The Missing Link
November 19, 2007
Why Christians Don’t Know What To Do
There is a link missing in the chain of edification coming from most of the pulpits in the United States. It is the casuistry link. Casuistry is defined as, “The application of general principles of ethics to specific problems of right and wrong in conduct, in order to solve or clarify them.”
Most United States pulpits are occupied by humanistic preachers who spend their time culling God’s promises from His Word and relaying them to their followers. They preach a truncated Gospel vague on personal behavior with promises of benefits without obligations. Having accumulated great wealth, they are ardent proponents of the Biblical maxim that giving will result in a multiplied receipt. The congressional Gestapo has now taken notice of the opulence of several and in the form of Senator Charles Grassley is launching an investigation. Read about it here.
Reformed Christian pastors are often expository preachers who are able to properly link God’s demand for obedience before blessing. However, few relate the Biblical narrative to specific behavior or to the ubiquitous sin in our current society. Laymen are given large portions of Biblical doctrine that is never translated into specific behavior.
R. J. Rushdoony was an exception.
In 1965, Reverend Rushdoony wrote an essay about the United Nations (UN). He began his essay with this sentence, “Any discussion of the United Nations is inevitably a religious discussion, for the principles which that organization embodies are not merely political and economic but inescapably religious“. Read the entire essay here.
Few Christians think of the UN as a religious organization. As a society we have been conditioned to think of religion as something that happens inside the walls of churches. The doctrine of separation of church and state has severed the government and all of its extensive tentacles from religion and pronounced it all secular. Christians have accepted this concept and prominent Christians like Cal Thomas have supported it publicly.
The truth is that all of life is religious. Every human being is born in the image of God into a world that God created. We are all born tiny, helpless, and demanding. The desire to be like God comes with an irritating, loud, persistent wailing that immediately follows our first breath. This innate sinful disposition must slowly be curbed by the imposition of Godly legal standards and practices until the image of God is controlled by His Laws and His ways and the individual life becomes a free instrument of righteousness.
Reverend Rushdoony points the intention of the UN to view the world as a unity rather than a diversity and to redeem the world with international law. He writes: “Inescapably, the hostility between the U.N., with its doctrine of the salvation of man and society by law, and orthodox Christianity is no less intense and bitter now than when the Sanhedrin felt that the future of the people and of their Temple required the death of Jesus” (John 11:49-52).
The UN is religious and the quest for world government that underlies it is also religious. In spite of overwhelming historical evidence that the works of unregenerate men are evil, the perennial secular effort to do what only God can accomplish is well underway. The United Nations seeks to bring salvation by government through legal standards of human origin. Christians know that there is only one source of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ and only one road to righteousness through His Laws. Human endeavors always end in anarchy, totalitarianism, darkness, and death.
John Foster Dulles was a Rockefeller protégé and a significant power in the formation of the UN. He was the son of a Presbyterian minister and lived under that mantle until his death. He was a friend to Alger Hiss, he headed the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, helped draft the UN Charter, was a founder of the CFR, a U. S. Senator, and Secretary of State.
Rushdoony quotes Dulles extensively. Dulles maintains that world law must be coded through consensus. He writes: “Our greatest need is to regain confidence in our spiritual heritage. Religious belief in the moral nature and possibilities of man is, and must be, relevant to every kind of society, throughout the ages past and those to come. It is relevant to the complex conditions of modern society. We need to see that, if we are to combat successfully the methods and practices of a materialistic belief.” Though his statement sounds properly religious what Dulles is recommending is on universal religion constructed through Hegel’s Dialectic; a religion that would enjoy wide acceptance and could be supported by world government.
United States Christians occupy themselves in fighting abortion, sodomy, homosexual marriage, Mexican immigration, multi-culturalism and other societal ills that are rolling over us but most fail to discern that all of this is planned as a prelude to a total humanistic moral neutrality which is a tenet of the United Nations and a goal of the secular cabal that supports world government.
The basis for this theory of total acceptance is that religions are inherently militant and should be stamped out in favor of a universal openness bereft of moral restraint and proscribed only by the whims of the powerful. This is totalitarianism at its worst and an arch enemy of Christianity.
