backed by armored cars moved in on Istanbul’s Taksim Square early Tuesday morning and reclaimed the site after pulling out on June 1. By midday bulldozers had removed barricades of paving stones and corrugated iron. The crackdown surprised protesters, hundreds of whom had been sleeping in a makeshift camp in the adjoining Gezi Park. Some threw stones and incendiary devices in response, but the authorities are now in control of the focal point of Turkey’s most widespread anti-government... Read article

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