Strauss-Kahn + Connexions + CIA
July 2, 2011
The Saga of the EX IMF Chief, who has now been granted bail and is now under 24hr surviellance seems to have an interesting twist.
We Know, that “Strauss-Kahn is a member of elite groups who meet behind closed doors.
He belongs to the Bildebergers.
BUT, at the same time he is the fall guy.
His “mistake” was to threaten the Washington-Wall Street Faction and push for reforms within the IMF, Which then threatened America’s STATUS QUO within the IMF.
Quoted from Here
“Last week, the International Monetary Fund urged the United States to “urgently” address its problems, saying the country stands out as the only large advanced economy with a fiscal deficit that will increase in 2011 from 2010, despite the ongoing economic recovery.”(end snip)
“In recent years, a major shift has occurred in Europe’s political landscape. Pro-American governments have been elected in both France and Germany. Social Democracy has been weakened.
Franco-American relations have been redefined, with Washington playing a significant role in grooming a new generation of European politicians.” (From Here)
There are two main factors with the “SET UP” of DSK.
The first is obviously about the regime change at the IMF, the second to DSK being a candidate and possible winner in France’s presidential elections.
We see that Strauss Kahn was a strong contender in the French Elections against Nicolas Sarkozy.
France in many regards, has become a de facto US “client state regime”, broadly supportive of US interests in the EU and US foreign policy.
The response to Lybia is a clasic example.
We know that just before and during this time he has been incarcerated, Greece has been in negotiaition for new terms of their “bailout” and also considered “DUMPING” the Euro. See Here:
Which would have HUGE ramifications.
And we saw how U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, pimped for the replacement of DSK “suggesting he can no longer perform his duties” as IMF Managing director.
But they were apparently “Good Mates”? Fickle? or just self serving?
But what we didn’t know, according to Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research is that:
“Strauss-Kahn was refused bail by Judge Melissa Jackson, an appointee and protégé of Michael Bloomberg, who in addition to his role as Mayor is a powerful figure on Wall Street.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. charged (using scanty evidence) Strauss-Kahn “with seven crimes, including attempted rape, sexual abuse, forcible touching and unlawful imprisonment”.
Who is Cyrus Vance Jr.?
He is the son of the late Cyrus Vance who served as Secretary of State in the Carter administration.
But there is more than meets the eye.
Nicolas Sarkozy’s step father Frank G. Wisner II, a prominent CIA official who married his step mother Christine de Ganay in 1977 served as Deputy Executive Secretary of State under the helm of Cyrus Vance Senior, father of District Attorney Cyrus Vance Junior.
Is it relevant?
The Vance and Wisner families had close personal ties.
In turn Nicolas Sarkozy had close family ties with his step father Frank Wisner (and his half brothers and sisters in the US and one member of the Wisner family was involved in Sarkozy’s election campaign).
It is also worth noting that Frank G. Wisner II was the son of one of America’s most notorious spies, the late Frank Gardiner Wisner (1909- 1965), the mastermind behind the CIA sponsored coup which toppled the government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953.
Wisner Jr. is also trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Trust.
While these various personal ties do not prove that Strauss-Kahn was the object of a set-up, the matter of Sarkozy’s ties to the CIA via his step father, not to mention the ties of Frank G. Wisner II to the Cyrus Vance family are certainly worth investigating.
Frank G, Wisner also played a key role as Obama’s special intelligence envoy to Egypt at the height of the January 2011 protest movement.
Did the CIA play a role?
Was Strauss-Kahn framed by people in his immediate political entourage including President Obama and Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner? (end snips)
So, Perhaps this is a Rothschild Vs Rockefeller scenario? Two oppossing Big Money factions?
We also see that Asia and developing Nations want to be “involved” in the IMF Management process.
Vying over the “restructuring” of one of it’s “Fronts”.
A big and very important front, but NOW we understand that the IMF is just a TOOL.
“The IMF is not the main architect of these devastating economic reforms which have served to impoverish millions of people, while creating a “favorable environment” for foreign investors in Third World low wage economies.
The creditor banks call the shots. The IMF is a bureaucratic entity. Its role is to implement and enforce those economic policies on behalf of dominant economic interests.”
Like any criminal enterprise, and “gang”, which is what the IMF bascically is and what these people belong to, sometimes it’s better if there is a scapegoat to take the “FALL”, so to speak, then the restructure can take place behind the veneer of respectability..
Or maybe something more sinister..Time and certain outcomes will tell.
and so will those left “standing”.
The restructuring not only of the IMF, But how it operates and that of the whole World Financial and Monetary System.
Source: Thirteenth Monkey
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