Another United Nations goal is world disarmament. Behind this goal is the idea that weapons cause violent actions and their removal will bring peace.
All of these theories ignore the sinful nature of men and the need for regeneration through Christ. They are being implemented on the false assumption that overlaying the nations of the world with international laws will bring peace and order.
The idea that government should be conducted outside of God’s dominion is popular and widely held in United States. With the absence of clear moral standards the oath of office is a quickly forgotten ritual that regularly allows legislation that violates the restraints the document was designed to impose.
In a Democratic Republic the people are responsible to use their vote to remove elected officials who disobey the Constitution. When they fail to use that power they risk losing control of the government as they have done here in the United States.
Dr. Richard Land who is President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He has authored an essay that discusses a method of determining how to vote or not to vote. Read the essay here.
Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily says Land thinks Christians should be willing “to overlook the evil within candidates and actually have a moral obligation to make utilitarian compromises and vote only for those who are electable.” Read the entire Farah essay here.
I have written extensively in previous essays about the evil of casting a pragmatic vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils in order to support an electable candidate is diametrically opposed to the obedience God requires. Christians are to vote for the most righteous candidate or for none at all. We are to be obedient and leave the results to God. If all Christians had followed that rule our nation would not be in the condition it is in today.
Pragmatism, however, is not the only problem. The ugly head of Zionism is evident throughout Christendom. Joe Farah, Richard Land, Rudolph Giuliani, and Mitt Romney have one thing in common; they are all Zionists and Zionism with its unreasonable fear of Islam is a stumbling block to righteous voting. Farah does an exemplary job of denouncing the utilitarianism of Land but a dismal job of lending support to the ONLY candidate that might bring righteous change to the United States. Farah will not support Ron Paul because of his fear of “Islamo-fascism”. Read that essay here.
It is unfortunate that men like Farah do not understand that if the secular cabal succeeds in bringing the Middle East into its arena, Christianity will be just as illegal as Islam. Islamic nations enforce some of the same laws Christians should be living under. They require men to occupy positions of leadership, they enforce laws against homosexuality, and are far more serious about pleasing their God than Christians in the United States. Yes, Islam is a competing religion, so is Judaism, but Farah fails to mention the aggressive nature of Israel or the past aggression of Christians. Under a very shaky stance against Islamo-fascism (An exact definition of the word is not available.) he dismisses the only 2008 presidential candidate that might begin to turn this nation around. A very stupid position.
Farah is far from alone. There are hundreds of thousands of Evangelical Christians in the United States that will cast a vote for Giuliani, Romney, Huckabee or another of the Republican wannabes with a vague notion that all of these men will continue to give away our sovereignty but tragically believing that support for the Illegitimate nation of Israel is more important.
Zionism is a theological bastard birthed from an adulterous union between Judaism and Christianity. It has been devastating to the best interests of the United States and the source of chaos and death for both Jews and Arabs.
Pat Robertson has already committed to Giuliani and Bob Jones to Romney. The cultish error created by Zionism brings to mind another Jones named Jim and the death wish that often accompanies dangerous theological error.
Ron Paul is not perfect but he is the most righteous candidate in the pusillanimous stables of the Republicans and Democrats.
All of this has religious significance but, tragically, few pulpits will even breach the subject.
Preaching without casuistry may edify the mind but it fails to influence behavior and behavior is an overwhelming problem for Christians in the United States.
One can learn to love God’s Laws, memorize them, and teach them to the family but if the connection between these Laws and the conduct of the social order is not clearly understood, individual voters become subject to the manipulations of tyrants and are unable to cast a righteous ballot. It is the duty of God’s pulpits to become clarion sources of the exact definitions of both righteous actions and evil ones.
“Men give gifts to harlots, but you give your gifts to all your lovers to bribe them to come to you from every direction for your harlotries. Thus you are different from those women in your harlotries, in that no one plays the harlot as you do, because you give money and no money is given you; thus you are different.” Ezekiel 16:33-34
Al Cronkrite is a guest columnist for
Al Cronkrite is a writer living in Florida, reach him at:
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