
Time For Western States To Evict Feds

April 26, 2014

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, “It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday. “More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened for the first time to talk about their joint goal: wresting control of oil-,timber-and mineral-rich lands away from the feds. “‘It’s simply time,’ said Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West Jordan, who organized the Legislative Summit on the Transfer for... Read article

American Democracy Now An Oligarchy

April 26, 2014

History has been made.  But few Americans are aware of it or angry about it.  I say: Wake up Americans.  A war has been waged against US democracy, from the inside.  Time to pick a side and fight back. If you are not totally brain dead, distracted by pain or pleasure, or consumed by narcissistic obsessions, face the ugly, painful truth. Republicans with political power in Congress and the states and, even more appallingly, on the Supreme Court have succeeded in turning their beloved republic into a-money-buys-power... Read article

University Wants Fewer Whites – Fears “Mediocrity”

April 26, 2014

If you thought the “educator” who saw “racist” intent behind offering someone a peanut-butter sandwich was a loon, consider Western Washington University (WWU) president Bruce Shepard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve his institution’s academic integrity, he recently circulated a school-wide questionnaire and asked, “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?’” Apparently, Shepard has been gnashing his teeth over this problem for quite a while. As Kaitlyn Schallhorn... Read article

High-Frequency Insider Trading

April 26, 2014

No one has ever claimed that the financial markets are a level playing field. Equities, bonds, currencies, options and futures are not arenas that operate by equivalent standards for all parties. Great fortunes were built not by chance, but on superior information, known to the few. Professional traders are not risk gamblers, but operate on the premise of special advantage. Through advance and proprietary techniques that reduce exposure hazards and provide exclusive head start triggers, which virtually guarantee profits,... Read article

Genetically Modified Organisms: Unleashing 21st Century Frankenstein On The Natural World

April 26, 2014

Part 1: Changing the DNA structure of the Mother Nature… In the 20st century, the human mob re-arranged rivers, deserts, rainforests and the oceans to suit its voracious appetite for dominance over the Natural World. Stemming from that 100-year epic onslaught, we humans created communities around the globe featuring 10 million, 20 million to 36 million people piled up in mega-cities around the world. We contaminated rivers with our poisons, the air with our fossil fuel exhaust and clear cut rainforests by the millions... Read article

A Symphony In The Brain

April 26, 2014

How does your brain work? Understanding came only over time and through multiple disciplines. Inquiries included a yogi sealed in an air tight box with air enough for 90 minutes. After 8 hours the ancient yogi asked to be released, providing a flash of insight on how much we do not know. Sometimes a story based in science reads like a novel. This was the case with Jim Robbin’s “A Symphony in the Brain,” published in 2000. Symphony tells the saga of Neurofeedback’s origins and growing success against a medical... Read article

World Vision – Christian Organization?

April 26, 2014

Part 1 The dust has settled a bit since Christian humanitarian aid organization World Vision’s March 24 announcement that it would hire gay couples who are legally married in the state in which they reside.  Since “World Vision-gate” remains a hot topic, it’s time for some introspection; likewise to do some digging to find out if WV truly is a Christian organization, as it claims. When WV announced its decision to hire gay people, not surprisingly Bible believing Christians found the decision unsettling.  Clearly... Read article

Western Secularism vs. Russian Christian Revival

April 8, 2014

When defending Western Civilization, some confuse that secular humanism, practiced as the current dominate popular culture, represents that lineage. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The decadence and decline in the West is undeniable. Yet the heritage upon which European civilization is based, owes a profound debt of gratitude to the societies that developed out of the brute force of empire and adopted principles of natural law and individual dignity. A direct correlation to the gospel of Christ becomes the centerpiece... Read article

Indoctrinating A New Generation

April 8, 2014

Is there anyone out there who still believes that Barack Obama, when he’s speaking about American foreign policy, is capable of being anything like an honest man? In a March 26 talk in Belgium to “European youth”, the president fed his audience one falsehood, half-truth, blatant omission, or hypocrisy after another. If George W. Bush had made some of these statements, Obama supporters would not hesitate to shake their head, roll their eyes, or smirk. Here’s a sample: – “In defending its actions, Russian leaders... Read article

Watchdogs And Watchmen

April 8, 2014

The freedom of the press and the freedom of religion are two of the most important elements of a free society. These were so important to America’s Founding Fathers that they were protected in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A free and independent press serves as watchdogs for liberty, while a free and independent church serves as watchmen for liberty. Sadly, both watchdog and watchman are, for the most part, missing in today’s America. Just about everyone knows that the vast majority of the national... Read article

Saving Civilization Means Killing Equality

April 5, 2014

If a famine befell us and you couldn’t save everyone, would you withhold the food you had and let every citizen starve rather than endure the inequality of just saving some? If recent history is any guide, certain leftists just might say yes. A good example of this phenomenon involved a multiple sclerosis patient in Gothenburg, Sweden, who was denied a more effective and expensive medication — even though he was willing to pay for it — because, wrote columnist Walter Williams in 2009, “bureaucrats said it would... Read article

America & Israel: “War Is Our Most Important Product”

April 5, 2014

I just finished reading an article about how guns and munitions have become Israel’s most important export — and immediately I started thinking, “Hey, that is America’s most important export too!”   America and Israel now have so much in common.  No wonder AIPAC is so popular here and Israelis love Americans so much.  They are practically twins. And how many other countries in the world today can make this claim:  “War is our most important product!”  I can’t think... Read article

Are You Ready For Change

April 5, 2014

It Must Start With You… Wisconsin Representative Jim Sensenbrenner is chairman of a committee that is attempting to reform our federal legal codes.  They state the problem this way:  “The United States Code currently contains some 4,500 federal crimes.  Recent studies estimate that approximately 60 new federal crimes are enacted each year, and over the past three decades, Congress has averaged 500 new crimes per decade.  In addition to the statutory criminal offenses, there are thousands of federal regulations... Read article

Secession Movements Intensify

April 5, 2014

All the attention over the epoch vote by Crimean’s to leave the Ukraine makes for a timely review of other separatist factions that are seeking a similar resolution. The List of active separatist movements in Europe is exhaustive. The immediate impression is that a pervasive discontent, shared by legions of subjects, who want independence and self-determination, will be hard to derail. When European autocratic and aristocrats ruled, the only option was revolution. Today the descendants of the old regimes still wheeled... Read article

Forks In The Road, Stop Signs, Cul de Sacs and Dead Ends on the Highway of Life

April 5, 2014

While taking a hike down a country road near dusk in my teens, an old farmer, plodding along with his walking stick, abruptly stopped me. His wrinkled-weathered skin did not diminish the energy in his clear blue eyes. Silver locks flowed from his wide-brimmed hat while his peppered beard gave him a majestic air of wisdom. (As the sun sets, fireflies create magic in the air. Sleeping outside in a teepee makes you one with the universe. The energy of stars transforms your spirit. You look to the heavens and see peace.) “Where... Read article
